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Cod Eye

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Posts posted by Cod Eye

  1. Well, one thing is for certain. Football "rivalries" are one thing, but when that rivalry is determined by religion, race, colour or any other bullshit it's wank! We're all football fans, we should all just be united by the love of the game. Except for fans of the Sheffield Clubs or Leeds. Fans of the Sheffield clubs and Leeds can fuck off...

  2. 8 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

    Russia, Italy and France are the only anthems that should be permitted because they're ace. The rest are awful.

    Yeah, I quite like La Marseillaise too. I would probably stretch to actually singing England's if we changed to "Jerusalem" instead of asking a bloke in the sky to make sure a random pensioner is ok...

  3. All national anthems are wank, and should be fucked off before sporting events all together. Except Russia's that is, that should be played before every match(complete with 50ft high painting of Ivan Drago)...

    Bugger, this should have been in the other football thread(following on from the talk of the Scotish anthem etc...), but come to think of it, stopping the anthems will stop the pathetic booing and crap before the match even kicks off!

  4. 4 hours ago, David said:

    Remember that "Racism is engrained in certain nationalities nature." 

    Such as England. 

    I admit, I had a bit of a 'mare there. I think what I was trying to say is that, while it was prevelant and deeply rooted in our society, it's very much being diluted as each passing generation dies out. I remember as recently as the early to mid 90's Ian Wright getting dogs abuse by the Barnsley fans during a League Cup game at Oakwell, and all the adults laughing about it in the pub after. But very recently, a mini-brawl started in the home end because some of the older fans sand a racist song. That tells me that over here, the biggotry is becoming less and less acceptable.

    But can you say that about Bulgaria(for example) where even their high ranking FA officials are denying and excusing the actions of what appeared to be a group of young men?


  5. 16 minutes ago, Max Power said:

    Cod Eye has covered it mainly - although I was probably a little more dissapointed to see him leave by the looks of what's written above.

    He's a hard worker, very mobile, great in the air but maybe struggles technically (first touch, finishing etc). 

    I can't fault him and I'm pleased to see him do well. It'll be interesting to see how he progresses with good players around him - because we were a shambles last time we played in the Championship (And now I mention it this time too) and I don't think Wigan are very good either.

    In conclusion, he'll give everything, his hold up play is good, he's good in the air, but he'll miss his fair share of easy chances. Which is why he's playing at the level he is.

    It wasn't that I wanted to see him go, but I thought that out of the players hat were being linked with moves(him, Pinnock, Lindsay and Davies) he was the one that I thought could have been replaced the easiest. Obviously it's looking like I were wrong...

  6. 5 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Yeah, a lot of hypocrisy from the media who love to whip up xenophobia, Chelsea fans and the Andrei Kanchelskis brigade in general and whoever at the FA only fined Millwall 10k for racist chanting from their fans last season.

    It was disgusting. Sadly very predictable too. I blame UEFA for their decades of inaction. Banners, T-Shirts and the occassional stadium closure aren't going to have any effect on these countries where racism is as organised as hooliganism. They should stop them entering UEFA competitions full stop.

    We need to get our own house in order. Although it's difficult to be moral when the entire country is one big festering hole.

    It's a start, and may cut down the incidents that happen at the grounds, but I don't think it would even touch the surface of the racism problem. Racism is engrained in certain nationalities nature, and all kicking their national teams out will do is paint over the cracks and take it out of the public eye. Ian Wright had the right idea last night when he said the only way to eradicate it, is though education.

    There is a very good documentary series started on one of the documentary channels called "Why We Hate" that delves deep into the reasons people feel the need to hate other races/countries etc. At the end of the first episode, it focusses on the lass who left the Westboro Baptist Church and how it took a Jewish journalist to actually "teach" her that the biggotted views she had drilled into her from birth were false to see the light and leave. The race problem needs the same approach, in my humble opinion of course.

  7. He's a strange one, is Moore. In League one(for both us and Rotherham before) he was unplayable. He looked deceptivly quick and very Peter Crouch like in the fact he was better with the ball at his feet than you would think. But in the Championship, he really flattered to deceive and only scored a handful of goals(admittedly in a very poor side) and missed one of the easiest chances I've ever seen one of our players get. He got a bad head injury that kept him out of about half of last season though, and I've heard from someone inside the club that they were not sure if he had mentally fully recoverd from it. Not sure what Wigan paid for him as all our transfer deals are "undisclosed", but I wan't too dissapointed to see him leave at the time. I am now though due to the clubs failiure to replace him.

    Really glad he's done well for Wales this past week though. He's been in demand from the international sides the last few years. At one point, even China were trying to get him to represent them...

  8. 7 hours ago, ElCece said:

    I found the film interesting, not that it blew me away or anything but it was interesting.

