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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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In about sixteen years time we'll probably look back at John Cena in the same way as we look at this clip now.


Shut up you clueless cock.


Have I offended a Cena fetishist or a Men On A Mission fan?


No, you have not offended me and I am neither of the above frankly. You just irritate me with your ignorance and stupidity.


I wasn't aware that criticizing John Cena constituted being labelled ignorant and stupid. Two traits which you, sir, appear to embody, judging by your posts.


JayOoG and AliveAndAmplified are right, you are indeed a whinging bitch and a cunt.

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I know it was few days ago when i asked for those Ric Flair raps. Just got around to watching them now.

They are some of the greatest vids iv seen. Brilliant! :thumbsup:

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This thread probably deserves to be part of UKFF Gold too.

Well, this thread will likely be around as long as the forum is, so there'd really be no point "Golding" it.


Not to mention the vast majority of links within it are dead due to being taken down from YouTube.

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