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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Watched ROH TV for the first time in a while this week and found it rather dull. The opener with the unfortunately named "Hanson" bloke doing the Viking gimmick was about the best thing on the show.


I watched for the AJ match but aside from *that* bump I realised I had utterly no interest in seeing him do a longish match with Roderick Strong. Roderick has had the same style and look down to the haircut for an astonishing 10 years. I have no clue how the ROH hardcores can still enjoy him as an act after this amount of time.


ROH just doesn't really have much of a niche anymore for me. I can watch great (often former ROH) wrestlers have great long workratey matches with no real consequence on RAW every week. Whats ROH really offering anymore?

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Having watched a roh episode I'd say almost the opposite of that. The thing roh seems to offer is matches with actual purpose, which admittedly is far easier when you only have an hour to fill.


What they didn't seem to offer was good wrestling. Hanson was pretty good, the rest was odd. There was just no connection between spots, the old awful chain sequences seem to have been replaced by just doing moves. It was strange to watch. There was a really odd bit where Jay Lethal did several planchas on two guys in a row. I presume it was meant to be irony or something.


Steve Corino is bloody awful too. Not Joey Styles bad but awful.

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ROH is pretty hot right now. Since the start of the year their shows have been good and attendance hasn't been this consistently good in a long, long time. And they have AJ and Hero back which gave the company a much needed boost. And they have a big announcement next week which is being hyped as a game changer, so that sounds promising. They are on the up. I just wish they'd add a bit of variety and colour to the shows (to much black for me).

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Joe Koff's response to the Matt Hardy domestic abuse thing. What a fucking clown this bloke is.

LAW: "Recently, there was a very public story involving Matt Hardy and his wife. What, is there any reaction from Ring of Honor's point? I mean, what do you do in this situation where there technically isn't any charges filed but it does become a public story when it shows up on TMZ?"


Koff: "Yeah, you know what, it did appear on TMZ and did happen. Of course it happened so much earlier than when it was finally reported."


LAW: "Right."


Koff: "Umm.. You know, I gotta tell you something John, there's really not a lot about it. I mean I saw the stuff on TMZ and I saw a couple of facebook, you know, comments about Matt wrestling, in, you know, Philadelphia. Um, I think it's really not a big deal. Um, I don't have a position on that and I mean, I think that charges were dropped, um. You never want to get involved in domestic stuff, in domestic relationships, and domestic disputes. But if the court of law, or the judicial system could find no fault with it, um, you know, I don't feel that's something we necessarily have to take a stance."


LAW: "Alright. Fair enough."


Koff: "I'm not shirking that, I'm just saying that it wasn't as big as... I think the fact that CM Punk said that he's wasn't going to wrestle for WWE, or when that story came out around that same time, I think it kind of overshadowed it."


LAW: "Well, I think.. you know, when it comes to domestic violence, it's obviously a very sensitive topic for many people. And it's obviously one that's very different to react to-"


Koff: "I mean had the outcome to been different, you know, from a judicial standpoint or, you know, a charge standpoint, I can accept that. but really it was just a domestic battle. You know they're two wrestlers, they're probably very physical people."


LAW: "OK. Interesting.... analogy there... so..."


Terrible way to represent the company there, like. "CM Punk walking was a bigger deal, so that's alright".

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It says something that Drew McIntyre disappeared from WWE TV for ages after Teryn Terrell and him had an incident, and he's been comedy jobber ever since. This incident comes across worse and is being handled terribly.

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ROH is tearing it up in 2014. Knocked NXT off their perch for best TV show and I'm hearing nothing but great things about the upcoming tapings. They've also announced a deal with New Japan to bring over their heavy hitters and a merchandise deal more advanced than they've ever had previous. Good for them. Glad they are thriving in the current climate. Court Bauer's doing his old job of hype and gimmicks (that you can read in my indy wank threads). The HonorCon and the New Japan deal is all trademarks of the kind of stuff he did with MLW. He's really getting the word out as well. He's been a pretty great asset since he took over. Way better than Cornette was.


Is there a reason they still book Matt Hardy? I totally got his appeal of being a living breathing troll to the fan base, but I reckon for the money he charges, you could cycle a new big star in and out over the months. He's sort of outstayed his welcome I think. I imagine someone like John Morrison would tick all the boxes in terms of bringing someone in who has value and can put on the big matches.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I think Hardy might be done with ROH. They announced on the Friday he'd "missed his flight" but I reckon they may have told him to stay home as he wasn't on the TV tapings either.


Really enjoyed both shows. May do a more in depth write up later but loved Hero vs Cole and Elgin vs Styles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice to see some praise for ROH this year, Agree with whats been said they really have been on a roll. Things are looking good going forward this year


1st 3 New Japan stars announced for Global Wars and War Of The Worlds:





Always been meaning to watch some New Japan but never got round to it, Anyone get any recommendations?

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Adam Cole vs Jay Briscoe in Ladder War 5 has been announced for Supercard of Honor in New Orleans. EDIT: the article for the match says April 5th, the 2pm Saturday show, which I may be in attendance for. Supercard of Honor is the Friday night show, though, and the one that the article links you to the tickets for. Hmmm.

Edited by gadge
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