    I agree. It was a good watch and did a decent job of shooting down some of the horror stories and misinforation, but I honestly think the watchers current beliefs will massvly infuence how it is viewed rather than being a tool to try and make people "see the light".

    I'm beggining to see wrestling the same way people see religion. What's the old saying, "If you beleive, then no evidence is needed. If you don't, then no eviidence will be enough".


  9. Right,  this was the first Smackdown I've watched in yonks, and I quite enjoyed it on the whole. Couple of random questions though. What is the story behing Chad Gable changing his name to "Shorty"? I get that he is a short arse, but is there a back story to why he was given/took a moniker that makes him look an ever bigger nobody than he did before?

    Also, what was with the Robo-NFL thing in the Fox "boardroom"?

  10. Has anyone got the Ghostbusters Remastered game for PS4/XBone? Just wondered how it plays and if it still holds up? I loved it on the 360 back in the day, but there wasn't much of a replay value for me(the linear style doesn't lend itself to multiple play throughs, in my opinion).

  11. Rebekah Vardy's eldest daughter(who she had with the Rotherham Utd player Luke Foster) went to junior school(Gawber Primary) with my middle daughter, andwas in her class and were good friends all the way through to probably year 5(ish). Everyone used to say how up her own arse Rebekah was, and how you could see that she felt she was above us all. Then, one day my daughter came home telling us how her mate(can't remember her name now) had been taken out of school as her mother is a total gold digger and had found herself an "upgrade" on Luke Foster. That upgarde being Jamie Vardy!

    She was alwas a rat though. My other half's brother is a pro footballer and played for Wednesday for a fair few years. As is usually the case, the players all knew each other to varying extents, and at one point a group night out was arranged around Sheffield. Vardy and his Mrs was there, along with another 9 or 10 couples who all had connections to the city(played for either Sheffield club or was from there). After about an hour(and a load of cheap champagne) she decided the other "WAG's" were good enough to talk to, but by the end of the night, they never even wanted to hear her name again, never mind socialise. Apparently, she was absolutly plastered, spilt a bright red cocktail down one of the other lass' dress, tried fighting a cross dresser becuase she thought she looked at her funny, she had called a newspaper up to come and photograph her coming out of a nightclub(or wherever they ended up) and demanded they all called her either "Queen WAG" or "Top WAG".


  12. Got myself the "Game of the Year" version of Spiderman on PS4 last week. Fucking love it! I have sunk more hours into it in such a short space of time than I think I have for any other console game since the PS4 came out, I recon. I'm about 81% complete according the in game stats, and have also taken all the landmark photos and got all the back packs etc. Going to give it a big final push tommorow to try and finish the story and mabe 100% it(need to find 3 more hidden landmarks and grad a load of newspapers and I shouldn't be far off).

  13. 1 minute ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    Slowly getting rid of all of my stuff that isn’t wrestling.

    Although I’m keeping hold of my MASK, Visionaries, GI Joe Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat and early 90’s Kenner Aliens figures.

    A bloke I know is opening up a toy museum in town, so will donate a few to him.

    The 90's Kenner Alien stuff is a line I'd love to get my hands on! I've got a '79 Kenner Alien, but criminally, that's the only "Alien" collectable I have!

    I'm off to my mam's next weekend to have a search through her loft to see if I can find all my Beetlejuce, Biekr Mice from MArs and Buck O'Hare things. I had shit loads of the Beetlejuce ones, and also had the grave playset that went with it(I used to use it for "casket" matches with my Hasbros. God knows what else I will find up there. Also hoping to find my "Manta Force" spaceship thing...

  14. 19 minutes ago, BigJag said:

    Distinct lack of Transformers in this thread. I've noticed in the collecting realm of that fandom there are a number of companies producing very high quality "nock offs" of characters from that franchise. These 3rd party companies seem to get around licensing issues by changing the names of the characters. Some of the figures produced are incredibly well made and the engineering involved in the transformation generally of an equal quality. Are there third party releases in other lines? Are they well regarded?


    The above tweet is a good example. The two larger figures are different representations of the same character, Superion. They cost around £250 each. They are made by two separate companies. The Optimus Prime is an official Hasbro/Takara figure.  Part of the Master Piece range. Which are highly detailed, and quite expensive. At around £400 for that Prime.

    Not sure about this type of knock off in the horror figure collecting world, but something that has exploded in the past 18 months is the amount of Chinese knock offs of NECA/MEZCO releases on ebay and the like. They are sold as genuine products, but are between half to a quarter of of the actual price. I grabbed a Pennywise from the new IT film about a year ago to see what the are like in person(as they use the genuine thing in the photos), and although they are decent, there is a noticable drop in quality of the packagging as well as the actual figure...

