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Chris Benoit dead


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'But honestly, what the fuck could cause uyou to kill someone? If your choking them and you see them dying in front of you, surely you stop?'roid rage and depression im sure its a pretty nasty mix

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'Yes. And 3 people who I used to work with in a cinema all had cancer within a year, let's close down all cinemas too.'Ah yes, the risks of cinemas. Lots of drugs needed to sell popcorn and tickets.'My next door neighbour killed someone once, i'm thinking about proposing the abolition of next door neighbours. What do you think?!'Same as above.'lol nice one. You are calling my opinion naive. Why then did a Benoit signed action figure on the official wwe auction site, which had no interest last night, suddenly have dozens of bids for it come this afternoon with a top price of $305 before it was pulled. Compare that to the others up for auction right now.'IT WAS PULLED. and when was it pulled? this afternoon, right after what happened at their home came to light. If people want to now pay over the odds on ebay for dolls and whatever, that's their problem. Who do thy think will buy them in 5 years time? They'll be lucky to get half their money back.

And your point? I missed it or you forgot to type it. Or you went off at a crazy tangent and backed up my post for me. Thanks.
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To Curryangel, stfu and wait for the official comment before you start tarring a guys name with such vile accusations!

Hardly a vile accusation, the AP have confirmed he strangled his wife one day. smothered his child the next then finished himself off. He's one of my favourite wrestlers (the other being a wife beating wanker) and I really enjoyed watching him over the years, but he's a murderer and I'm not going to make any sort of excuse for him just so I'll still have a "hero".
Not making excuses, but the fact is that until the report of the coroner is given they said they aren't confirming anything.
Ah right, Fox News' headline was a bit miselading <h1 class="head">

Official: Wrestler Strangled Wife, Smothered Son, Hanged Self

It's official as in 'an official person' rather than 'an official statement'. You can't make an official statement until the formal procedures are complete. However, if the Associated Press are running a story, it's about as credible as you can get short of seeing it with your own eyes.Apter was just scary. He completely dimissed the idea that steroids are commonplace among major stars and implied Benoit just liked working out a lot. How anyone can with his experience in the business can call themselves a journalist and then say something like that is baffling.Incidentally, I don't see any real conflict between being disgusted by the apparant actions and remembering the guy's in-ring talent. His ring skills don't excuse the manner of his death, and his real-life activities don't change his on-screen work.
Yeah and i notice you have retracted your prickish statement yet?
remember jimmy snuka killed a woman in a domestic argument once and he still appears on wwe from time to time
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Yeah, press conference is scheduled for 8pm on Sky Sports News.

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Apter was just scary. He completely dimissed the idea that steroids are commonplace among major stars and implied Benoit just liked working out a lot. How anyone can with his experience in the business can call themselves a journalist and then say something like that is baffling.

Self preservation.
Maybe he thinks he still works for PWI or something. Didn't do anyone any favours, though every indication is that Apter was a friend of Benoit's - perhaps a case of not wanting to believe the obvious or something, heart over head and all that...
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Have only just finished reading the news (including the limited info on Wikipedia) and I just can't believe it.To Curryangel, stfu and wait for the official comment before you start tarring a guys name with such vile accusations!RIP Crippler, Woman and Daniel.

