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The Marine: the first ten minutes, which could be considered military propaganda, are very funny. John Cena single handedly takes out around a dozen insurgents and saves his friends without so much as breaking a sweat but then gets sent home for disobeying a direct order ( I don't know why, if he'd have stuck around he'd have have probably won the Iraq war all by himself).If the rest of the film was as unintentionally hilarious, this movie could have worked in a 'so cheesy it's good' type of way (like Commando or Rocky IV does) and become a cult classic. But unfortunately after he returns home and his wife gets kidnapped (I don't think she even has a name in this) it just degenerates into your typical run of the mill B movie thriller. I don't know how this wranged a theatrical release in America, everything about it (the acting, how it's shot, the script) just screams straight to dvd. Even the action scenes,which should be the highlight of a film like this, looked quite shabby. They didn't use Cena to his strengths at all, he's one of the most charismatic guys in WWE, but that didn't come off here. He had no witty one liners, delivered his lines like a robot, and generally didn't have much of a personality at all. Benoit might have been a better choice for the role. Robert Patrick was quite funny, and Rome was the only mildly interesting character in this. I was actually rooting for him towards the end. And Mrs Triton, Kelly Carlson, doesn't do anything no other pretty actress in LA couldn't do.I have heard that the R rated version of this film is considerably better, though (it was cut down so the kiddies could see it). So maybe that will be worth checking out on dvd if it comes out. But really, this movie just doesn't work at all.

Edited by Garrett
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I saw X Men 3 earlier and it's the biggest load of wank ever. The film had big managerial problems in pre-production and it shows as this movie is a mess from start to finish. There is absolutely nothing in this film that makes it even worth 2 hours of your time.

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American pie- Still my favourite teen comedy of all time, and still 7-8 years later the gags hold up to this very day and remain just as funny as they were to begin with. The character of Jim really does remind me of myself at times, not so much with the awkwardness around girls but with the shit he seems to get himself into so i really relate to him. The jokes are funny, the characters are likable and the girls are hot. Hell it even has a bit of character development in there for good measure. The Nadia bedroom scene still haunts my fantasies to this day!. 8/10The Faculty- Id forgotten just how awsome, and how strong the cast for this movie really was. Just a very fun teen horror which doesnt take itself too seriously and is the more enjoyable because of it. 7/10Mighty Ducks D3- The inner kid in me LOVES all 3 of the franchise and whilst this is easily the weakest it still manages to be a fun film. The return of the second bash brother and the ending with Goldberg (not the wrestler) esspecially had me marking out now like i did upon first viewing. 6/10Lucky Number Slevin- For those who have seen it, you will agree with me when i say this film is fucking AWSOME! very similar to films like Usual Suspects/ Snatch and even Se7en which are all favourites of mine so how could i not like it? Strong cast with some excellent acting and even some nice gags thrown in for good measure. Easily my film of 2006. 9/10Arrested Development series 2- WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WAS THIS CANCELLED! For fucks sake America sucks for this very reason that a show so perfect can be tossed aside yet the very stale Simpsons gets its 1846th series. If i tried to explain why this show rocked so hard, id write an essay because there are not enough words. I'll go with intelligent, witty, with likable characters and cast. Just everything about this show is great. GOB esspecially is up there with the greatest tv characters of our time. His chicken dance and "Franklin" esspecially had me laughing so hard at points i had to rewind where i was missing dialogue from laughing. My favourite one has to be where he is doing it to Buster and then falls down after pulling a muscle or something and just having Buster yelling for "Mother" was awsome! 10/10 and there are not enough ~~~'s in the world,

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Theres a tremendous film on ITV just after the bells tonight. "Finding Forrester" with Sean Connery.Connery plays an agoraphobiac (sp?) author, a young kid tries to "find" him.The bit where hes at the baseball game and collapses due to being afraid due to the crowds is heartbreaking.A true must see.

