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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. That's a pretty selfish sacrifice of a ganger, not in tune with the Doctors feelings as regards gangers. Amy's aside.


    Well the Doctor HAS done selfish things in the past. As you say, he melted one before to save Amy.


    Its just interesting how in the Impossible Astronaut, the Doctor approached the astronaut quiet calmly, almost as if he fully knew, expect it was coming. Maybe its a remote controlled ganger with the real doctor safely tucked away in the Tardis.


    Of course he did. Did you not see the last episode? It was all about him knowing he was going to die the following day!


    Well yes, and your quite right to pull me up on it. I was more referring to the calmness he handled it with, as if it was all part of a plan.



    Ah, got you. You're probably right as well. It'd be interesting to think of it the other way, of him just calmly accepting death - but the fact that this isn't the last ever episode would suggest that's not what happened!

  2. That's a pretty selfish sacrifice of a ganger, not in tune with the Doctors feelings as regards gangers. Amy's aside.


    Well the Doctor HAS done selfish things in the past. As you say, he melted one before to save Amy.


    Its just interesting how in the Impossible Astronaut, the Doctor approached the astronaut quiet calmly, almost as if he fully knew, expect it was coming. Maybe its a remote controlled ganger with the real doctor safely tucked away in the Tardis.



    Of course he did. Did you not see the last episode? It was all about him knowing he was going to die the following day! Or have I misunderstood?

  3. Throwaway episode, light on any meaningful substance, but a fun romp well acted all the same. Seriously, Matt Smith is absolutely incredible, his delivery has a capacity to affect me like no other TV actor at the minute. He's not even primetime BBC good, he's genuinely brilliant. The scene with the baby under the simulated stars was beautiful; 'promise me, you'll have as much fun as I did.'


    Indeed - I really enjoyed the episode, enough hints of a wider story arc to keep that going, but a perfectly fun and fine standalone episode, which I found extremely entertaining. Agreed on Smith as well, he's just so damn good as the Doctor - he can do funny asides and huge pathos almost at the same time.


    And, Doctor save me, I thought James Corden was good as well.

  4. I love the explanation given for Yellow Submarine - it gets a lot of hate, but they're dead right in calling it "the gateway drug that turns little children into Beatle fans". It was definitely that for the young me!


    EDIT: Love the George Martin quote they mention in the write-up for 'I Am The Walrus' when he heard Lennon play it for the first time: "What the hell do you expect me to do with that?"

  5. For anyone who likes George Harrison, Mojo have a feauture article on him this month as well as CD with covers of some of his best songs


    Rolling Stone recently did a cover on him as well, the issue in question should be out here by now or in the near future.


    A preview on it from their website


    And HERE is their list of the 100 Greatest Beatles Songs, with introduction by Elvis Costello. 100!

    Long, Long, Long only number 98? Fuck off!


    Cheers for the link, though, as it's a bit of reading to look forward to later on.


    Back In The USSR number 85? Etc etc. I may not agree with the rankings, but the write-ups are absolutely brilliant. It's a phenomenal read. If anyone else is reading this thread and hasn't clicked the link, CLICK THE LINK.


    The list was originally a special issue of the magazine, so I'm thrilled they've put it on the site - the issue was never released over here.

  6. The missus wanted to watch it, so sat through it again and once you don't have to factor in the bad taste left in the mouth from the wasted opportunity of 'mels', it's actually a very fun episode..


    Disagree on 'Mels', 10 seconds after she was introduced I was praying for her to be killed off. Thank god they got rid of her quickly (in a much more interesting way).


    Overall I wasn't massively keen on the episode, it was fine, but I found it quite bewildering to be honest - there was a hell of a lot going on!

  7. I would think my two most recent celebrity crushes would fit here.


    The lovely Lynne Jackaman of Classic Rock Magazine newcomer nominees Saint Jude:




    (A band who, if you're interested in that sort of thing, have been described as the Rolling Stones fronted by a modern-day Janis Joplin, which is a pretty decent description IMO.

