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Egg Shen

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yeh, i think Algieri shocked everyone wth that performance, he was the aggressor throughout. I don't think there's any question on who won the fight but that aggression and output from Algieri gave Khan problems all night...if Algieri had decent power Khan would have gone on a few occasions.


Going forward, it's hard to say if that performance helped Khan's case for the Mayweather fight. Some people will say Algieri was destroyed by Pacquiao but Khan struggled against him, but there's no way Mayweather would fight Khan like Algieri did, i still see it as a tricky fight for Mayweather.


Good fight though! the undercard fight was scrappy but fun also...my 2 bets came in (Fortuna to win, Khan/Algieri to go the distance) so im holding out on a few wins on the PPV show tonight for the $$$.

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well, that was quality! outside of an anti-climatic main event which ended up being a bit of a mismatch it was a cracking night of fights.


1 new World Champion, Blackwell upsetting Ryder,  AJ doing his thing, Mitchell/Linares, errr Cleverly, two cracking early domestic dust ups :thumbsup:

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It was funny when they showed Degale on the big screen and the crowd started cheering. Someone must have pointed it out to him they were cheering for him and he looked really shocked. Chuffed. The face turn is complete.

The Mitchell fight was top notch.

Look forward to see who AJ fights next in August, hopefully its Price. I never knew until Boxing Monthly hinted at it that Price supposedly knocked AJ out in sparring a few years ago. Whether its true or not though.

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AJ sparring with Price? Surely not.


My initial feeling was Price for September, but then i got on twitter and the feeling seems to be that it's gonna be Dillian Whyte.

Edited by Ebb
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Only had 1 eye on the Gradovich/Selby fight but I thought it was a bit off that they didn't let the corner try and sort out the cut(s) before stopping the fight. Selby was looking like he was doing a number on him though.

Mitchell / Linares was a cracking fight. Momentum swung both ways but Linares' class pulled him through. It had a Julio Cesar Chavez/Meldrick Taylor flavour to it. Linares was systemically tearing Mitchell apart but didn't look he was doing that much damage. One judge had Linares 6 points behind going into the 10th round. But as the cuts opened and the face swelled on Mitchell his body was breaking down. He tried to come back but had to take a knee and then the referee called it off. Linares is a body punching phenom, he literally took the wind out of Mitchell with hooks to the guts.

Joshua blasted out Kevin Johnson within two rounds. Johnson stood no chance and did a comical attempt at an Ali Shuffle which the crowd responded with a "you fat bastard" chant. Buffer saying the streak continues made Joshua out to be like Goldberg in the Georgia Dome.

Brook showed his class against Frankie Gavin who looked like he didn't want to be there, once he tasted Brook's power. Brook walked through Gavin's hardest punches and delivered combo's of his own. Gavin went into sparring partner/survival mode but a barrage of punches left Gavin being propped up by the ropes and the fight was waved off. I saw Gavin getting this fight as like a contract bonus for signing with Matchroom.

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Anthony Joshua is keeping the heavyweight division in boxing alive for me at the moment. The Klitschkos are great boxers but they bore me shitless and their era is on the way out, Fury's a twat, Haye never fights, Price got derailed before he got going. Joshua is the only one who gives me any hope. He's got bags of star potential, Olympic backstory, he looks like a beast, he's powerful and he's likeable and seems to have his head on straight. Heavyweight boxing needs him. I can see Joshua vs Fury being a huge Wembley fight down the line.


I'm not feeling this DeGale 'babyface turn' everyone's on about. Still seems the same twatty long-faced knob he always was to me. What's changed?


So who are we going to see Khan fight next? Mayweather, Pacquiao, Brook. Which fight is most likely and which one do you want to see next? I'd be chuffed with any of them. Khan vs Brook needs to finally happen soon though.

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Hearn said after the fight last night that he'd heard Khan/Mayweather won't happen in September but Khan is still hoping it'll happen in May next year...which, considering Mayweather says he's retiring after a September is a bit of a head-scratcher.


