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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I'd been wanting to watch The Strangers since it came out, so I took advantage of tonight's Sky premiere. Two things that didn't help the viewing experience: I was watching it with some friends who were criticising the actions of the characters and being adamant that certain things would happen, which didn't. The other deterrent was that last week someone told me a main point of the film, so I was sat watching and wondering if there was any accuracy to what I was told. Because of these factors, I didn't know how I really felt about it until having some time to look back at it.


Overall I thought the film was alright, although it felt like it should've been a pilot episode to a TV series. Were that the case, I definitely would've tuned in for the next episode, however it was merely a film that ended just as it was getting really interesting. Granted, a sequel is in the works, but it could've done better in terms of being a stand-alone film.

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:yinyang: Well i just got back now and fuck me what a film. It's simply fantastic film with an excellent plot that combines great drama with some cracking dark humour. Brad Pitt is on superb form(yes i'm one of those people who rate him highly as an actor) Eli Roth is nowhere near as bad an actor as i thought he'd be in this but i think the praise has to go mainly to Christoph Waltz who is fucking fantastic as Hans Lander AKA "The Jew Hunter". Whether you're a fan of Quentin's movies or not i highly recommend you see it but i should point out that about 60% of the film is in either German or French not that that bothered me but i know what some people are like.



Yeah I saw it last night aswell and pretty much agree. If you're not a tarantino fan, this isn't the movie that will change your mind, but if you are as I am, it's very enjoyable. The french and german didn't bother me either, it's excellent dialogue as usual. A little long winded in places, but defintatly worth a watch.

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District 9, which is Peter Jackson's new movie. Could be the best movie out this year.

Really looking forward to that. The trailer alone is awesome.


I knew nothing of this film until i clicked that link


theres 2 official trailers (on youtube), the second one makes it look like a generic action flick though which, IMHO, ruins the effort of the first trailer. But still, i`ll be seeing it

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District 9 looks interesting. Peter Jackson hasn't directed it, though.


Recently, I watched House of 1000 Corpses. It was poor. I get what Rob Zombie was going for, but it just comes off as a light version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, without any of that kind of intensity or terror, and instead overdoing the campiness. And then the end seems to go on forever.


Still, I gave the sequel, The Devil's Rejects, a chance and it is immensely better, succeeding on a lot of the levels that House of 1000 corpses fails. It feels like a much stronger tribute to exploitation flicks, rather than an incredibly cheesy version of one. The violence, the sickening content, the sleaze, the humour - everything is better. Plus, DDP's in it! Glad to see he's getting some work after Kimberly flashed her tit in The 40 Year Old Virgin. :thumbsup: Downsides are that it does tend to drag, Rob Zombie over-directs a little (he seems to really loves slow-motion) and I didn't like the ending.


I also finally watched Groundhog Day. It's one of those major movies that everyone else has seen and it almost always elicits a surprised reaction from most people when I say I've never seen it, along with The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas and a few others. Anyway, I felt this more or less lived up to its expectations of at least being good, but it's not great. I've seen it listed on quite a few lists of top comedies, which I wouldn't really agree it; I'd say it's a fun movie, but really a funny one. Good, lighthearted viewing.


And I managed to catch Jacob's Ladder. Now this is amazing. Tim Robbins is just awesome and the film's dark, poignant and really creepy at times. Near-perfect.

Edited by Vice
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Aliens In The Attic


It's shit.


Need more? Okay, it's really shit. And unoriginal. You've already seen pretty much all the gags in it, but in things that were funnier. Just a horrible, horrible waste of time and money. For me, and the producers.

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Still, I gave the sequel, The Devil's Rejects, a chance and it is immensely better, succeeding on a lot of the levels that House of 1000 corpses fails. It feels like a much stronger tribute to exploitation flicks, rather than an incredibly cheesy version of one. The violence, the sickening content, the sleaze, the humour - everything is better. Plus, DDP's in it! Glad to see he's getting some work after Kimberly flashed her tit in The 40 Year Old Virgin. :thumbsup: Downsides are that it does tend to drag, Rob Zombie over-directs a little (he seems to really loves slow-motion) and I didn't like the ending.

See, i really liked the ending.

Although the first time I saw it, it almost seemed like Rob had the idea to end a movie with a driving sequence/shootout while Freebird played so he wrote a movie around that idea, it almost seemed cliched.

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Watched Iron Man last night on Sky for the 1st time and I really enjoyed it I'd say it was my favourite of the comic book adaptation so far. Downey Jr was excellent in his role it looked like he was loving every minute of it and its got me really looking forward to the sequel.

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I've recorded Iron Man but haven't got around to watching it. Did watch The Incredible Hulk last week and found it shockingly enjoyable, much better than the Ang Lee/Eric Bana effort. They laid it on a bit thick at the beginning with some references to the TV show but other than that it was a fun ride. To be honest I can't work out if it was a better film that I was expecting or if I've just begun to lower my standards.

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MUM & DAD - 7.5/10


Just read the cast for this, Bones from Operation Good Guys as a bastard! How can that be?!


Looks like a curious film though, might give it a go.

I watched Sid & Nancy for the first time the other month, he was the drummer in it. While he was only in a few scenes, it was hard to watch without thinking of Mum & Dad. Some very, very wrong moments. :(

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