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Chris Benoit dead


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Sorry guys. But has the order of death been established for sure as of yet? Id never be able to re read all of the posts to find it if its already been mentioned.

It hasn't officially been mentioned yet but I imagine it will be at the press conference at 8pm (UK time) tonight.
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It does seem the wwe doesnt want anything to do with this now, a lot of the benoit stuff is gone from wwe.com and the Benoit DVD is no longer available at silvervision.

They are doing the right thing there. They know that Benoit merchandise would proabably sell very well right now but they don't want to be seen to be making any profit from this situation.
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Sorry guys. But has the order of death been established for sure as of yet? Id never be able to re read all of the posts to find it if its already been mentioned.

The most information is in the Fox story linked to on the last page. Although it is Fox it is largely based on the AP feed with the reporter having spoken to the authorities. Then there will be a news conference soon.
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You know, im reading this thread and clicking all the links people are posting and the evidence is starting to point to him being a double murderer. At the same time im watching a stream of last nights Raw. He didn't seem too troubled at that ECW match which makes you wonder what the hell happened. The hardest thing is, after all this, seeing the clips of Nancy and his son at WM20 hugging him and everyone talking about what a great role model this guy is and what a family man he was. I can't imagine what people like JBL and Malenko are thinking as more and more of this horrible story emerges.I can't imagine what must have taken place in that household that night for him to snap like that! Nothing Nancy could have done justifies what Benoit did. And as for killing his son so "he doesn't grow up knowing his dad killed his mum" that is just fucking wrong. That kid had his whole life ahead of him but Benoit decided to take his life in his hands and kill him. So what if Benoit was a good/great wrestler? I hope he burns in hell for what he has done, and don't give me bullshit about "wait for the facts" because its fucking clear as daytime.

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