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Guest DJM

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Its #16 on IMDB's best movies ever unbelievably.

The only thing unbelievable about that is it should be higher. I love everything about the film. I even watched it on 5ive the other week and tolerated the million ad breaks, thats how good it is.You could argue about Godfather 1/2 being better, but Goodfellas is in the same league. Awesome film.
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Totally agree with you Rob. Goodfellas is one of my all time favourites. Quality film!Having said that.. I absolutely hated Godfather 1 and 2. Wierd huh!

The Godfather part 2 is one of the best films ever - a masterpiece. It relies on none of the gimmicky devices that Goodfellas does to tell its story, and the single performance from Pacino outdoes Liotta or Pesci. Plus DeNiro is better in Godfather Part 2.Last night to get myself in the christmas spirit I watched National Lampoon Xmas Vacation, not the greatest comedy ever but raises enough smiles and christmas cheer over its 90 minutes to make it worthwhile.
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I'm currently watching Harold & Kumar Geth The Munchies. So funny it's unfair to lesser comedies

I watched that (again) this morning! Its got no sensible plot whatsoever, but thats what makes it hilarious! (The scene with the tramp guy is just too funny)
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I found myself in the rare position of having run out of new things to watch & completely bored of wrestling DVD's. The trailer for Harold & Kumar 2 made my mind up for me. I'm now watching Zoolander

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I'm currently on my yearly "Watch every film in the house before everyone buys you tons more for christmas watch-a-thon"



The World(Chi) 0/10

ZZZzzzz very dull and VERY slow.


Life And Nothing But 1/10(Fra)

Another that did nothing for me and at 2hours+ felt like water torture


Warm Water Under A Red Bridge (Jap) 7/10

Not sure what to say about this that won't give an early shock away. It's certainly a unique film that only the japanese could get right. Enjoyed it alot, very funny moments as a whole it's a film about life lost and life wasted.



When she first squirts my mouth dropped to the floor. This will not be remade in hollywood.



House Of Flying Daggers (Chi)7/10

I think most will have seen this. I was suprised how much i actually liked it i usually have problems with wire fu movies. I didn't see the twists coming and it has an incredably moving ending. Better than Crouching Tiger and on par with my second viewing of Hero.



Le Grand Voyage (Fra/Arb)6/10

I wasn't expecting anything from this but it was a plesant suprise. The plot is basically a man who lives in france decides it's the right time in his life to make his pilgrimage to Mecca and his younger son is forced to take him. Lots of Father/son arguements and tension and the endings a real heartbreaker.


Solas 8/10 (Spa)

A tough watch, again a film about not knowing what to do with life and in the end wasting your life, not for everyone but a film i'll remember.


21 Grams(US/Mex) 5/10

First off lets get the fact i have a thing for Naomie Watts out of the way :blush: Very well acted by most, i didn't believe Sean Penns character for a second(i'm not a Penn hater BTW) and like Traffic the thing that stands out is just how great Benicio Del Toro is. Overall not bad but seen the same thing done a lot better.


The Proposition 9/10(Aus)

One of the best films i've seen all year. Possibly Ray Winstone's finest performance, Guy Pearce and Danny Huston were also outstanding, although i could have done without the bad irish accents. Bleak as hell, bloody, brutal with fantastic music. It's on Film Four over Christmas, watch it!


O Homem do Ano/Man Of The Year(Bra) 9/10

First off this will be remade by hollywood in the next couple of years.


A guy loses a bet in a small town in brazil and has to have his hair dyed blonde, he walks into a bar gets called a fag and later on in the night he follows the guy and kills him. He thinks he's had it, he's going to jail and his lifes over. Then he starts to find out that the whole town including the police are glad he's killed him because the guy was a local hood and been taking money off everyone for years so he starts recieving gifts, the hot(no really hot)hairdresser falls for him and then people start asking him to kill other people. To go on more who ruin the rest but it's a really excellent film. Highly recommened.

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Little Children


Apart from the irratiting narrator, this film is very good.


Released in 2006 by director Todd Field, this film starts pinpointed on one women in a classy US suburbia before expanding slowly to expose a closely knit community of people whoose lives are just as complicated and distorted.


The film relishes in the mini-crisis of everyday people and how it impacts society and individuals on a much more powerful level. If that sounds boring, thats because without the strong cast and beautiful artistic direction it has, it would be.


Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson are great as the "leads", but it is the guilt-complexion driven child flasher character of Ronnie J. McGorvey (Jackie Earle Haley) who is the film's strongest string. He is simply stunning in the role, and as the character evolves beautifully, with the chilling conclusion that is delievered you can't believe he didn't win that oscar.

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I started my annual 'run up to Christmas xmas movie marathon' two weeks ago


Viewed so far have been


Elf- First time I saw this I was quite disappointed and I don't know why, think I must have been expecting more from Ferrell but I've seen it 3 times now and it really is a great family christmas film, its well acted and Zooey Deschanel is just Hot!


Scrooged- Bill Murray AND Bobcat Goldthwait in the same film! still one of my fav christmas films


National Lampoons xmas vacation- Just a Stupid film that has enough laughs to get you through it, I used to be obsessed with the Lampoon films when I was younger and nostalgia has kept this one a fav.


Its a Wonderful Life - One of the greatest films of all time, It HAS to be watched, but only in the month of December, otherwise you're gay! :smug:


Gremlins - Watched it, then the next day it was on tv, I hate it when that happens


Santa Claus the Movie - I Hate this film, I hated it when I was little and I hate it even more now, this and Ernest saves christmas are two films that make me turn off the telly at christmas, something that is nye on impossible (My housemate got to choose the film we watched in case anyone was wondering why I watched it)

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Elf- First time I saw this I was quite disappointed and I don't know why, think I must have been expecting more from Ferrell but I've seen it 3 times now and it really is a great family christmas film, its well acted and Zooey Deschanel is just Hot!Scrooged- Bill Murray AND Bobcat Goldthwait in the same film! still one of my fav christmas films

Will get watched on Christmas eve

National Lampoons xmas vacation- Just a Stupid film that has enough laughs to get you through it, I used to be obsessed with the Lampoon films when I was younger and nostalgia has kept this one a fav.

Will be watching once again on christmas day possibly along with Curse Of The Were Rabbit. Edited by ultimo the great
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The Bourne UltimatumTried to be over complicated at times and lost me while the story was bloody simple. But still fairly enjoyable. Not much else to say about it really, rounded off the story well but does anyone think this will be the last 'bourne' film?? Something tells me CashInHollywood says not.Tenacious D In the Pick of DestinyFucking great. Okay it was juvenile, embarrasing and daft at time but it was just funny, hopefully this will round off the 'Tenacious D' legacy with one good album and a decent film. Made me laugh more than once with it's cameo's and its attempt at a 'metal musical' just switch the brain off before you press play.The SimpsonsYeah was okay, as said before it's like a long episode which was fine.Fred ClausY'know... it was quite funny. If only for the scenes with Kevin Spacey in... Fantastic cross referencing! Yes it's a holiday movie, yes it's as contrived as you want but hey, worth seeing for KS and Santas little helper /growl :D

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