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Posts posted by Doog

  1. Do we reckon this Rusev stuff will eventually lead to Kurt Angle then or is Roman the end game?


    I know it would probably never happen but in the back of my mind for a slight second I thought Angle was going to return last night when Rusev kept going on about olympic gold medalists.

  2. Nah thats all I need really ha - I know what someone finds good some people don't - but when the consensus on here is that it's good then it usually is, and vice versa when the UKFF says its bad it usually is as well.


    I just wanted an idea that it was a decent show really as I dont fancy watching a 3 hour show that is like most other weeks - i.e. boring.

  3. RAW thread seems extremely active today - i know wrestling is subjective but is it worth a watch this week then? I've avoided spoilers today but 3 hours is a long time if it's nothing that great so I like to have an inclination if its going to be decent - without spoilers obviously am I to assume there was some majorish/decent happenings?

  4. Currently up to King Of The Ring 2000 in following the Raws and Sds of 2000 and i remember it being odd at the time but as i wss a kid didnt think much of it, but what the hell were they thinking with The Undertaker?


    He looks bloody awful, clearly put on a bit of weight and the outfits he's wearing are terrible, he's stinking up the main event scene at the minute and seems so out.of place.


    Is there any word from around the time why Undertaker was like he was? He looks so unmotivated as well

  5. Watching the segment back and thinking about it even more I cant believe they're sticking Bray with New Day.


    What a terrible program for the Wyatt's. Was really hoping they'd have a proper plan for the Wyatt's when they returned and maybe even Bray as a babyface etc.


    But sticking them with a comedy team like New Day and pissing around over the tag titles is a joke.

  6. Wasnt Brock on battleground last year? and The Undertaker returning as well. Seems they're putting a fair bit if effort into it for some reason.


    If it is because they want to do the match because of the brand split then I think thats an even worse idea. Why not hold back on the match completely. do the brand split, then as WrestleMania comes around align the stars and do it then. Anticipation would be of the charts.


    Wyatts v Ne Day is a terrible idea as well, people are crying out to cheer Bray, a fued with a comedy tag team will not help.

  7. Anyone have problems with shows on the network just skipping straight to the end? Trying to watch Goldberg beating Hogan for the belt on his collections but aftee about 30 seconds ish it just skips to the end and cuts off

  8. Theres a real argument to be made that Matt Hardy has been the best character in wrestling in 2016.


    His character work has been fantastic. His run as World Champion was a lot better than it had any right to be, and best of all he was believable. It didnt feel like he wss being a character, he really got you involved in the moment and he carried himself like an absolute star.


    Since losing the title anf his subsequent feud with Jeff his work has been fantastic once more. His breakdown at the moment is fascinating TV and you can tell he is really dedicated to his character.


    Tremendous work.

  9. Just finished watching the podcast now. Its a decent insight into Shane lkke and how he feels - the Triple H bit was fascinating, can see he cant stand the bloke and is really.holding back. If the two do end up doing a programme on TV together it could be very interesting.


    In regards to Foley - i hope he never dows any of these interviews again. The way he kept trying to put himself over and butting in when Shane was talkng was frustratng to.fuck. the part where Shane is trying to talk abut HIAC and the end and Foley brings in a load of bullshit ablut how he needed to be the first person Shane saw after the match etc and then tellng his own stories and even being bitter that shane enjoyed his hug with his fucking dad rather than Foley. Such an annoying fucker that very nearly ruined the thing

  10. What does everyone think to Boardwalk Empire?


    Bit late to the party but Just finished the 1st season ater starting it tbis morning and really enjoyed it.


    Does it continue getting better? I accidenrly saw how the entire thing ends in the very last episode which is gutting but its kinda what i figures would happen eventually anyway

  11. Just cant be arsed with RAW at the minute. My interest in WWE is often dictated by the main event fued - I dont mind roman Reigns but he doesnt have it and I cant stand AJ Styles so its a real turn off for me at the moment. Everything is just so boring.


    Usos and Gallows/Anderson have facedd each other, what, 5 shows in a row now including SmackDown, nothing new ever seems to happen either



    And dont even het me started on the sleep inducing feud between Ziggler and Corbin that feels like its been going on for about 10 years.


    I dont think ot helps that im currently bingig on 2000 WWF on the network, like night and day to this current joke of a show.

  12. Smackdown 2000 is complete on the network now save for episode 24 for some reason.


    Smackdown 2001 has 4 or 5 episodes mising so is almost there as well.


    Raw 2000 has a random episode in may missing last night i noticed which is weird.


    Anyway, good stuff this. Started the 2000 binge the last couple weeks so good to know the complete collection is there. The WWE Network is an amazing thing.

  13. Been watching back a lot of WWF 2000 on the Network and just got to No Way Out.


    What a fantastic show. The build up to tje PPV was phenomonal and it definately delivered. No Way Out and later Backlash more than make up for a lackluster WrestleMania that year.


    Nothing but love for this show. The opening promo video from Cactus wss amazing and really set the tone for the night....


    “It will be soon, but not tonight (I’m not quite ready). Though my nights are sleepless, I still dream. I’ve won and lost many things in my career (championships, blood), but I’ve never main-evented at WrestleMania. This is my chance (my last chance).


    In my way, there is a man, and that man has my gold (my ticket to WrestleMania). He may be the Game. He may be the champion. He may be the best in the industry today (I should know), but he is no Cactus Jack (and he never will be!).


    Fifteen years I’ve been chasing this dream. Dozens of fractures. Hundreds of stitches. Countless nights I’ve bled! You may say, ‘This is no dream. This is a nightmare.’ Maybe, but it’smy nightmare, AND I DECIDE WHEN I WAKE UP!”



  14. I was about to post the same.


    I cant stand Sheamus on WWE TV, he bores the life out of me and i generallly fast forward anything hes in, yet on Soccer AM he came across so charismatic and engaging that i really enjoyed the time he was on there.


    20 years ago theyd have been able to transfer that to his character but not anymlre. So frustrating

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