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Guest DJM

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I watched The Prestige at the weekend. I liked it, but felt the ending was a bit much. The first twist is silly enough but it's acceptable given the context, but the second one is just a bit too mental given the setting. Still the film is very enjoyable, and Bale and Jackman are excellent in their respective roles. Scarlett Johansson is terrible as usual though. How does she keep getting work? Is it the cleavage?


Tonight I watched The King, starring Gael Garcia Bernal and William Hurt. Bernal plays Elvis, the illegitamate son of Hurt's small town pastor, who after leaving the navy in search of his father, is initially rejected and then proceeds to start an affair with his half-sister, which of course leads to all kinds of tragedy. This is easily the most depressing film I've seen in quite some time. It's a very good film, although the editing leaves a lot to be desired in places and the cinematography is poor in others (the boom mic hovers into shot on more than one occasion) but minor quibbles aside, it's a fascinating and compelling character study. Bernal is excellent as the cold, taciturn Elvis, Hurt is strong in his role and Pell James is brilliant as Elvis's sister/lover.

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May not be the right place for this but it saves me making a new topic. Anyone have any idea when Grindhouse comes out in the UK? It looks immense.

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SAW III.Christ its dull. The fact that the guy enters three rooms and goes through the same moral dilemma (accompanied by the same camera work/falshback montages) betrays a real lack of imagination. Its also a fairly bad sign when you can say out loud exactly what will happen in the last fifteen minutes of a film and then watch as it unfolds exactly as you've said - I think they might be losing their touch when it comes to 'surprise' twists.Please god let it be the last one, although I doubt it somehow.

The guy who created Saw signed up to a 7 film deal. The next one will be a sequel with the other 3 beng prequels detailing the life of Jigsaw before the first film.Could they honestly have chosen a worse actor for the main guy in Saw 3?
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


This is renowned as Jack Nicholson's film, however I think the support casting are the true stars shining here, DeVito as Martini and Christopher Lloyd as Taber particulalry stand out. In fact, I found it difficult to smypathise with Nicholson a lot of the times, due to the nature of his character.


The script is great, if somewhat over-sentimental, but water-tight throughout. The scenes are kept neat and trim, no flabbyness can be found anywhere, despite the flick running over two hours which is an achievment in itself.


This film is great, makes you laugh, makes you wanna cry and most importantly makes you relate to thoses who have been rejected from society for too long.

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Watched Dog Day Afternoon last night after hearing of its awesomeness from many people. Pacino is very good in his role and i liked the realistic element to the film as well where nothing went smoothly from the get-go unlike all the slick crime thrillers you always see. The film seemed to go on a bit too long for me but overall im very impressed.The one particular scene which stands out is when Pacino is on the phone to his real wife and you get an insight in to what could have drove him to do such a thing, great acting and well written.

Edited by KRISProdigy
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The Prestige - fantastic stuff, ive been reading that alot of people were pissed at the ending...i'll admit i saw it coming and you have suspend your disbelief for some of it, but it's a fitting end. As Mr. Seven said previously Bale and Jackman are superb (expecially Bale, he's fucking awesome in everything). The story twists and turns all the way through which is apt. for a magician movie. I find magic extremely interesting as it is so i loved it. Im gonna have to get down and watch The Illusionist now.

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Tough And Deadly - yesssss! classic b-movie fodder here. This is pretty much as good/awful as b's get. It stars Roddy Piper and Billy Blanks. What this movie does right is that it's sticks with action that rather pump up the acting/drama states (which alot of b-movies do and it makes em boring). There's a fighting scene every five minutes and the movies actually pretty funny, him and Blanks play up the buddy thing awith Piper easily the star of the show (his acting style is made a for a movie like this), as for Blanks he's pretty much as wooden as you can get, but he can kick some ass.


Alot of people can't watch b-movies and ive seen some shockers, but i keep going back to 'em...this one was a treat, its 2 o'clock in the morning stuff (i finished it at 2.30 :p)...if you see it for 50p anywhere and you like b-movies get it up. And remember, its got Rowdy Roddy Fucking Piper innit.

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Major League


Not seen this for years but stumbled across it for a few beans online last week on an R1 release so decided to purchase.


Brought back many happy memories, some good comedy perfomances and memorable characters - scary to think it's almost 20 years old. Have the second one to watch tomorrow which i seem to remember being half-decent as far as sequels go. :thumbsup:

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