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Lucky Number SlevinI absolutely loved this film! The plot was a bit of an obvious one.. but the way the film was made.. along with the quick fast talking made it awesome.. Definately a must watch imo.

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Rocky BalboaBeing a massive Rocky fan I hoped this wouldn't shit all over the old series but the film was amazing. A great trip down memory lane. The fight is irrelevant on the grand scale of things, it mostly centres around Rocky's life. I was riveted throughout and when the training montage hit I felt like running up the stairs in the cinema. Tremendous.

That truly is tremendous :laugh: As for me,i bought Varsity Blues Saturday for around 4 squid,and it's just as good as i'd remembered. James Van Der Beek is his awesome self as per usual,and is helped along by a good cast. A Very gripping film,and one of my favourite American Football Films.
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Live Feed.Low budget, Hostel influenced slocker. I actually laughed at this it was so cartoony in it's uber-violence. Shite. Just don't bother. It did have a lot of nudity in though, so all was not lost.

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American Psycho


Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) is handsome, well educated and intelligent. He is twenty-seven and living his own American dream. He works by day on Wall Street, earning a fortune to complement the one he was born with. At night he descends into madness, as he experiments with fear and violence.


The novel, by Bret Easton Ellis, of which this film is based on is outstanding. Horrorific, darkly funny and completely entrapting it is a modern classic, and a great statement about the yuppie culture - so I had high standards for this film.


Bale as Bateman was not how I envisioned the character, despite being a Bale fan I probably would have said he was mis-cast. Although he gets the charasmatic and yuppie side of Bateman down to a t, the dark pyschotic and brody side of Bateman is protrayed in the same over-acted manner.


The film, thank god, does not choose to 'Hollywood' the novel, with the viewer still being left with an ambigious ending, in which one must decide how much of the events actually happened and what was in Bateman's fantasy or delirium, it is never clear as it is both hinted at the he did everything and nothing - which is great. By doing this the film manages to portray the book's clear statement on reasons and not the means.


Interestingly, despite being called 'Psycho' the film manages to portray one of the book's best factors - the interesting point that perhaps in Bateman is the only sane man. In the Yuppie culture and circles Bateman runs with, he is the only one with enough self-awareness to realise that the life they live is hollow, meaningless and futilie - thus creating his blood lust.


This film scratchs the surface at what the book means and is no where near as dark, but for a 100 minute film it succeeds far more than I thought it would. Bale makes an admirable effort, and yet despite the flicks clear downfalls, there lies a enthralling and thoughtprovoking film.




Another weird thought that occured to me the other day, Bateman = Batman. Weird.

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Has anyone seen American Pie: The Naked Mile?


Another straight to DVD release, has anyone seen it yet? I watched it a couple of days ago. I really enjoyed Band Camp and thought it was under rated, but this one, I dunno. If you imagine it has nothing to do with the American Pie films then it's an ok film in it's own right, but when compared to the other 4 it just doesn't live up.


Anyway, here's the first 3 and half minutes:


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Yeah, but does the book have Arnold Schwarzenegger in it? No. So you're wrong.

Yeh, but I couldn't remember the characters name so I said the guy who Arnie plays in the film. I don't understand what your Messiah 1: The First KillingsThis is the first time I have re-watched the first Messiah episode since it came out almost six years ago - it has held up very well indeed. Although the show takes more than just a smidgen from the film Se7en it manages to keep the audience interested by a strong leading cast (although the supporting cast are pretty bad at times), and enough twists & subplots to keep the story fresh. The programs move quickly - not allowing any time for stalling or boring over-analysis -, often using the gruseome bodies to re-awaken the viewer from a complacent state which some detective shows can offer. The complete series are well worth picking up on DVD if you can as they are some of the best post-2000 TV BBC has shown.
a friend of mine recommended me The Messiah, im gonna check that shit out!
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Yeah, but does the book have Arnold Schwarzenegger in it? No. So you're wrong.

