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You have to be a Ringside member, or attend their upcoming show in New Jersey to avail of the offer...but yeah, still a pretty sad state of affairs.


I have seen this on their website etc. However, I am not a ringside member. Never have been.


The email I received said that my details had come up in a 'random draw on the ROH database'. I was just curious as to how random the draw actually was.

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It's a bit worrying really, isn't it? So we've had blogs and Twitter accounts, I guess we're waiting for the Tumblr account now.

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The second one of those is him. The first one isn't I don't think.


His current review blog EDIT: was in his sig, but it's gone now.


The link from ButchReedMark in the first one goes to the second. I have a secret admirer. :love:

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I think there's evidence to suggest that Dexter has gone completely insane judging by his latest sig. Seriously, put the night-vision telescope down and get some help, barricade slapper.


In fact,

. Edited by Gladstone Small
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More good news:

Main Event time. Defending ROH Champion Kevin Steen against hometown boy Jay Lethal. For as many Steen shirts I saw throughout the night, Jay Lethal had the crowd 85-15 in favor of him. This match was incredible and got a ton of time. Crowd was alive for the whole match which is expected. Lethal hit the Lethal Injection on Steen, but Steen kicked out and then would later hit the Lethal Injection, but Steen rolled out of the ring. This is where it all went wrong. After Steen rolls out of the ring, he goes into one of the corner barricades where Jay Lethal's parents are sitting. He starts talking a bit of trash and then Lethal's mom throws her soda in his face. Steen spits on her and that's when Lethal went chaotic. Jay starts pounding on Steen as Cornette (who was at ringside for this match), Corino & Jacobs, ring crew, and others start to break things up. Of course there were pull-away, someone escapes and attacks the other moments. Steen goes up the ramp and starts tearing down the curtain and then exits with the rest of Scum. Lethal throws one of the ring crew guys and referees, chairs; he just goes ballistic. He yells at Cornette (couldn't make out what he was saying) and then escorts his parents out of the building. He comes back to ringside and nothing's happening. EXTREMELY loud "Bulls***" chants as Lethal proceeds up the ramp. No one knows what's going on until Bobby Cruise goes on the microphone and announces that the match is ruled a No Contest, apologizes for the language exchanged by Steen and Lethal, and reminds the fans that tickets are on sale for Final Battle in New York City.


That's when the crowd starts rebelling. More "Bulls***" chants and a ton of bottles and trash start getting thrown into the ring. People start chanting "REFUND! REFUND!" as Cornette and company exit. I saw a few people trying to throw chairs into the ringside area as well. I overheard fans saying "F this company", "I'm done" as well as other expletive filled rants. NO ONE was happy with this ending and honestly, I was too. How does Ring of Honor think that having a No Contest result with the hometown boy in the World Title match will be good business? Everyone left with a negative attitude and ROH's "build" to a possible Steen/Lethal rematch at Final Battle has completely backfired.


Overall, although I enjoyed the show, I and everyone in attendance were left with a VERY bad taste in our mouths. I really just don't understand the logic of doing that finish in Jay Lethal's backyard. I honestly can't imagine ROH running this market for awhile after the finish (or lack thereof) of the main event.

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The thing is, that actually sounds like an angle I'd eat up if I'd been there. Sounds brilliant.

I agree. They don't want Lethal to go over or look inferior to Steen so fundamentally this is a sound idea to me. Steen as the heel thinks he's going to lose so instead causes all hell to break loose by spitting on the face's mother in the front row. This should lead to more heat on Steen as a heel and give Lethal even more reason to want to kick ass next time around. Only problem is the heat ended up on ROH rather than Steen because their fans think they are too good for keyfabe.


I bet if Shane Douglas had spat on Sandman's mum back in 1996 ECW this angle would have worked perfectly.

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