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Egg Shen

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Short clip of Roberto Duran in Rocky 2 as Rocky's sparring partner


Was this common knowledge? I've seen this film loads of times and had no idea he was in this.






"If you can catch him, you can catch Creed easy"




Funnily enough, Duran billed himself as "Rocky Duran" for a little while up until he ripped the WBA Lightweight title from Ken Buchanan in 1972. After that, he went through a phase of calling himself "Super Man" also. As far as I'm concerned, he can call himself Andre the Giant if he likes, I love the man (although I don't rank him the best ever, he's in my top 5 P4P.)


I've been offline for a while, my laptop contracted AIDS or something similar. My god, there's been some serious discussion going on while I've been away....


Man, that Duran figure is brilliant :D I really had no clue he was in Rocky II despite the amount of times I'd seen it and Duran being one of my favourite fighters. And I'd even seen the "Rocky Duran" name mentioned before in books or online and still never got the connection. I blame the Irish in me.


Nice to see you back Taylor. Merry.....29th December :thumbsup:

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ESPN the past couple of nights have been showing ESPN Best of Friday Nights fights of 2011, there is another episode tonight at 10, they show the full fight not just clips


Yeah I saw that. ESPN Classic have been showing some great Ali fights aswell. They're always showing the Rumble in the Jungle and the Thrilla in Manila but they showed some other stuff lately aswell like the first Frazier fight and the Bugner and Wepner fights.

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ESPN the past couple of nights have been showing ESPN Best of Friday Nights fights of 2011, there is another episode tonight at 10, they show the full fight not just clips


Yeah I saw that. ESPN Classic have been showing some great Ali fights aswell. They're always showing the Rumble in the Jungle and the Thrilla in Manila but they showed some other stuff lately aswell like the first Frazier fight and the Bugner and Wepner fights.



about ali,a quick heads up i got 3 disc dvd boxset from morrisons for

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That Tyson set looks great.


I've got a fair bit to watch aswell. Got a bunch of classic old fights I've been meaning to sit down and watch. Salvador Sanchez, Bobby Chacon, Azumah Nelson, Qawi. Tons of stuff I've had for ages but not got round to watching for one reason or another.


I'm gonna watch some of them soon though. New year's resolution and all that.

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hmmm, i might pick up that Tyson set. I don't usually buy bootleg shit like that cause i can get hold of it without paying, but that set looks worth the cash.


on the subject of boxing dvd's, how the hell do them traders get away with advertising their dvd's for sale at the back of Boxing News, Boxing Monthy all the time? surely that's illegal? they offer a lot of quality stuff but i can't believe the prices they ask for their disks. Does anyone here buy from them guys?

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hmmm, i might pick up that Tyson set. I don't usually buy bootleg shit like that cause i can get hold of it without paying, but that set looks worth the cash.


on the subject of boxing dvd's, how the hell do them traders get away with advertising their dvd's for sale at the back of Boxing News, Boxing Monthy all the time? surely that's illegal? they offer a lot of quality stuff but i can't believe the prices they ask for their disks. Does anyone here buy from them guys?


Always wondered the same thing mate. I've been reading BM for a fair few years now and the same traders keep putting in the same ads so someone must buy. Further still the magazine don't see any problem with it or they wouldn't let it happen. Very strange.

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Just watched this cracking little documentary from ESPN on Chuck Wepner.



It's called 'The Real Rocky' and obviously looks at the similarities between the first Rocky movie and Wepner's career. There's even an appearance from Vince McMahon in the talking heads when the subject of Wepner's match with Andre The Giant comes up.


I'd read the first Rocky was based on the Ali/Wepner fight but I didn't realize just how much Stallone borrowed from Chuck's life. I didn't even think of Wepner's worked match with Andre being the inspiration for Stallone using Hulk Hogan in Rocky III aswell. But when you look at the footage of Wepner/Andre and Rocky/Thunderlips it's all very alike, right down to the finish. Then there's the running up the steps (I've seen this was nicked from Joe Frazier but this doc claims Wepner did it as part of his training). It's uncanny how similar Sly's script was to Wepner's career. I never even knew Wepner sued Stallone over it either.


Good watch, I thought Wepner came off as a really good bloke. The story about his wife and the blue lingerie is good stuff. He told that story on the Ali DVD set aswell but it's worth a listen.

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It's not mentioned in the documentary but there is a story (and who knows how true it is) that when Wepner went to prison on drugs charges in the 1980's that very early on in his stay (maybe even on the first night) the prison top dog decided to show Chuck who was boss. As the story goes Wepner proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him and then wasn't bothered by anyone else for the rest of his stay.


The documentary also doesn't mention Chuck's conviction in the 2000s for his part in a scam selling counterfeit (mainly Ali) merchandise.




Extracted from a 2007 New York Times piece...




...In June 2005 he was sentenced to 90 days of home detention and fined for his role in a scheme to sell fake autographs of Ali...


To coincide with the premier of the documentary Grantland did a piece on Chuck. It's pretty good and gives a better idea of what his life is like now than the documentary does.



Edited by nfc90210
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I was unaware of this, but it seems that Tony Ayala Jr got released from prison back in November 2010. Well, assuming that the guy listed on the Federal Bureau of Prisons website is the same Tony Ayala. The age looks right. So, unless he has got locked again in the mean time, he's somewhere out there on the streets of America. Now, that's a comforting thought. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people being given second changes. It's just that I don't ever see Tony becoming a normal well adjusted member of society and not being a danger to women. Fuck, I mean just look at his history.



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