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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. We have just started True Blood from the beginning. It's one of those shows that passed us by while it was still running, so we are binge watching it now. Honestly don't know how I feel about it at the minute.We're 10 episodes in andI like the political views it lampoons and there is a few decent characters, but I'm still undecided on if I will watch the entire run, or throw in the towel. 

  2. If anyone sees those fashion doll style WWE toys that they make of the women(preferably the ones with "real" hair) being sold cheap anywhere, can you bob a post in here please? My 6 year old daughter was bitten by the wrestling bug after watching this years Rumble, and she's wanting all the dolls now...

  3. 26 minutes ago, Liam O'Rourke said:

    Also, as mentioned on Observer Radio today, Taker has removed WWE references off his social media and is now taking independent bookings.

    I though this might be a wind up, but after checking his Twitter it seems it's true. Fuck me, he's the last guy I ever expected to cut ties with the WWE.


  4. Are they slowly turning Rousey heel? It did seem that way with the mini-promo after the Liv Tyler squash, unless it was unscripted and emotion got the better of her.

    Also, the amount of time she has to pull her shorts out of her Jack n Annie is really distracting...

  5. I don't like this obsession they have with shortening names anyway, but on this occasion it just seems a bit daft and short sighted. The team is called Heavy Machinery, and you have one member with a surname that includes the word "Doza". Why not call him Doza or Dozer to tie in with the plant machinery name?

  6. On 10/21/2018 at 11:52 AM, johnnyboy said:

    The DS9 documentary is glorious.  They specifically asked for no posted spoilers, but there are some snippets on their Twitter by the documentary team if you want to look yourself.  They're still trying to fundraise to get as much footage in HD as they can before it's out out, so this could well be the best (only 😢 ) chance to see DS9 in HD.

    The bits that had been done looked boxfresh, but then the VHS quality clips probably jarred a bit more having seen just Sisko's glorious bonce in HD.

    Any idea when the DS9 doc is released?

  7. Wonder is Netflix or someone will ever do a documentary covering some of the many indie wrestling shitshows that have occured over the years in the same way as the Fyre doc? Or maybe we can sell them the story of that feller who's Mrs told his she was allowed into the ring to do some "moves" at a random show(The thread is still in GOLD, and is a brilliant read!)....


  8. Well, the logic behind the New Day was that it was a new gimmick for them, and they started out with vignettes of gospal singers and one of the famous statements gospel preachers were known for in the states was declaring that "tommow will be, a new day!

    With The Bar, I'd have thought it would be obvious. They see themselves as the worlds premiere tag team, and a very well known saying is"he/she has set the bar high". So by calling themselves the Bar, they are plcing themselves as the ones to beat!

    American Alpha, well, that just sounds like a cool, fitting name for two American Alpha males. D.I.Y. though, I have never seen them so no idea.

    I was asking a genuine question though about the Lucha lads. I wan't to understand where the name came from si I can keep up with the product.


  9. 8 minutes ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

    Sell this story to the Daily Mail

    Wait for Piers Morgan to pick up on it



    It tasted really good though. Well, before I started feeling like a melting Gremlin...

  10. I had a Greggs' VeganRoll yesterday, and started to feel really ill almost immediatly after. Ended up having to go to A&E asmy throught was closing up and I was finding it diffucult to breath, which was in adition ti my stomach feeling like it was going to rip itself out of me.

    Turns out it is vert likelly I as allergic to Mycoprotein, whic is dissapointing. It's the first thing I've found I am allergic to ever, and it turns out to be what I've told is one of the more enjoyable meat substitues. Bugger!

  11. Seeing the Demolition lads in that photo has made me chuckle, as I will never forget the amount(lack) of effort Ax puts into his face paint on that shoot interview thing they did. It was the one where they made a big deal of filming them painting up, but while Smash works on a reletivly intricate design(same as in the photo), Ax simply draws two triangles on his face and chalks fuck on it. It really amused me!

  12. Just now, David said:

    Not vegan-related, but switching to sugar-free Coke or Pepsi won't make any difference. Try switching to water instead.

    I drink at least 4 pints of water a day, always have. It's just I like a can of Coke/Pepsi a day too, so thought I'd give the sugar free stuff a bash and it was nowhere near as rank as it used to be.


  13. Think I'm going to try and try a Vegan roll at the weekend. In the past, I have always been able to tell the difference between low fat/sugar free/meat free alternatives a mile away, but either my palate has died a sorry death or the advances in manufacturers ability to replicate the real thing has got tonnes better. I have now switched to sugar free Coke/Pepsi and low fat alternatives in loads of everyday foods. Who knows, maybe I will love some of the Vegan options too and cut down my meat consumption?

  14. I agree with David on this matter. I have tons of mates who are tradesman, and they ae more likelly to try and impress a woman than ridicule them. And he's generally right about singling out blokes who look "different", whever that be geeky looking or "alternative" looking. They will use the opertunity to try and make their mates laugh.

  15. I can see the argument from both sides to be honest. If the photos are not taken in the first place, they can't be stolen. But at the same time, why shoud anyone have to stop doing something they find enjoyable and exciting just because someone might want to be a dickhead and leak said photos onto the internet. It's a shit situation.

    My brother in law is a footballer. I know for a fact he takes photos of his Mrs as I saw them while showing him how to update his new phone. He's not high profile in the grand scheme of things(Chapionship level), but is probaly known by many more people than know the ass were talking about here, and I tell him all the time to make sure things like the photos are secure, and not to share with anyone. Trouble is, it feels like he thinks he is untouchable and the advice is going in one ear and out the other.

    And I think that is a huge part of the issue with people in the public eye. They are hero worshipped by people so much, they feel like they are untouchable, and it's just not true.

  16. 6 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Bros: When The Screaming Stops

    Undoubtedly the TV highlight of the festive period, and an instant quotable classic (conkers, the bath, Genesis of worlds)

    Luke seems like a fairly decent lad whilst Matt is the Brent like egotist who comes out with the gold. 

    The only memory I have of Bros is being sat in a car with my dad outside Wembley whilst my Mum and sisters attended their concert, only to come home to find our we’d been burgled and the only thing they’d knicked was the hi fi and my Mums underwear drawer.

    This doc has gone a long way to repair that damaged memory. ******

    It was a fantastic watch. I remember Bros being big, but it really does bring back how huge they were. Also, I always thought they were tallentless and only got signed because of how they looked, but there was some talent there.

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