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Posts posted by Mr_Danger

  1. 4 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

    My favourite one was how she was going to be President and be behind an attack that killed everyone above Hazza in the line of succession. Then her and Hazza would rule over the UK and US eventually turning them into one big country. WonderfulĀ 

    Youā€™ve either subscribed to Cllr Duaneā€™s Patreon or youā€™ve sat in on a Kiefer Sutherland show pitch session.

  2. Iā€™m not entirely sold on Cody doing an about turn and taking on both The Rock and Roman but the idea of Cody promos and The Rockā€™s corny arse promos coming together is a fascinating concept.

    I also reckon no matter how Cody ends up winning whatever belt theyā€™re definitely going to use an unsuccessful cash in to make it up to him. ā€œSee you are our guy, you beat Seth and Priest in one night!ā€

  3. 58 minutes ago, Lorne Malvo said:


    I also went along to a screening of Days Of Heaven at an arts centre near me. First time ever watching it and I'm not sure why it's held in such high acclaim. It was... okay? It looks nice but not much happens and it feels about half hour longer than it is.

    If this was all I had to go on Iā€™d probably name you any of Terrence Malicks films.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    However long the queue is Holly and Phil will still jump it.Ā 

    I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, that's not true, but let's say it is, but wouldn't it be funny if he waited all those years to be king then pegged it after barely a year. Leaving Camilla as Queen step mother hanging around smiking fags around the back of Horse Guards Parade.Ā 

    I thought that was William.

  5. 4 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

    I really can't believe it honestly. When I watched the situation play out on smackdown my jaw hit the floor and the real sadness and disappointment for Cody when you saw the rock whispering something in his ear and his face just looked betrayed and hurt. It genuinely makes you think what did they honestly think would happen when this played out, we were so fucking angry last year when Roman won and beat him because the absolute right thing they should have done was have Cody win and finish his story and also end it for Roman but it went that way and we trusted them to rectify and do the right thing this year even though we weren't happy with it, we accepted and just counted the days down until mania this year.

    He becomes the only person to win back to back rumble's which felt right and he truly deserved it after last year and just being solidly fantastic as a talent and in ring he just gives it all and is so entertaining but they have made him look like a cock and it absolutely seems online it's sucked the life and good will we gave them in the worst way.

    It says everything when after 24 hours the video on YouTube had more dislikes than any other video in historyĀ 

    Just to make sure, when you say ā€˜weā€™ youā€™re not talking about me as well are you?

  6. 4 hours ago, Loki said:



    A League Of Their OwnĀ (1992)

    Typically American mawkish sentimentality aside, this was a good ensemble cast putting on a funny, sometimes poignant story. Ā A bit like with Bigelow, it's fun to see the female gaze take on a usually very macho genre (sports movies). Ā Probably Penny Marshall's best film, depending on how you feel about Awakenings.


    You know she madeĀ Big,Ā right?

  7. 8 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Vaughn made one good film, Layer Cake, and that's it. I'm afraid to revisit that in case it was actually as awful as the rest of his shit.

    Ainā€™t that the fucking truth. My mate asked me if Iā€™m going to see Argylle to which I replied I donā€™t really like Mathew Vaughan and he replied ā€œWhat about Kingsman?ā€ Fucking hell.

    Iā€™ll give Stardust a pass due to its sentimental value but its pretty messy and even though heā€™s only in it fleetingly it still has too much Gervais.

  8. 7 hours ago, Merzbow said:

    Outside of Death Stranding 2 the Sony State of Play was a let down, starting with ten minutes of the most generic looking NieR clone that was far too pedo-y.

    Silent Hill is dead, both the new game and remake look terrible.

    At least all the Final Fantasy and Persona nonces on here are being catered to.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Oh yeah Iā€™m forgot about this, despite finding out about it the other week! Ā The first series was fantastic so thanks for the reminder. Have you listened to ā€œThe Coming Stormā€ by Gabriel Gatehouse? Itā€™s very similar but about the January 6th insurrection. Actually it may have been your good self who recommended it!

    No that one wasnā€™t me but Iā€™ll give it a whirl next.

  10. Jon Ronsonā€™s Things Fell Apart podcast is fantastic. I started listening to the second series today which is a branching web of stories connected through the Covid times but told in a brilliantly impartial way. Nice and short too at about 35 minutes a pop. Heā€™s unmatched in his ability to present facts but also give the content an entertaining narrative.

  11. 4 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Put him and your other littlun in a big trench coat on shoulders.

    You'll be fine. I think they're just worried about "babes in arms" with that sort of thing.



  12. 7 hours ago, Slapnut said:

    Iā€™m rubbish with names on TV but Charlotteā€™s was one that I always remembered somehow. About half way through I was talking about her to my fiancĆ©e but tried to pretend I didnā€™t know her name, to which she replied ā€œoh Charlotte, the one with big boobs?ā€.Ā 

    I should have just said yes, but instead I said ā€œoh does she have boobs?ā€. Dickhead.

    I got the same response from my Mrs. I marked out hard the second time they showed Charlottte getting a bath in the contestant montages. We both pissed ourselves laughing the first time she was shown in a bubble bath to be fair. The running joke was that Charlotte loves a bath after that. I suspect the good lady next to me was aware of my true intentions.

  13. Walked past my mum when I was going in to a supermarket to empty the post box and she exclaimed ā€œHereā€™s the good looking Postmanā€ then explained to the random passer by that itā€™s ok because Iā€™m her son. ā€œIā€™m not judgingā€ was her reply. She bloody was.

  14. Jaz thought it was Harry whilst Mollie believed they were all faithful so chose Harry to win it with over Jaz because of the bond she thought they had. Andrew missed a trick letting Harry get out of his sight, he should have been tethered to him from that first banishment and let him know in no uncertain terms that if they didnā€™t get rid of Jaz next and split the pot heā€™d take him down with him but he was too nice and sporting to even threaten it.

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