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Cannibal Holocaust

Was it the Vipco version of the film?Cut to shreds if it is. Still tremendous though.
I downloaded it, but I'm certain that very little is cut from the version I've got. So, I doubt it's from Vipco... Edited by Van_Dammer
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went to see 'thank you for smoking' last night and thought it was utterly fantastic. very well cast and each actor played their part perfectly.also saw 'over the hedge' on sunday and it wasn't as offensive as i expected it to be. as kids cgi movies go, it wasn't half bad.-c-

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Been watching many a film, time for a round up:


Scary Movie 4


Someone is going to have to tell me if there's anything I need to see in the last half hour because I stopped watching an hour in after it had failed to make me laugh at all. Really, really bad. I don't hate the series either, I got some cheap laughs out of the previous films but this was dire. It actually managed to be worse than War of the Worlds and had less comedy value.


V for Vendetta


Yup, saw this very very late.


I liked it a lot. It has it's flaws, a certain accent among them, but still an enjoyable, stylish dystopian affair with a likeable hero. Oh, and his introductory speech would probably be in my sig had Mr Seven not used it already. Natalie Portman should be in every film, so miscasting isn't up for discussion by the way.


Match Point


Scarlett Johansson is stunning. It's not as if I haven't seen her before , but my god she looks special in this film. A decent movie with a slightly absurd last half hour. I didn't see anything in his character that would turn him into a calculating, shotgun wielding killer just because he was torn between the nice little lifestyle he'd bagged himself and his unbelievably hot pregnant mistress. Still worth a watch though.


Lucky Number Slevin


I like Josh Hartnett, from the Faculty up to Sin City, but I haven't seen a lot of his stuff because films like Pearl Harbour and Black Hawk Down have a strong "would rather drill holes in my face" factor about them for me. But yeah, he's good.


Morgan Freeman being friendly yet menacing, Ben Kingsley as the jaded crimelord/rabbi and Bruce Willis as the bad ass mail clerk contract killer with a heart of gold. Oh, and Lucy Liu doing Natalie Portman in Garden State or Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine... Impulsive and slightly crazy hot girl who you desperately want to marry. The rather telegraphed twist was neither here nor there, the strength was in the entertaining dialogue and stylish execution for me. Good film.


Elsewhere in my folder of random films I transferred from my housemate before the end of Uni:


Revolver (I expect awfulness)

Derailed (I expect averageness)

The Inside man (I expect Denzel~! motherfucker)

Sympathy for lady vengeance (I expect something good but not Old Boy good)

In good company (I expect to be glued to Scarlett Johansson's scenes)

The Jacket (I expect plot holes)

EVERY SINGLE JAMES BOND FILM~! (I expect you to die~!).

Edited by JLM
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Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home


Although I have never watched the tv series, and would never EVER consider myself to be a trekkie, I have always had a soft spot for the movies - as a lot of them managed to bridge the gap between human drama, action and sci-fi so well. Hot on the heels of 2 very good trek films (Wrath Of Khan, and Search For Spock), this movie is the concluding chapter to the mini trilogy, in which Kirk and his crew finally go home and are judged by the Federation for the crimes they committed in the last two films. However, first they must go back to Los Angeleas 1986 to pick up some whales and take them back to the 23rd century, to save the world which is being attacked by a probe which transmits whale songs. Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds and its propestrous plot is probably its great flaw.


However, the light comedy that is usually sprinkled in is turned is set to 'stun', as there is a gag in every scene - often weak comedy - and the human drama / action side of things seemed to have been put on hold for this film. Its only true strength comes in the fact that its character based adventure is strong, it chooses to avert from cliches, it tackles a contemporary issue head on (whale hunting) and ties up all the loose ends from the other films.


However, in the scheme of things, although it might have been great 'family' cinema in the 1980s this looks lacklustre and tired now, and I'm not talking about the special effects, but the storyline and plot. The poor comedy really lets the film down, and as one last point Leonard Nemoy's direction is nothing special, and at times far too rigid.

Edited by ukedge87
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Goodbye Lenin: Awesome German comedy, although a bit too sentimental in parts its a really good film based around one of the defining historical events of the 20th century.

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Thank You For Smoking - Class film with some damn funny dialogue. The acting is decent (J.K Simmons is awesome, as usual) and the bragging scene between Nick Naylor and his friends is morbidly wicked. Pretty much an excellent story with some bizarre points made. Well worth seeing.Cursed - One of the only entertaining things about this film was adjusting the volume, in a combined attempt to hear the film without waking up people (t'was 3am). The quiet parts were too quiet so turning the TV up was a must, only to rapidly turn it back down again due to a "jumpy" moment. Some decent effects at the beginning, but other than that it's nothing special.In The Army Now - ***PAULY SHORE ALERT!!!*** I thought I'd throw that in since there are people who'd rather drink strychnine than watch Pauly Shore for 90 minutes. I thought this film was alright. I'd seen it before many a moon ago but still remembered some funny parts. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it, but it's a good mindless time-killer if there's nowt else on.Soon to be watching It's All Gone Pete Tong, Session 9 and Gozu. Will give my opinions if I remember this thread.

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It's awesome.

Lovin' your sig Mr Seven.
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 yesterday. I had it narrowed down to two people, and it was one of them. I didn't see the further twist coming though. I think a lot of people found the last episode to be way too far-fetched and over the top, but personally I loved it.

V for VendettaYup, saw this very very late. I liked it a lot. It has it's flaws, a certain accent among them, but still an enjoyable, stylish dystopian affair with a likeable hero. Oh, and his introductory speech would probably be in my sig had Mr Seven not used it already. Natalie Portman should be in every film, so miscasting isn't up for discussion by the way.


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It's awesome.

Lovin' your sig Mr Seven.
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 yesterday. I had it narrowed down to two people, and it was one of them. I didn't see the further twist coming though. I think a lot of people found the last episode to be way too far-fetched and over the top, but personally I loved it.
I'm a massive N/T fan so they can pretty much do no wrong in my mind but I did think the last episode was the worst yet. Just seemed kinda lazy, and more like an action film (Quentin having the vest on and so forth) than what it usually is. But The Carver is one of the best characters ever.Do you know when/if series 4 starts?
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In The Army Now - ***PAULY SHORE ALERT!!!*** I thought I'd throw that in since there are people who'd rather drink strychnine than watch Pauly Shore for 90 minutes. I thought this film was alright. I'd seen it before many a moon ago but still remembered some funny parts. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it, but it's a good mindless time-killer if there's nowt else on.

the scene in that film towards the end when Shore shoot the rocket launcher backwards 'Suck on this a one time!' is the funniest scene in any film ever! i hit the deck laughing every time i see it.Pauly Shore is a legend, end of discussion!
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It's awesome.

Lovin' your sig Mr Seven.
I just watched the last episode of Season 3 yesterday. I had it narrowed down to two people, and it was one of them. I didn't see the further twist coming though. I think a lot of people found the last episode to be way too far-fetched and over the top, but personally I loved it.
I'm a massive N/T fan so they can pretty much do no wrong in my mind but I did think the last episode was the worst yet. Just seemed kinda lazy, and more like an action film (Quentin having the vest on and so forth) than what it usually is. But The Carver is one of the best characters ever.Do you know when/if series 4 starts?
It was extremely convoluted. If you were to analyse it, there's holes everywhere. Why did nobody confirm that he was dead at the scene? How did he not suffocate? Still though, I loved it. I believe Season 4 starts in the US in September.
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