Yeh, but I couldn't remember the characters name so I said the guy who Arnie plays in the film. I don't understand what your Messiah 1: The First KillingsThis is the first time I have re-watched the first Messiah episode since it came out almost six years ago - it has held up very well indeed. Although the show takes more than just a smidgen from the film Se7en it manages to keep the audience interested by a strong leading cast (although the supporting cast are pretty bad at times), and enough twists & subplots to keep the story fresh. The programs move quickly - not allowing any time for stalling or boring over-analysis -, often using the gruseome bodies to re-awaken the viewer from a complacent state which some detective shows can offer. The complete series are well worth picking up on DVD if you can as they are some of the best post-2000 TV BBC has shown.
a friend of mine recommended me The Messiah, im gonna check that shit out!
Do it!You can pick up the 4 Disc boxset with every Messiah ever made for under
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ApocalyptoHave to agree with Nev here. Boring as hell. I fell asleep twice during the movie, which generally isn't a good sign. There is one thing that REALLY annoyed me about it.

The movie basically ended with more chasing. We just watched this guy get chased and then it ends with THOSE guys running.

Can't say I was the biggest fan of the movie at all.

eh? what ending did you see?
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Little Miss Sunshine

A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus.

A great movie, which is very funny, has great characters (with believable relationships between them) a premise which most can easily identify with (the story may seem basic but it's sub-plots develop throughout to keep the film flowing and help to build upon the initial idea) and also great performances (Oscar worthy apparently) from the strong cast.



The Return

Joanna Mills (Sarah Michelle Geller) is a woman struggling with a past trauma, who travels to a town on business and ends up discovering hidden truths about herself.

A poor film which is more of a supernatural drama than a horror movie. Even with its brief 85-minute running time, the film feels padded and it is just a slow journey to a finale that isn't worth the effort. It takes too long to get going (over half the film is pretty much uneventful and dull) and I didn

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ApocalyptoHave to agree with Nev here. Boring as hell. I fell asleep twice during the movie, which generally isn't a good sign. There is one thing that REALLY annoyed me about it.

The movie basically ended with more chasing. We just watched this guy get chased and then it ends with THOSE guys running.

Can't say I was the biggest fan of the movie at all.

eh? what ending did you see?

Ignoring the thing at the end with Jaguar Paw and his family, which came as a result of what happened right before it. The two men who had chased Jaguar Paw to the beach when they seen the men on the boats, and basically did a runner from them. Made the entire thing a waste of my time.

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A History Of Violence


Wow. Someone on here was positively raving about this last year. Was it Lantern? Anyways, what film were you watching? I don't think I've seen a more stupid film masquerading as a serious one in quite some time. I mean this shit was ri-goddamn-diculous. I remember watching certain parts thinking, this would only work in a graphic novel, and surprise - it's based on one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking the comicbook world, fuck knows I love my Preachers, Sandmans, Blade Of The Immortals and more, but this is silly comicbook violence in what is attempting to be an important flick, and it just does not work. I laughed openly as the film became more and more ludicrous and preposterous. Seriously, each time Viggo busted out his Superman routine I was in stitches, and the deeply unsubtle attempts at contrasting, such as the hilarious sex scene, and the flashing neon sign messages (VIOLENCE BREEDS VIOLENCE! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE YOUR PAST!), didn't help stifle my giggles.


Seriously, if David Cronenberg set out to make a comedy, then fair play, mission accomplished. Alas, he set out to make a modern day western cum revenge flick with a message. And boy did he miss the mark.



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ApocalyptoHave to agree with Nev here. Boring as hell. I fell asleep twice during the movie, which generally isn't a good sign. There is one thing that REALLY annoyed me about it.

The movie basically ended with more chasing. We just watched this guy get chased and then it ends with THOSE guys running.

Can't say I was the biggest fan of the movie at all.

eh? what ending did you see?

Ignoring the thing at the end with Jaguar Paw and his family, which came as a result of what happened right before it. The two men who had chased Jaguar Paw to the beach when they seen the men on the boats, and basically did a runner from them. Made the entire thing a waste of my time.


they didnt run did they? i thought they walked towards the water? then again, id fucking run if i was them, big fuck off boats and a bunch of weird dudes coming towards em...id brick it.
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