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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I've wanted to see this film for a while, and my girlfriend had it on video so last night we decided to give it a viewing.]


The film almost lived up to what I wanted it to be, it wasn't as much of a bitingly sarcastic comment on the American middle classes as I had hoped and felt a little hypocritically as it wasn't a million miles away from any other teen comedy sprinkled with coming of age and romance subplots.


Steve Buscemi is really entertaining as Seymour and pretty much stole the film for me.


There are some really funny moments too, and although it is not as angry as I expected, it does comment well on some of the lifestyle complacency we are all guilty of.

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I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry - interesting only because it's the first time I've seen Dan Aykroyd in years..not very funny.

Wrong Turn 2 - Good stuff! I enjoyed the first one, I think you must be a little bit mad if you don't enjoy inbred and deformed hicks killing teenagers. Some of the deaths were really well done, in particular the arrow through one girl's head and into her friend's eye. Lovely stuff. Well worth watching!

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Japanese tv drama For you in Full Blossom and Korean Drama Damo. Great shows which surpass anything we have currently on tv at them oment in england, both different but tell a great story, Full blossom being a story about a girl who lives in high school with some guys who she has a thing for, its based on an anime i think and Damo is a story about a woman who is a tea lady but also an undercover police officer investigating crimes of Counterfeiting.

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one of the best films iv seen this year along wit this is england. i thought sam rileys performance as ian curtis was extremely good and toby kebbell as the band manager was hilarious.really would recommend this to anyone who wants a serious film wit a few funny moments in it courtesy of the band manager.

Edited by londons calling
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Is there any chance we could get the page number of the review list up in the title of the thread? Its on page 200 but every other time look in here I forget and have to trawl though it. Cheers.


Streetfighter 2 the Animated Movie - I have a mate who spent his youth doing stupid things like being outside and exercising. Because of this the poor chap has seen remarkably few films, (not even the Indiana Jones films). I have taken to educating in the ways of films I can't work out how/highly recommend he sees. We have done 5 but this is the only one not already reviewed.


Simply put this is the way the Van Damme film should have been! Quite a western feel to the simple but at least not ridiculous plot of the film. Basically taking the game and fleshing it out into a way to get the characters to have one on one action sequences whilst retaining the back stories but not just having them in a organised street fighting tournament. Don't watch this if you want depth to your anime but if you want well animated action and a love for the game this is easily the way to go.


The Chun-li vs Vega scene stands out as a highlight. Vega comes off as a genuinely dangerous man, which is nice because it gives a character more personality than just looking cool and the move set of the game. Not all the characters are given this luxury but it would be hard to get them all in, at least they have cool fights.


The version I have is the previous Manga Entertainment DVD release which includes the old VHS Manga Entertainment trailer montage which as a kid use to be on every tape. If anyone has the new version with card slip case I wouldn't mind knowing if its worth getting? Does it have any worth while features?

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Hostel 2More of the same, but also tells you a bit more about the environment the people go into and the organisation behind it. Nothing amazing but I did find it a bit more watchable than the first. Still just an excuse to get some gore into a movie.Blackhawk DownI didn't get around to watching this before but as it came with the PS3 I bought I thought I'd sit and watch it. Good movie. You get a real sense of the desperate situation the 'americans' were in, no idea how 'true to life' this movie was but it's a decent piece of storytelling anyway.

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Saw 4.


Not dissapointing in the slightest!...Because I knew it would be shit anyway. I found the whole thing to be cheesy, rushed and generally just terrible.


The acting in particular is rather wooden and this isn't helped by tedious dialouge. There was nob reason to care about the characters besides Jigsaw and even his character has been taken as far as it can in my book.


Clockwork Orange


Saw this as part of a College assignment. As a film it raises interesting points about social expressionism and themes like freedom. It's also clever in that whilst you originally find yourself hating the main character, later on you begin to feel sorry for him as the story progresses.


Not to my personal taste, but as a film it's certainly thought provoking and interesting viewing.

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30 Days Of Night


Wow, this was fucking awesome. So much better than what I was expecting. It's atmospheric, creepy, seriously violent (it's rated 16 over here which stunned me considering some of the gore on display), and has characters you actually care about. Mostly good performances too, especially Danny Huston as the lead vampire. Go see it!

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Watched the old Channel Five T.V series: Urban Gothic


Proof if proof be need be that you can look back at something with too much affection,the series isn't that good on the whole but does contain a few episodes that hold toghter.

The series always had some great ideas and bags of ambition but suffered from poor execution and terminaly confussed story telling.


Channel Five never comissioned a third series but I think with a little extra money and additional help from a more seasoned writer the dreams of this series could have been realised.

However as with 90% of British horror television it was destroyed before it could develop,Neverwhere,Strange and Garth Mergenghi went much the same way.

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Just got back from the cinema and saw the bone chilling Hammer classic;


Dracula In my opinion the greatest of the Dracula's Christoper Lee bites his way through a host of English aristocrats and Peter Cushing stalks him to his grave. Both men are awesome in this, Lee has to be my favourite Dracula. With a all new 12a raing this has rereleased for Halloween digitally remastered. Which is awesome because the greatest thing about the film is the production design. If the new Hammer films can come to even closely to the old gothic asthetic then it will be awesome. The lighting really is the highlight though, thats where the true Horror comes from in this. Shadow is used to grotesquely dement there frightened and tortured evil faces. Brilliant!

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Wedding Belles


This TV comedy was written by Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) and is set in Edinburgh following 4 girls and the build up to one of the girl's wedding. It's dark and really funny in parts, moving from despair to hilarity. All 4 lead actresses give great performances but if anything it was a bit short and didn't tie up every plot line as it could've done.

Definitely worth checking out.

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Clockwork OrangeSaw this as part of a College assignment. As a film it raises interesting points about social expressionism and themes like freedom. It's also clever in that whilst you originally find yourself hating the main character, later on you begin to feel sorry for him as the story progresses. Not to my personal taste, but as a film it's certainly thought provoking and interesting viewing.

Another example of a film ruined by not keeping to the books original ending.
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Die Hard 4.0 (Dvd version)



Love this film, as I do all the others. The dvd version put back in some swearing and violence that was edited out for the cash clawing cinema version. McClane seems a lot less invincible in this version, as the removal of blood and such from the cinema version made him seem like Captain Scarlet, and more of the "Die Hard attitude" is in and makes this a great film and well worth a watch

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