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Guest DJM

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its supposed to be ridiculous, its hardly taking itself seriously is it?

I'd probably get it if it intended to be a comedy, but to be honest, it's meant to be a high octane crazy action film.


You expect action shot in a better way considering it had the same budget. I really enjoyed the first film, it was like you said an action movie that didn't take itself seriously, but the sequel was just ridiculous.


Seriously mate, it IS intended to be a comedy. If you couldn't see that you must have problems. The first one was a bit more borderline, but this was CLEARLY intended to have its tongue firmly in cheek. I personally thought it was brilliant. I hadn't laughed so much at a film in a long time. I'm not saying its a classic or anything like that, but it delivered everything I expected in a hilarious over the top tongue in cheek style. Expect it to be a serious high octane action flick and you will not only be disapointed, but you'll also be labelled an idiot for not seeing the obvious. Expect it to be an action-comedy like it was intended to be and you'll find an enjoyable film.

I will probably give it a go at a later date and like you said look at it in the light of a comedy action, and not just an OTT action flick.


I've got that Push downloaded and I might give that a look tonight. Anyone seen it think it's worth the time?

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Wolverine was awesome I like it better than the x-men movies as I didnt really think much of them. I recently bought 30 days of night which was quite good. I also bought righteous kill for the obvious reasons of de niro and pacino. I hope its as good as I think it is I'm never usually dissappointed by either of their films so heres hoping.

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amazing film, just amazing. great story which i assume most people have seen or knows the plot but its still an excellent film.


then i watched highlander 2, which while enjoyable just isnt any where near the firsts level

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I just saw Star Trek again, loved it just as much second time, my film of the year so far for sure. No doubt you'll see people starting to bash it soon to be cool and go against the grain of the majority because people like it. I'm really interested to see where they take it for the sequel, now that they've established the original crew in a different timeline theres pretty much endless possibilities of where they can go.

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i saw Star Trek tonight and it is fucking quality. My worry for the thing is, Star Trek has that pre-conceived rep. as something that is only for 'geeks', most people turn their nose up at the very name. I told a few people today i was going to see it and i got 'are you serious?', 'you fucking loser', 'it looks shit'. It's a shame because it's a fucking cracking movie.

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Quesiton. I want to take my brother to see Star Trek. If I go on a wednesdaty and use the Orange Wednesdays offer can I use my Unlimited Card as the paid ticket? I've heard you can but don't want to go and look like a tool.

just to confirm, you can use the unlimited card as the paying ticket, i do it all the time.

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i saw Star Trek tonight and it is fucking quality. My worry for the thing is, Star Trek has that pre-conceived rep. as something that is only for 'geeks', most people turn their nose up at the very name. I told a few people today i was going to see it and i got 'are you serious?', 'you fucking loser', 'it looks shit'. It's a shame because it's a fucking cracking movie.



See I'm the first to admit when it comes to things like Star Trek, Star Wars, comics and things like that, I am King Geek. Its just part of who I was growing up, theres nothing I loved more than reading about my favourite heroes and in particular watching Star Trek with my dad. We watched it all the time, right through the original, next generation, deep space nine, you name it. I'm very much my parents son when it comes to music, film and tv taste and I love them for it. So my friends know this about me so they obviously know I wanted to see it. One of my mates I went with tonight had the preconceived imagine in his head, that it was just for people like me who watched this stuff as a kid instead of teletubbies or whatever they watched, and he absolutly loved it. I think word is getting around now that people should drop what they previously thought and just go see it, which is great because JJ Abrams and the cast have done a great job of making it accessable whilst satisfying trekkies at the same time.

Edited by Andy Of Deth
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I just saw Star Trek again, loved it just as much second time, my film of the year so far for sure. No doubt you'll see people starting to bash it soon to be cool and go against the grain of the majority because people like it.

Or they'll bash it because they simply didn't like it.



Since moving to Manchester, I hadn't been to the Cinema and Mrs Houchen had wanted to see Coraline, what with her being a fan of animation so a tram ride from Stretford to G mex later, we were at the pics. The AMC seems to be a multiplex that I could get on with, many screens and unbelievably, LEG ROOM! Luckily screen 13 was quite empty as well, Coraline is billed as a kids film so there were a few kids there too, never mind, the comfy seats and leg room will make up for that.


Coraline isn't really a kids film, more a kids horror film, the opening title sequence where a doll gets pulled apart set the tone nicely. Given that it's directed by Henry Selick (The guy who really made Nightmare Before Christmas) I was expecting a visual feast and sure as shit, that's what you get. The voice casting is spot on, the animation of Coraline coupled with Dakota Fannings voice made for a heroine who I really rooted for, before the film started they were playing songs from films over the PA and one from Labyrinth came on, Mrs Houchen said how much she loved that film as a child and really wanted to be the girl in it, (I instantly thought of the ass to ass scene from Requiem For A Dream) I can imagine that 8 year old watching Coraline would want the same thing (not the ass to ass scene, obviously). Speaking of RFAD, it was strange to hear the cat in Coraline being voiced by Big Tim from RFAD, (There's that ass to ass scene again).


There were some genuine scary moments and there were a few crying children during the film which brought a smile to my jaded, cynical face, overall I thought it was a wonderful film with some truly amazing visuals (The mouse circus and the gardens in the 'other world'), not as good as the ass to ass scene though but yeah, great film.

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I just saw Star Trek again, loved it just as much second time, my film of the year so far for sure. No doubt you'll see people starting to bash it soon to be cool and go against the grain of the majority because people like it.

Or they'll bash it because they simply didn't like it.



I'm sure people wont like it, thats fine. You can just tell when people come on forums and talk shit about films just because a lot of others like it though.

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yeh, the humor is really good in the film. I couldn't really get used to Simon Pegg's Scottie, cause i was kinda destracted by his attempt at a Scottish accent. But the Kirk/Spock interraction was great, witty stuff.


Quinto as Spock was fucking brilliant, that guy was born to play the character.

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