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Guest DJM

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Last film: Superbad. Didn't expect it to live up to The 40 Year old Virgin and Forgetting Sarah Marshall but it's superb with some massive belly laughs, a few sick gags and excellent preformances from Jonah Hill and Michael Cera.

I was the same... I wasn't keen to watch it but I ended up seeing the second half of it on a self serving friends laptop in Northampton and loved it. I bought it a few months ago and it's become one of those films that hasn't had me bored with multiple viewings.The commentary's worth a listen too.I got Six Degrees of Seperation in the mail from Love Film today. I'll give that a watch this week at some point.
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Last week I finally watched Once Were Warriors after borrowing it from a mate. Stolen from IMDB.com:


"Set in urban Auckland (New Zealand) this movie tells the story of the Heke family. Jake Heke is a violent man who beats his wife frequently when drunk, and yet obviously loves both her and his family. The movie follows a period of several weeks in the family's life showing Jake's frequent outburst of violence and the effect that this has on his family. The youngest son is in trouble with the police and may be put into a foster home while the elder son is about to join a street gang. Jake's daughter has her own serious problems which are a key element in the plot."


The film is as dramatic and emotional as it is physical and shocking. There are a few moments where it feels like a domestic musical, what with some spontaneous guitar-fuelled sing-alongs. For a bunch of unknowns, the acting is pretty good, and Temuera Morrison is a thoroughly convincing nut-job as Jake.


I was also lent the sequel What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted, which I didn't know existed. I can't say much on it as I'd risk spoiling the first film. I definitely didn't think it was as good, but it was watchable, despite the "Is that it?" feeling at the end. Another thing that bugged me was that the film featured another son, who never had so much as a mention in the first film. After doing some Wiki searching, I found that the reason behind this was that the films were based on a series of books, and the second book came out after the first was made into a film. Still, a tad annoying.

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watched american history x the other night superb film probably the best edward nortons been in.

I watched him in the Italian Job on e4.. I couldn't help but think he was Bruno Kirby in the opening sequence.The Italian Job was alright as a modern, stylish American crime film... but other than using the nostalgia factor of fitting those three mini's into the plot, I couldn't see any reason to give the film the same name as the Micheal Caine original. Especially with the ending.Today while working I watched Mystery Men, which I've always loved but had no idea it was based on a comic book... 40 Year Old Virgin, which is still funny... But the highlight had to be Six Degrees of Separation. I'd only ever seen this film once before so ordered it on LoveFilm. It's still a wonderful film, a great role for Will Smith to play and when watching it today I kept seeing recognisable faces everywhere... the one that stuck out the most (outside the main cast) were Bruce Davison, Heather Graham and Lost/Star Trek producer JJ Abrams playing a bastard rich kid!
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Mindhunters - ive always enjoyed Renny Harlin's movies, he's slipped down the ladder in recent years but he's still putting out some fun action/thrillers. He's one of these directors who always seems to get some decent names in his movies (however little the role). This movie was completely ridiculous, like a wild mesh up of Final Destination, Identity and Scream. The whole thing is implausible but completely entertaining.

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Just got back from seeing Burn After Reading. Took a while to really get going but was pretty cool from then on in. Very black comedy esque which, with the exception of about 4 other people in the cinema, seemed to go over everyones head. It does end very abruptly but I found it very enjoyable.

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I thought it was very funny once it got going. Pitt was hysterical. His facial expressions and mannerisms were absolutely hilarious. It's a very shallow and in many ways, unpleasant film, but I think critics are being unfair to slate The Coens for making such a drop in the ocean after the brilliant No Country For Old Men. I believe that if this was made by a debut filmmaker with a low budget and a cast of unknowns, it would not have gotten as much attention but it would have been more acclaimed. People seem to be of the opinion that everyone involved is just having a laugh and this shouldn't be allowed. It's a fun, disposable black comedy, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Mindhunters - ive always enjoyed Renny Harlin's movies, he's slipped down the ladder in recent years but he's still putting out some fun action/thrillers. He's one of these directors who always seems to get some decent names in his movies (however little the role). This movie was completely ridiculous, like a wild mesh up of Final Destination, Identity and Scream. The whole thing is implausible but completely entertaining.

It also contains LL Cool J's best line of dialogue in any film ever."Well I guess we found out what his weakness was... bullets. "
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I've just caught two rather good horrors in the last couple of days.Them - a cool French horror thriller.House - released in cinemas soon but well worth finding the torrent and it's not a cam which is bonus. Very good film which is scarce in the horror genre at the moment.

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Iam A Cyborg, But thats OK!


Twas on Film four the other night. Thought it was very good, reminded me of Amelie and Twelve Monkeys and Roujin-Z among others


Definitely worth a watch... even if the ending was a bit odd/clipped

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High School Musical 3Slightly more grown up than the previous two with even better musical numbers. I loved it.

I really wanna see that but am too embarressed to go to the cinema. Props for having the courage.
And props for admitting to it ;) I got home shockingly drunk as is the norm on a Saturday/Sunday to find Robin Hood: Men in Tights on Sky. I have it on VHS and have seen it many times yet for some reason tonight I noticed little things I've never noticed before, tiny things like the exit sign above the castle door and some guy making a quiet comment about Marian's boobs. Still love that film though, makes me giggle. Last week when I got home Hairspray was on... can't say that I was keen on the idea of watching since I'm a die-hard fan of the original non-musical with Ricki Lake, but I was surprisingly entertained though John Travolta playing Mrs Turnblatt is just disturbing to say the least and the idea of a union between him and Christopher Walken is the stuff of nightmares. Still, it was more enjoyable as a musical as I thought it would be. Now I'm off for some old school... bit of Gene Kelly methinks :) Edited by Lexx
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