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I've got that Push downloaded and I might give that a look tonight. Anyone seen it think it's worth the time?

I saw it at the cinema and quite enjoyed it. Don't really remember a great deal about it now other than the fact I suspected at the time that the director might be a paedophile...


It's definitely worth your time though it's a good start to a franchise that appears to want to take on X-Men and, whilst not as action-packed, is considerably better than Wolverine.


I also bought righteous kill for the obvious reasons of de niro and pacino. I hope its as good as I think it is I'm never usually dissappointed by either of their films so heres hoping.

One of the most disappointing films I've seen in ages. I seriously have to question why either of them thought it would be a good project on the basis of that script, especially as it's the first time they've appeared together since Heat. Sure, DeNiro's made some rubbish in his time but Pacino's usually pretty dependable.


Mind you, you love Wolverine so you might enjoy it a lot more than me.

Edited by elegia
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I love the Star Trek universe but I didn't care for the new movie. It was ok at best. I didn't mind the acting I just didn't care for the story. Not entirely sure why, I just came out of the cinema thinking the film was a bit meh.


I might go see it a second time to see if my views change.

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I'm sure people wont like it, thats fine. You can just tell when people come on forums and talk shit about films just because a lot of others like it though.


Indeed. Though I don't mind that as much as the few who will come onto any forum to go OTT on bashing anyone and everyone who liked a film they didn't, especially when the insults start flying for no reason.


Star Trek rocks. One thing that completely shocked me, the trailer gave no indication of what to expect, was how funny it was. Seriously funny in places. I've seen 'comedy' films which don't have a single scene as funny as Kirk with the big hands.


When I read abut that, I cringed. Seeing it... fucktonnes better than I expected. Just what was needed though - the later Trek took itself a bit too seriously. Or in the case of Enterprise both the humour and the attempts at something sexy always seemed like they were written by the types you'd see in the Big Bang Theory. It was a nice surprise... especially little moments and lines I won't spoil.


The other thing (the geeky thing) I noticed was the attention to detail on little things, callbacks to previous films and episodes. Not like "Ar eyou out of your Vulcan mind?" but apple thing mirroring Kirk in the Genesis cave.


yeh, the humor is really good in the film. I couldn't really get used to Simon Pegg's Scottie, cause i was kinda destracted by his attempt at a Scottish accent. But the Kirk/Spock interraction was great, witty stuff.


Quinto as Spock was fucking brilliant, that guy was born to play the character.


With Pegg... I was apprehensive (as I was with Urban) but the accent was spot on. He says Scottish slang better than I do and I was born and raised here. Quinto was good - but I was really surprised by Pine and Urban. One I'd barley heard of, the other was (to me) that guy from Doom. Both really surprised me.


After two viewings.... I don't know what film I'm in the mood to see next :/

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I've been a massive critic of JJ Abrams, but I'll hold my hands up and say he took a shit franchise and made easily the best thing to ever wear it's name, Star Trek is actually an accessible, fun action film with actually interesting characters and a minimum of what everyone hates about Trek, the shit politics and self fellating nature of everything.


I hope they keep telling the trekkies to fuck off and make more entertaining film like this one was.

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I really enjoyed Karl Urbans performance aswell, he had some great lines and I liked what he did with Bones. I have to go see this again, god bless the unlimited card.

If anyone deserves big things out of this movie, it's Karl Urban.


Star Trek is my pick for movie of the year so far, but I've not seen Coraline yet.


Toss up between Wolverine & Watchmen for biggest turkey.

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Benjamin Button also belongs to the worst list.

A retread of Forrest Gump didn't appeal to me, so I have managed to sidestep said cinematic turd.

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I really enjoyed Karl Urbans performance aswell, he had some great lines and I liked what he did with Bones. I have to go see this again, god bless the unlimited card.

If anyone deserves big things out of this movie, it's Karl Urban.


Star Trek is my pick for movie of the year so far, but I've not seen Coraline yet.


Toss up between Wolverine & Watchmen for biggest turkey.



I could understand if you said they were both equally disappointing, but Wolverine is definitely the worse film of the two..

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Toss up between Wolverine & Watchmen for biggest turkey.


I could understand if you said they were both equally disappointing, but Wolverine is definitely the worse film of the two..


I don't know. Wolverine seemed far more watchable (not great, not shit), which was pretty much what I expected. It's like watching Friends, you can put your feet up and fill some time but know you won't get too excited.

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Saw Star Trek today, pretty good film. REally funny in parts abnd some nice little moments and one liners. Said Hi to Elegia as well, seeing it agian tomorrow with my brother.

Edited by Tequila_Boy
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Saw Star Trek yesterday, and I think it's fucking brilliant. Great acting, great action, great effects, even the plot wasn't too bad either, though a little formulaic. I can safely say this is a movie I will definitely watch again, and try to get on Blu-Ray when it's available.


That said, I am a bit of a hardcore Trekker, so I do prefer the original story universe - mainly because there's so much more of it, and it's had more time to be developed. Plus, I've pretty much grown up with it. Additionally, as awesome as this new movie is, I'm not entirely happy with

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Vulcan and Romulus getting destroyed. They're both significant parts of the Star Trek universe. But I will wait and see if Abrams comes up with a second movie to further this storyline.


[close spoiler]

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Superhero Movie - Not as dreadful as I expected and it actually made me laugh a few times, although I'm in no hurry to watch it again.


From Dusk Till Dawn - Would've loved to have seen this and not known anything about it beforehand. Still one of my favourite films for memorable lines, including this peach:


"Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!"

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From Dusk Till Dawn - Would've loved to have seen this and not known anything about it beforehand. Still one of my favourite films for memorable lines, including this peach:


"Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!"

"Plant yourself in that seat"

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I said plant yourself... Plants don't talk..."


I love that movie. Still possibly George Clooney's best role.

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