Hearn/Brook both sounded like they'd had enough of the Khan thing though, i mean if Khan doesn't get the Mayweather fight, he has to fight Brook surely? I read a quote from Khan the other day saying 'what does Kell Brook bring to the table' or something along those lines, errrr a World Title, and a mega fight in England. It really does feel like Khan's avoiding him at this point. If Khan genuinely thinks he can dispatch of Brook with ease, why not fight Brook before the end of the year, then take on Mayweather in May?

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If Khan genuinely thinks he can dispatch of Brook with ease, why not fight Brook before the end of the year, then take on Mayweather in May?

That's what Johnny Nelson was saying the other week as well. Obviously he's not going to be totally unbiased when it comes to Brook, given the Sheffield links, but I think he's spot on. Why not fight Brook if you're so sure you'd win? Khan talks like Brook's a bum, so if he really believes that (and I doubt he does), then it'd be an easy payday for him.


As for Floyd, I don't believe he will retire after his September fight, despite what he's saying now. I think he'll try and go for 50-0 then hang up the gloves. So maybe Mayweather vs Khan next May is possible.

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yeh, i think Mayweather will use the retirment angle to spin the promotion of his next fight, then announce one more just to break the record.


So that must mean Mayweather has an opponent lined up for September, wonder who that is?


...and there was no mention of it last night, but pre-Gavin all the talk was of Brook coming back and fighting Brandon Rios over here in the summer, im guessing that's what they want to do at Bramall Lane in the summer, they didn't mention Rios once last night though (or did i miss it?)7


oh, and quick note. Kevin Johnson retired after last night's fight, he gave a pretty humble interview over on IFL TV afterwards. I love characters like Johnson in boxing, but his performance last night was a joke. He almost talked me into believing he was gonna give it a real go, but the sheer lack of effort in his performance (actually in every Kevin Johnson fight i've ever seen) is just staggering, i've never seen anyone look so uninterested when you have an 18 stone killer standing in front of you.


You can't really guage anything from Joshua's performance, he blew Johnson out fair enough but Johnson was a punching bag. I'm not getting anymore excited about Joshua until he fights someone who actually hits him back..seriously, has he been hit in 13 fights? Sky's the limit potential-wise but they need to put him in with someone who has ambition. From a public's perspective though he's the real deal, i was doing the twitter thing last night during the show and the reaction to Joshua is 95% positive which is pretty unique for a heavyweight boxer, i said it before, but it's because he looks the part. When fans see a massive guy with that kind of pysique they just latch on it...conversely, go read twitter when Tyson Fury is about to fight and it's all 'fat fuck', 'useless' and all that sort of stuff. People love Joshua.

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Im not buying into the joshua hype either until he beats a live oppononent.

As for the Marciano record undefeted thing. Chavez senoir was something like 85-0 before he lost, its just modem media bullshit. I would bet my life on floyd fighting till hes 50 - 0.

As for Khan, i think hes washed up as a title contender. Great to watch but i think as soon as he meets someone with a punch he is gone. Brook would pick him apart i think. He cannot adapt in the ring at all, no inside game and his speed is diminishing. I hope he doesnt get the Mayweather fight as it is not deserved.

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i think it's deserved based off the fact there's very few opponents left for Mayweather to fight. If the likes of Robert Guerrero, Marcos Maidana and Victor Ortiz got their crack at Floyd, Khan certainly deserves one.

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It's not about buying into the hype on Joshua for me, or seeing him as some world beater or something. For me it's more just hoping he goes on to be a legit top heavyweight when he does get properly tested and dragged into the trenches. He's the only young heavyweight that's worth getting excited about at the minute for me so I really hope he fulfills the potential everyone thinks he has.

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quality photo from Saturday night, Joshua at work...



i was actually a little surprised that more wasn't made of that, Joshua clearly landed that punch after the bell.

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Slightly odd one; if anyone subscribes to Boxing News magazine's digital edition, can you tell me what coverage there was for Gary Cornish's win on 23rd of May please - and more importantly if there were any photos? Looking on the Android Store's preview it suggests there is a piece on p19. Thanks!

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