To pmy008 - please refrain from using the RIP eulogy for Benoit until he is acquitted of being a double murderer. RIP is a term of respect for people who have died. Surely you have no respect for someone who "apparently" murdered his wife and young child?
Actually I do as this is something that, as many people have said already, is completely out of character for him. If what is being said is true (and even if the police say it I will always have my doubts) then he must have been severely affected by something to do it and if that's the case then I still say rest in peace Benoit. I will feel sorry that he has been so affected by something that has led to him acting in such a way.But as I said, don't say anything for definite until it has been confirmed (as you seemed to be saying in your post). Once it has been confirmed by a coroner THEN you can start calling Benoit a double murderer and feel justified. As for me, I will feel sorry for the family, feel sorry for the fact that someone who brought a huge amount of enjoyment to my life in my late teens and early 20's through his wrestling was so affected by something that he acted in such a way and sorry that it affected his wife and son. And I will be damned if I agree with anyone that can't be arsed to see beyond this 1 thing and decide that that is how they will think of Benoit from now on!
I can't see it beyond what has been put in front of me. I mean obviously Benoit is a hero to a lot of people and they will ALWAYS look for reasons to rid him of total blame. But honestly, what the fuck could cause uyou to kill someone? If your choking them and you see them dying in front of you, surely you stop? This aint wrestling when they pass out but still come around in time to stop getting pinned!!Personally i believe i have the right to call Benoit a murderer as i can't see any other conclusion! You say its out of character, but please tell me what Chris Benoit the person was like? Because i sure as hell don't know!
Ok, first off we don't know what might have caused any of the actions that are claimed to have happened (because that's all it is until the press conference). It might have been an argument that got out of hand (as has already been suggested) for all we know. As far as that goes we may never know. But what we can know is what his friends have said about him, what we saw from him in how he conducted himself in wrestling and what fans have said of him from when they have met him. From all that I have read in the past Benoit came across as a decent, quiet guy who was good at what he did and took pleasure in that, not needing to be "successful" with belts to know this. He was valued by people in the business because they knew that if they were facing him they were in for a good night and generally a safe night. I have never heard of anything about Benoit having any problems at home before now afaik, so this can very much be said as being out of character. Finally, because it's not official you still have no right to brand anyone as a murderer. You can call him an ALLEGED murderer, but nothing more until things are made official. Either way, this is still a tragic thing to happen and I would rather feel sorry for all involved than go on some vitriolic diatribe about how someone should "rot in hell" and make someone out to be the scum of the earth simply because it might make me look like I know what I'm talking about!
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Have only just finished reading the news (including the limited info on Wikipedia) and I just can't believe it.To Curryangel, stfu and wait for the official comment before you start tarring a guys name with such vile accusations!RIP Crippler, Woman and Daniel.

To pmy008 - please refrain from using the RIP eulogy for Benoit until he is acquitted of being a double murderer. RIP is a term of respect for people who have died. Surely you have no respect for someone who "apparently" murdered his wife and young child?
Actually I do as this is something that, as many people have said already, is completely out of character for him. If what is being said is true (and even if the police say it I will always have my doubts) then he must have been severely affected by something to do it and if that's the case then I still say rest in peace Benoit. I will feel sorry that he has been so affected by something that has led to him acting in such a way.But as I said, don't say anything for definite until it has been confirmed (as you seemed to be saying in your post). Once it has been confirmed by a coroner THEN you can start calling Benoit a double murderer and feel justified. As for me, I will feel sorry for the family, feel sorry for the fact that someone who brought a huge amount of enjoyment to my life in my late teens and early 20's through his wrestling was so affected by something that he acted in such a way and sorry that it affected his wife and son. And I will be damned if I agree with anyone that can't be arsed to see beyond this 1 thing and decide that that is how they will think of Benoit from now on!
I can't see it beyond what has been put in front of me. I mean obviously Benoit is a hero to a lot of people and they will ALWAYS look for reasons to rid him of total blame. But honestly, what the fuck could cause uyou to kill someone? If your choking them and you see them dying in front of you, surely you stop? This aint wrestling when they pass out but still come around in time to stop getting pinned!!Personally i believe i have the right to call Benoit a murderer as i can't see any other conclusion! You say its out of character, but please tell me what Chris Benoit the person was like? Because i sure as hell don't know!
Ok, first off we don't know what might have caused any of the actions that are claimed to have happened (because that's all it is until the press conference). It might have been an argument that got out of hand (as has already been suggested) for all we know. As far as that goes we may never know. But what we can know is what his friends have said about him, what we saw from him in how he conducted himself in wrestling and what fans have said of him from when they have met him. From all that I have read in the past Benoit came across as a decent, quiet guy who was good at what he did and took pleasure in that, not needing to be "successful" with belts to know this. He was valued by people in the business because they knew that if they were facing him they were in for a good night and generally a safe night. I have never heard of anything about Benoit having any problems at home before now afaik, so this can very much be said as being out of character. Finally, because it's not official you still have no right to brand anyone as a murderer. You can call him an ALLEGED murderer, but nothing more until things are made official. Either way, this is still a tragic thing to happen and I would rather feel sorry for all involved than go on some vitriolic diatribe about how someone should "rot in hell" and make someone out to be the scum of the earth simply because it might make me look like I know what I'm talking about!
I think its safe to say i know about as much as the next person - which is very little. So im not showing anger just to look like i know what im talking about. I'm showing anger because this alleged murderer was a hero to thousands and, whatever the problems he was having, he had absolutely no right to kill his wife and his young son. If he wanted to protect his son from thinking "daddy is a murderer" what about the other two he left behind. I cant imagine the grief they are feeling at the moment. It is a truely tragic event
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