    Good live too.)


    Thanks for this post - it has caused me to discover a great new band!

  8. Help! The way I view the forum has gone all weird. It's currently only showing the first post in a thread, then there's just a big list of all the other posts - I can't actually see more than one at a time. I don't think I did anything to make this change ... is this a new standard view? Either way, how do I change it back to the nice old 10-posts-to-a-page format?

  9. No love for 'Maybe I'm Amazed' in the consideration of Paul's solo stuff?


    Also, I just realised that here is the perfect thread to boast about meeting Abe Laboriel Jr (McCartney's drummer) purely by chance on the Tube last November. I was standing near one of the doors and he just got in and stood right next to me, leading me to think, 'is that Paul McCartney's drummer? It's got to be, that's Paul McCartney's drummer! He's standing right next to me! I've got to say something!'


    For those who don't know Abe Laboriel Jr and are thinking how the fuck I could immediately recognise McCartney's drummer, let me say he's quite a recognisable guy, especially if you've ever watched him drum: Youtube a recent McCartney show for proof.


    Anyway, I ended up asking him if he drummed for Paul McCartney (as you do), and he said, yes, I do. We had a good bit of chat about the Hyde Park gig from last summer, his favourite songs to play ('Maybe I'm Amazed' and 'Helter Skelter'), their upcoming (at that time) South American tour, and so on. Really, really nice guy - I don't think he gets recognised too often! I was with a group of people from work, one of whom, incredibly conveniently, is a photographer, so I got a photo with him as well (will post if requested). He got off the Tube at Green Park, so my hope is that he was meeting Paul for lunch at the Ritz or something.


    Sorry about the stumbling into Anecdote Alley there, but mentioning 'Maybe I'm Amazed' reminded me.

  10. Arbitrary piece of info: had a conversation at work yesterday about hobnail boots*, and ended up with 'Happiness is a Warm Gun' in my head all day because there's a line in it about said boots.



    *(being worn by Civil War re-enactors. Like that makes it more sensible)

  11. Been listening to All Things Must Pass quite a bit lately and it just keeps on getting better. It's often labelled as the best of the Beatles solo work and I keep flitting between this and Plastic Ono Band as my favourite. Run of the Mill, as linked in my first post, is utterly brilliant.


    Whilst I'm here, I might as well post this, which I saw the other day and couldn't help but laugh.



    He should have known better (or insert equally shit gag here).


    Oh and HG - Hamburg has been given the green light by my mates. We're looking to go in November so will hopefully have it booked in the next few weeks. Thanks again for the kick up the arse :thumbsup:


    Nice one! :thumbsup: I was wondering how you'd got on with persuading them. It's nice that Paul and Ringo have still got quite a strong connection with Hamburg - McCartney will tend to play there whenever he's doing a world tour, and the All Starr Band were there the other day (I know this because I have 'liked' Beatlemania Hamburg on Facebook and they just put up photos of the band visiting the museum.)




    New subject - what are people's thoughts on Beatles films - as in films about them, rather than those featuring them or their music? I'm thinking the likes of Backbeat or Nowhere Boy.


    I haven't seen the latter of those two, but I have seen Backbeat. I liked it, I think - Sutcliffe's not someone you hear about all that often (I found out most of my knowledge of him at Beatlemania, in fact) but I did think Lennon came across as a bit of a twattish character. Of course for all I know, that's what he was really like at the time, but even so, it changed the perception of his character I'd had in my head.


    Can't think of any other films off the top of my head, but there's bound to have been some.


    Ah! Yes, just thought of one - Robert Zemeckis' first film, which I think was called I Want To Hold Your Hand or something like that. It's about a group of American teenagers desperate to get into the Ed Sullivan Show audience for The Beatles' appearance. LOVE that film. I'm well aware it's not even slightly approaching a classic, but it's really good, light-hearted fun.

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