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Posts posted by HarmonicGenerator

  1. No worries, just wasn't sure in which direction to go with a reply.


    I've posted this a couple of times on the forum, but I love

    version of Let It Be from the Across the Universe film. The context in which it appears within the film makes it all the better.


    Will possibly think of a few more later although I'm a fussy bastard when it comes to people covering The Beatles.


    I'd probably go for that as well, but I'll give a mention to

    Healey was an amazing guitarist.


    Was reading an interview with McCartney just the other day that asked this very question, I think he went for Ray Charles' version of 'Eleanor Rigby'.

  2. Whatever happened to the motion capture remake of Yellow Submarine they were going on about about 18months ago. Didn't they even press release Peter Serefinowitz as Paul. I know that Robert Zemeckis' studio has pretty much gone under now. Is it totally dead?


    Yep, they pulled the plug and it was abandoned completely. I think at one point they'd actually cast all four of the band, as I'm sure Cary Elwes was going to be in it as well.

  3. It's been an Apu sort of day today:




    Skinner: I finally have time to do what I've always wanted - write the great American novel. Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it 'Billy and the Cloneasaurus'.


    Apu: Oh, you have got to be kidding sir. First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through...


    (fade to later)


    ... it was on the bestseller list for eighteen months! Every magazine cover had...


    (fade to later)


    ... one of the most popular movies of all time, sir! What were you thinking? (pause) I mean, thank you, come again.





    Shut up! Shut up! I can't believe you don't shut up!





    Apu: Hello, gents, what will it be?


    Milhouse: Give us a Super Squishee!


    Bart: One that's made entirely out of syrup.




    Apu: An all-syrup Super Squishee? Oh, s-such a thing has never been done.


    Bart: Just make it happen.




    Apu: She won't hold! She's breaking up!


    (the Squishee machine dings)


    Apu: If you survive, please come again!

  4. Lisa: Dad, do you know what Schadenfreude is?


    Homer: (sarcastic) No, I do not know what shaden-frawde is. Please tell me, because I'm dying to know.


    Lisa: It's a German term for `shameful joy', taking pleasure in the suffering of others.


    Homer: Oh, come on Lisa. I'm just glad to see him fall flat on his butt! He's usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel... What's the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?


    Lisa: Sour grapes.


    Homer: Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!






    Homer: Ooh, Gummi bears! Gummi calves' heads! Gummi jaw breakers! Ohh... What's that?




    Man: That is the rarest Gummi of them all, the Gummi Venus de Milo, carved by Gummi artisans who work exclusively in the medium of Gummi.


    Marge: Will you two stop saying "Gummi" so much?






    (has this one been done already?)


    Marge: Homer, that's your solution to everything. To move under the sea. It's not going to happen!


    Homer: Not with that attitude.

  5. Lisa: Chief... Wiggum. Don't... Eat the... Clues! This suit burns better. Look!


    Wiggum: Come again?


    Lisa: Better... Look... Burns suit!




    Wiggum: I'm not following you.


    Lisa: Burns' suit! Burns' suit!


    Wiggum: What?


    Lisa: Look at Burns' suit! Sheesh!

  6. Hail to thee, Kamp Krusty,

    By the shores of Big Snake Lake,

    Though your swings are rusty,

    We know they'll never break


    From your gleaming mess hall

    To your hallowed baseball field,

    To your spic-and-span infirmary

    Where all our wounds are healed


    Hail to thee, Kamp Krusty,

    Below Mount Avalanche...


    We will always love Kamp Krusty...

    A registered trademark of the Krusty Corporation,

    All rights reserved!

  7. You'd better run, egg!




    Curse the man who discovered helium! Curse Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen!




    Well, this calls for a celebration.




    "Celebrate good times, come on..."


    I will.




    Bart: Alan Moore! You wrote my favourite Radioactive Man comics.


    Alan Moore: Oh really? You liked how I made your favourite superhero a heroin-addicted jazz critic who's not radioactive?


    Bart: I don't read the words, I just like it when he punches people. How do you make his costume stick so close to his muscles?


    Milhouse: Mr. Moore, will you sign my DVD of Watchmen Babies? Which of the babies is your favourite?



    (and then later in the same scene, "Maus is in the haus!")




    Rex Banner: You're out there somewhere, Beer Baron! And I'll find you...


    Homer: (way out in the distance) No you won't!


    Banner: Yes... I will.


    Homer: Won't!




  8. Now play Classical Gas!




    Carl: All in favour of a strike?


    Everyone: Aye!


    Carl: And all opposed?


    Man: Nay.


    Homer: Who keeps saying that?


    Man: (pointing at man next to him) It was him. Let's get him, fellas.




    Don't worry, I brought my Rappin' Ronnie Reagan tape. It always makes the trip go faster.


    Well, well, well, we-w-w-w-we, well, well, well...


    You know something? He did say "well" a lot!

  9. Homer's contribution to a break-up letter:


    "P.S. I am gay."






    And a phone call:



    Moe: Moe's Tavern.


    Bart: Uh, yes, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Last name Jass, first name Hugh.


    Moe: Hold on, I'll check... Hugh Jass! Hey, I want a Hugh Jass! Oh, somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass!


    Hugh Jass: Uh, I'm Hugh Jass.


    Moe: Telephone.


    Hugh Jass: Hello, this is Hugh Jass.


    Bart: Uh, hi.


    Hugh Jass: Who's this?


    Bart: Bart Simpson.


    Hugh Jass: What can I do for you, Bart?


    Bart: Uh, look, I'll level with you, mister. This is a crank call that sorta back-fired, and I'd like to bail out right now.


    Hugh Jass: All right. Better luck next time.


    (hangs up)


    Hugh Jass: What a nice young man.

  10. Comic Book Guy: I'm interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud internet connection to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that's compatible with my token ring ethernet LAN configuration?



    Homer Simpson: [stares blankly for a few seconds] Can I have some money now?


    In a similar vein:


    "On the Itchy & Scratchy CD-ROM, is there a way to get out of the dungeon without using the wizard key?"


    "What the hell are you talking about?"

  11. Don't think this one's come up yet? (it probably has):


    "Let's just say it moved me... TO A BIGGER HOUSE! Oops, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet."




    Brad Goodman: We can all learn a lot from this young man here, this, this...


    Bart: Rudiger.


    Goodman: Rudiger. And if we can all be more like little Rudiger...


    Marge: His name is Bart.


    Goodman: His name isn't important!

  12. Now calm down, Ned-dily-diddly-diddly-diddly... they did their best, shoddily-iddly-iddly-diddly... gotta be nice, hostily-iddly-diddly-iddly... Ah HELL-DIDDLY-DING-DONG-CRAP! Can't you morons do anything right?!




    (then, later in Flanders' rant)


    (to Lenny) And as for you, I don't know you, but I'm sure you're a jerk!


    Lenny: Hey, I've only been here for a few minutes, what's going on?

  13. (after Santa's Little Helper goes off running with George Bush)Homer: I guess you might say he's barking up the wrong Bush!Homer's brain: There it is, Homer. The cleverest thing you'll ever say and nobody heard it. Homer: D'oh!

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