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I just watched Warrior King (AKA "Dude, where's my elephant?").Tony Jaa is the God that has answered my prayers.It's an absolute crime that Jaa is not a "star name" yet, as this, and Ong Bak before it, should be the benchmark that other films look up to. The first section of the film is beautifully shot. Action films are rarely (if ever) noted for their camera work, but it's hard to ignore in this.The story is very basic, and is a tad jumpy, but the story is more character driven. Even the elephants are given characters (almost like a Disney film), and so the viewer cares what is happening to them.The action, as expected, is fantastic. It's not quite as acrobatic as Ong Bak (with the exception of the fight against the roller bladers/cyclists), but whilst it stretches belief a little, the fighting style does make sense in his "one man against many" crusade.The last time I was amazed by a martial arts movie star, was the first time I saw Donnie Yen in Drunken Tai Chi. He never really impressed me again after that, so it was still the guys from the 70's (Jackie, Samo, Yuen Biu, Lau Kar Leung, etc..) that I always kept at the top.Jaa really is the only person that has blown me away in the same was Jackie Chan did when I first saw Wheels On Meals.This movie really is a dream come true for those that don't like the "Crounching Tiger" style of martial arts movie.

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Tales from the Crypt


A couple of stories failed to keep my interest. However, there was some brilliant stuff here. The story of the guy in the car crash is superb, and comes to a tremendous ending. Also, the final story is well worth watching for the climax alone. Overall, it makes for decent viewing, even if the overall ending is a tad bit predictable.

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Life Is Beautiful


In 1930s Italy, a carefree Jewish book keeper named Guido Roberto Benigni) starts a fairy tale life by courting and marrying a lovely woman from a nearby city. Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy by German forces. In an attempt to hold his family together and help his son survive the horrors of a Jewish Concentration Camp, Guido tries reduce the Holocaust to a game and that the grand prize for winning is a tank to his son.


This is possibly one of the most emotionally tough films I've ever seen - it brings tugging at the heartstrings to a whole different level. The cast is very strong with Benigini winning the Oscar in 1999 for best actor after his performance in the film - he pulls off a brillant tragic comic that it is almost breathtaking. The films pans out as a film which deals with the holocaust whilst simultaneously acknowledging the lighter 'beautiful' side of life - imaging Woody Allen doing a film about the Nazi's anti-semitism.


This film is very entertaining, yet manages to conquer a depth most films only manager to scratch the surface of. I promise you, even the most emotionally cold viewers will have puffy eyes as the credits to this film roll.



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Spoiler, asshole.And I watched Lucky Number Slevin yesterday and highly enjoyed it. It's gotten alot of flak from critics but I thought it was great fun. Good twists (don't worry I won't tell you), Lucy Liu is fucking adorable, Josh Hartnett suprises me by actually being good in a major role. It's like a mix of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Usual Suspects. Two great movies, so I can't complain.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Lucky Number Slevin

Not much was made of this film, but I found it to be a highly watchable

little gangster style movie that was a bit daft but also very clever in

places. Dark and 'feel good' at the same time. Definatley worth a watch.



A 'war film' in the style of Hamburger Hill etc. More focused on the training

and comeraderie (or lack of) of the military. Atmospheric and a little depressing

but worth seeing if you like the whole 'training' stuff that war films used to include

a lot! :D


40 Year Old Virgin

I smiled all the way through this film, silly, funny and very warm all at the same

time. There were a few 'cringe' moments, oh and the Waxing scene had me in fits

of laughter I peed myself a little. Good movie.

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Lucy Liu is fucking adorable,

I don't think I've ever wanted anyone as much as when she was in that ra-ra skirt....Can I get a witness!!
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Just watched Black Hawk Down.


Got this cheap in a set with Jarhead and Tears of the sun, so though I would watch it.


It's an excellent film. The camera work makes you feel as though you are in the battle. It's very moving at times when you see the sacrifices the men make for each other. It's also entertaining for the whole 2 hours and a bit, it feels like an extended action sequence.


Well worth a watch!

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Lucy Liu is fucking adorable,

I don't think I've ever wanted anyone as much as when she was in that ra-ra skirt....
Damn right.She's been recently added to the top of my list, will she knock Pheobe Cates from 1984 off the top spot? Only time will tell.
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