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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. Hi Mab I mean @no user name. A couple of security screening questions before we welcome you in to the bossom.

    1. Do you think Keith Chegwin is a cunt?

    2. Do you think Keith Houchen is a cunt?

    3. What are your reasons for thinking Keith Houchen is a cunt?

  2. 14 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    That should be an absolute cert.

    Edit: They just smashed Portland by 60 odd. Be VERY surprised if Magic get a result.

    Might let it ride and stick a tenner on Orlando to cover my arse.

    Good arrows @SuperBacon, as a thank you I’ve left you a coffee from the Costa machine on the counter in the Spar by me.

  3. Right, I’ve got PSV and Oklahoma City Thunder left on my 50/1 acca. PSV are pretty safe but does anyone know anything about basketball? They’re playing Orlando Magic and are heavy favourites.

  4. I think it’s accepted that Gazza is a wrong’un but gets a pass in a lot of quarters because despite being the one in the position of power and privilege due to his immense talent he’s still seen as a massively vulnerable person a side of him that he shows as much as the fun loving piss head side.

    Obviously he’s just a sad shell of a man now but I don’t think it ever came across as he carried out his wrong doings because he was a rich celebrity but more so because he was a broken person. We’ve somewhat lost that nuance these days (although it’s still pretty prevalent in many many cases like Depp and Heard) in favour of victim sympathy, which is 100% the correct move.

  5. 4 hours ago, LCJ said:


    I do wonder if social media and smartphones been a thing twenty to thirty years ago, whether more of this kind of thing would’ve been exposed by footballers over the years. Like this kind of thing has probably happened multiple times, it’s just now a lot more people find out about it.

    I’d say the fact that blokes are incrementally more enlightened now than 30 years ago and there were virtually no consequences for being an abusive twat, or rogue/playboy as they’d have been labelled back then that it would have been a lot worse back then. Especially at the height of lad culture where tricking women in to having sex with you was the publicly accepted norm as seen through most sitcoms and other forms of mainstream entertainment.

  6. The thing is, technically guilty or not, Man United can’t say they had no grounds to bomb him out when they have a manager who is happy to bomb players out due to attitude problems. So to even consider giving him a track back was disgraceful and a pretty strong indicator of where the club are now compared to when Fergie was there.

  7. 1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

    Maybe a "hot take" but Uncharteds source material is shit and really there's only a slither of content for an original film, almost everything in the four games is lifted from other media.

    That was one of the worse things about the film, they tried to cram all the stuff from the games in and as you say the games are as derivative as fuck anyway. They should have just took the characters and premise and made something fun instead of a greatest hits. The fun of the games is the playing it not the story.

  8. I don’t mind Tom Holland. He’s good in The Impossible but he’s just a kid in that so the bar is lower. Uncharted is fine, Holland is fine for what they were angling for but Wahlberg clearly can’t be arsed to be there and is a shite Sully. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    More like one for the Jesus fucking Christ thread.. I can't believe they're still making Walking Dead shows.

    I’ll let you know the spoilers now. They’ll meet some groups that seem friendly but ultimately turn out to be corrupted by the power of the apocalypse and they’ll find a way to kill them all which will definitely involve zombies. I’ll give you a more detailed run down once I’ve actually watched it. It’s the wrestling fan in me.

  10. I’ve boycotted any kind of non budget brand toilet paper due to females and children not knowing what an appropriate amount of toilet paper is to use resulting in blocked toilets and increased shopping bills.

  11. I don’t know that I’ve ever had a crumpet that didn’t taste exactly the same as all other crumpets. Although the rate I inhale them there’s not much time for me to savour the complex flavours of a crumpet. 

  12. Surely the guys charisma isn’t up for debate. There’s no way he skirts along this far on money and privilege alone. The guy has so much charm and presence that he managed to convince the poorest Americans he was one of them and that’s despite being a thin skinned petty odd ball who looks like if he unbuttoned his jacket he’d reveal the Muppets stood atop one another’s shoulders.

  13. I understand that it’s essentially ‘Borisfying’ him to look at these clips and memes and share them with lols but at the same time let’s not forget it was Obama and chums sending him up in roasts etc. To ignore and refuse to discuss his wild crazy charisma is to refuse to understand how a meme president came to be in the first place. 

  14. Quite disappointed, my girlfriend always tries to make me watch their dances to my absolute apathy then calls me miserable so to be able to ruin them for her would have been a lovely treat.

  15. Not sure why you’re bemused. Spurs is the home of Chelsea rejects. The fact he was shit at Chelsea then went back to his former club and couldn’t get a game doesn’t come in to it. On the plus side him and Nunez should keep you in fancy coffee’s and exotic snack foods for a while with an 5+ offsides multi match bet builder.

    Also, that song will only conjure one image from now on and it’s nothing to do with Werner or Sophie Ellis Bexter.

  16. It’s a tough one, Trump is box office gold and offers infinite entertaining clips but on the other hand he’s possibly a megalomaniacal lunatic and could spell the end of days. I do really like those clips though…..

  17. On 1/5/2024 at 12:50 PM, Keith Houchen said:

    Hopefully it’s in the prison yard. 

    You know Vince would be down with the Aryan Brotherhood on day one but all the other ethnic gangs would respect him. He’d basically be the Donald Trump of the prison yard.

  18. 49 minutes ago, Loki said:

    Saltburn (Amazon) - thoroughly decent Brasenose chap takes pity on an oily Northern tick.  Nobody wears subfusc after Prelims so marked down for that.  About as subtle as being hit with a housebrick, but lovely cinematography.  

    Bet it took you back to that summer you and Carl Weathers shared a bath tub.

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