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Guest DJM

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I watched V For Vendetta last night and it was absolutely terrible. The Wachowski's claim to be huge fans of the book but seem to have completely no idea on what made it good and show no understanding of the characters of V or Evey, the themes of the story and the actual whole point of it. In place they have absolutely terrible acting, ridiculous and boring dialogue (which is completely insane as they could have just copied it straight out the book and it would have been fine but instead changed all the best lines), the OST adds nothing to the film whatsoever, the directing is completely cold and heartless, they make pointless, nonsensical storyline changes and because it's set in England everyone has completely embarrassing cliche English accents and say "Bloody hell" and "bollocks" in almost every line.And I'm not just some fanboy who takes the comic so seriously I would never like the movie, if the movie just got the central themes, atmosphere and characters of the comic book correct then they could change the plot however they liked and I would have been happy as long as it was a well-acted and well-directed piece of film making. This is not. Stay away.

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V For Vendetta is one of the best made movies in a long time.You're obviously one of those bitter people who hates anything they love being made into a movie.

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Sympathy For Mr VengeanceI thought it was ok. But i think i was probably expecting too much, because i'd seen Oldboy before. It had it's momments but seemed to drag a little in places. I was also very tired while watching it so, i will try to watch it again sometime.

Do you have the subtitles file for that movie?
Sorry no i don't.I was bored last night so i watched Open Water. I wasn't expecting much, due to (i think) reviews on here and my brother telling me how awful it was. But i was pleasantly surprised. It was short, but needed to be because it could of got boring. I'm not saying this was a ***** film but i enjoyed it, and i thought the 2 main actors were both good in there roles.
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V For Vendetta is one of the best made movies in a long time.You're obviously one of those bitter people who hates anything they love being made into a movie.

Fuck off, you idiot. I stated that aslong as the movie had the correct atmosphere, got the message of the book and characters correct the plot could have been completely different for all I care as that would have actually given a reason for the film to even have been made. But instead it was a poorly acted, soul-lessly directed and terribly written piece of shit. There was no "best-made" about it. It had no message, no heart and no intelligence.You're obviously one of those stupid people who instead of having a logical discussion just makes idiotic comments.
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RE: Kidulthood.


It made me angry for various reasons but in general I thought it was OK. However, I have no idea why

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the guy dies from one air baseball bat shot to the gut


A friend of mine is also in this film. He sucks.

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Also, Volcano is on at half past, I remember being pretty good.

Volcano's cool...i love disaster flicks, i rented Deep Impact the other day, first time id seen it...it was a wicked film, destruction rules.
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