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Die Another Day - Quite liked this film, the action sequences were great and quite a cool narrative too. Only grind I had with it is that they overdone the cheesey hollywood lines. It was OK when Bond said "Saved by the bell" because that was funny, but I think the villains lose credibility when they keep coming out with crap like "Time for Jinx's bath!" when they try to drown Jinx.Oh and also the invisible car was a little TOO far fetched. Maybe in ten years time it will be more believeable.

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Bad Day at Black RockFairly good movie. Had a sort of uneasy feel right from the start. The shock of everyone when Spencer Tracy got off of the train showed us right away that something wasn't right. The way it built from there was also steady and good. Not the classic I was told it was, but still a good movie.

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Kill Bill - Vol. 1

Quentin Tarantino seems to be very fond of revenge movies. He helped Thriller: A Cruel Picture, a cult film from 1972, receive a DVD release and insisted that the Palme d'Or go to OldBoy at Cannes 2004. In Tarantino's own revenge flick, 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) seeks vengeance on a group of assassins and their leader, Bill.


The first half of this film is very good, but the latter is excellent. Kill Bill begins by establishing its story well and quickly introducing a fight scene that is quite brutal, but also interesting because of the way in which it develops. As the the story continues to unfold, there's a tremendous anime sequence, which is used to explain the background of one of the characters. After this point, I think the film drags slightly as The Bride essentially prepares to face her foes. Nonetheless, pratically every scene in Kill Bill is perfectly crafted.


Towards the end of the film, the battle between The Bride and Gogo Yubari is brilliant. It features some fantastic action and great violence. The subsequent fight scenes are remarkable in terms of choreography and violence.


Throughout Kill Bill, there are several references to other films and pop-culture. Tarrantino's influences are evident through both the on-screen aspects of this film and the terrific soundtrack. There's plenty of his trademarks, too, such as the obvious obsession with women's feet. I'm also glad that Battle Royale alumni, Chiaki Kuriyama, was cast as Gogo:




Major :thumbsup: for Kill Bill.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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A good film, which is very entertaining, funny, has good fight scenes & action scenes, and good special effects. The film also has a very good cast and solid acting performances. A good selection of characters from the X-Men comics are introduced & used in the film - with the main marvel comics characters including Professor Xavier(Patrick Stewart), Magneto(Ian McKellen), Wolverine(Hugh Jackman), Storm(Halle Berry), Jean Grey(Famke Janssen), Cyclops(James Marsden), Rogue (Anna Paquin) and Mystique(Rebecca Romijn-Stamos), as well as smaller characters like Toad, Sabertooth, & Iceman all given some screen-time. The movie is relatively short at 95-minutes, but it is still a good film to start the X-Men movie franchise.




X-Men 2

A very good film, which is very entertaining, has an interesting story, is funny, has very good action & fight scenes, and some very good special effects. Much like the first film, X-Men 2 has a very good cast and good acting. More characters from the X-Men comics are introduced in the film, including Nightcrawler(Alan Cumming), William Stryker(Brian Cox), and Deathstrike(Kelly Hu), while smaller characters from the first film are used more (including Iceman and Pyro) and there are hints of (Dark) Phoenix. In the end X-Men 2 is a good continuation of the ideas and under-lying story from first film, and with more time given it is also a superior film on the whole.




X-Men 3

A good film, which is very entertaining, has very good action & fight scenes, and some very good special effects. Again like the first two films X-Men 3 has a good cast, and more characters from the X-Men comics are introduced in the film including Beast(Kelsey Grammer), Juggernaut(Vinnie Jones), Angel(Ben Foster), Callisto, Multiple Man, Leech(Cameron Bright), and Arclight, while Pyro, Iceman, Colossus and Kitty Pryde are used in more prominent roles. On the whole X-Men 3 is a flawed movie, but still an enjoyable continuation of the previous two films. Not as good as X-Men 2 but about on-par with the original X-Men movie.




Battle Royale - Special Edition

There isn't much that I can say about the film that many others haven't already said about it - it is a very good film, very entertaining, interesting, has a great story, some very good action, great characters, some good & effective emotion throughout, great use of music/soundtrack, some dark humour, and is bloody and violent at times. The film is also well cast and solidly acted, with Takeshi Kitano great in his role as the teacher. Be sure to check out the manga and book the film is based on though if you did like the movie.


There are some very good extras on the 2nd DVD, including a 50-minute making-of, a 10-minute press conference with the director and cast, audition & rehearsal footage, a special effects featurette, and many behind the scenes featurettes.




Battle Royale 2 - Revenge

An entertaining movie, which is very bloody and violent (most of the blood was obviously CGI though), has an interesting story, and some exciting action. The film is flawed though

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Napoleon Dynamite- The funniest thing I have ever seen. Right from the start "Whatever the hell i want GOSH!" I was laughing the whole way through. It has some great one liners that I have been saying constantly since watching it "IDIOTS!" and "HECK YES" for example.

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Napoleon Dynamite- The funniest thing I have ever seen. Right from the start "Whatever the hell i want GOSH!" I was laughing the whole way through. It has some great one liners that I have been saying constantly since watching it "IDIOTS!" and "HECK YES" for example.

I realize that I'm in the minority, but I think Napoleon Dynamite is ridiculously overrated. I quite like the character, but the film is pretty mediocre.
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Napoleon Dynamite- The funniest thing I have ever seen. Right from the start "Whatever the hell i want GOSH!" I was laughing the whole way through. It has some great one liners that I have been saying constantly since watching it "IDIOTS!" and "HECK YES" for example.

I'm not trying to sound gay here but I think its a sweet film, not very good, but sweet.Also has a good soundtrack. I recommend you downloading the end tune When in Rome - "The Promise". Always brings a lump to me throat. Edited by bAzTNM
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add me to the Napoleon Dynamite hate club - i watched it, didnt laugh once, the film had no real plot - it was just awful. flogged it and the bloke who bought it off me wondered why it was so cheap lol, he thought it was wank too.the last things ive watched is TV series on DVD, Goodnight Sweetheart Series 4, Terry And June Series 2 and 3, and Maid Marian Series 1. All light hearted good fun, just how i like my TV. God im an oldie at heart.

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Napoleon Dynamite was a bag of wank, seriously.

"IDIOT!"How anyone can diss this film is beyond me. It is so simplistic, and brillantly performed that it is almost perfect.
I finally saw it on Sky the other day, or to be more accurate I saw half of it. It starts off ok but its a wee bit dull and I just remember thinkin that I couldnt be arsed spending another 3/4 hour watching it.
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