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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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Some fan does not want Eddie to win clearly:




Rhino clearly hates one fan:



Some guy pleads for a job with Vince:




and.................Chris Hero is a racist:



Edited by bigjay
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I've just been informed more videos have been addes to SWA's youtube and as I added them to the site, I thought I'd share :)


SWA:NXT Highlight Video


SWA: As real as it gets!


Theres some nice clips in them both highlighting some of the younger stars... and the 'As real...' one has my favourite moment of Johnny Moss breaking Stevie Xavier by throwing him into a table he made out of some chairs. Nice.

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Some WBF goodness....:laugh:

Gary Strydom WBF Championship


Danny Padilla



WWF -v- WBF Tug Of War


The history of WBF article


Strangely I wish I still had all my WBF tapes to laugh at.



bodybuliding is really gay - the bird who used to present the program with vince was fit as fuck tho. you gotta want it - what a shit slogan that was - ico pro - remeber that? i think gary strydom probably was on ico pro and not hgh and hundreds of different steroids.

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