  15. 8 minutes ago, Ricc1PW said:

    In fairness, I don't know if anyone is 'throwing teddies out of the pram' or are under the illusion itll make any difference, just expressing disapointment that the deal Cody Rhodes promised was all pretty much hot air.

    I'm not THAT bothered, but it is dissapointing and since its a wrestling forum i'm not entirely surprised to see people talking about it.

    It's not just on here though, some of the posts on the various social media platforms are embarrasing. 

  16. 1 minute ago, deadmaninc said:

    Sorry for being passionate. Plus the ONLY thing you get extra for the ondemand service is stupid backstage footage nothing about PPV to temp fans to sign up the WWE Network is best for money instead of the fite tv deal 

    They never said the PPV's would be included though. From the start, it's been obvious that the PPV's would be just that, "Pay-Per-View". The two "free" shows that the American market got were only free as they were not considered big enough shows to sell. I can imagine the only reason we had to pay, is that no network were willing to carry them for free..

  17. Christ, there are some moaning bastards around. I'm sure everyone that was looking forward to AEW's debut was hoping for a live, uncut showing to wither watch live or record, but ut hasn't worked out. Throwing your teddies out of the pram won't make ITV suddenly change their minds! An edited, Sunday morning show is a good way to keep abreast of things in the promotion, and if you are really hell bent on watching live, £1 a show is a pittance for the enjoyment you would get from it.

    Shit, if folk are moaning about this, I'm ust glad there was no internet back in the late 80's/early 90's, when all we had was a couple of hour long squash shows to keep up with things, and if I remember right, it was a fair old gap between RAW starting in the US and us actually getting it over here. I remember being jelous as hell that the American fans got to see "competative" matches between actual stars on a weekly basis...

  18. 16 hours ago, DJM said:

    Not sure where to post this, but seeing as it is figure related I think that here is as good a place as any.

    I managed to find and buy the below New Day Loot Crate Figure set from Poundland last week.



    After the looks the cashiers gave me I think I might be banned from shopping in that Poundland again.

    I hope Bernado Silva doesn't see that while shopping at the Quidshop...

  19. 1 hour ago, Statto said:

    This is pretty tangential for this thread, but the milk delivery we get at work has recently reverted to glass bottles, which I think is a really good thing.

    Mostly because it's genuinely fucking hilarious to watch any of my colleagues under the age of 25 try to get into them. I've seen people stand picking at the side for 5 minutes, go at it with a knife, one even went and got a pen from his desk and punched a small hole bang in the middle of the foil top after the aforementioned picking failed.

    I've offered to run a development session.

    We had the same with the kids when we switched to using a milkman for a few months(not enough people signed up so his business went titts up, which was a shame). They struggled like mad for a few days before we give in and taught them the big hole at the bottom and little one at the top technique, and even then they tried to do it with a metal kebab skewer. 

    45 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

    I don't remember big label soft drinks like Coke ever coming in glass bottles, with the exception of the small classic contours.  I only remember it being stuff like Corona that'd give you 5p for the return.

    I think you're right about this.  All the shops around us had the big branded stuff in plastic bottles, except Lucozade which was in glass(but you didn't get money back for the bottle). The vast, vast majority of folk I know only bought Ben Shaws pop from the shops, and the local "Pop Man" only delivered Ben Shaws, and like you say, you got 5p a bottle back...

  20. 3 hours ago, Supremo said:

    After a rubbish spat with Sasha Banks, Seth Rollins has deleted his Twitter account.


    Top. Babyface.

    I've not watched any of WWE's current output since 'Mania(ish), barring the Firefly Funhouse vignettes and The Fiend's debut.  Can someone please explain what is going on in that gif(I assume it's Bray Wyatt related with the lighting)?

  21. 13 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

    Shame too because it does actually have a point. Reminds me of old Tommy's rant in Early Doors about organic food being more expensive when originally it was organic before they started adding additives and preservatives. It's like recently Waitrose trialled putting food in big tubs so you could fill your own container. Remember those shops in the 80s where that was all you did. Progress eh?

    We always used the "weigh shops" for things like cereals, washing powder and pet food(even sweets, if I'd been good). Worked out a good bit cheaper that the supermarket pre-packed stuff. 

    That post made above made a good point about bottles too. The only things that used to come in a single use plastic container was washing up liquid, bleach and fabric softener(that I can think of, anyway). All the pop and milk bottles we used were glass and 99% were given back to the shop/milk bloke to reuse. Then the fresh meat and veg was wrapped in paper by the butcher and the fruit/veg was in paper bags and string netting. 

    I know that most of the benefits of the "eco-friendly" packaging that was used back in the days where everything was black & white was probably wiped out by much higher pollution cars and home and factories that used to piss fuck knows what out of their chimneys, but a shift back towards non plastic packaging has to be a step in the right direction, right?

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