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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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Korean Films Typhoon (excellent thriller which has a solid story about a young brother and sister who lose contact after their parents are murdered,he becomes a cold blooded terrrorist to get revenge on the south who commited the murders to his family.Quite a sad story with him and his sister who do reunite eventually) and The Duelist (the main actress is gorgeous.Apart from the one solid sword fight sequance in the dark, this was a hiuge disapointment).

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Me and my bro watched Rocky IV last night. This film sees the Itallion Stallion going to Russia to fight roided' up Ivan Drago (the spine chilling Lundgren)

Possibly the greatest butchering of a film I have ever seem was when I watched this on ITV about 10 years ago, when they showed the training montage they cut out the drugs scenes in Dragos training which basically made it look like he was just better at training than Rocky, think I still have it on video somewhere :laugh: On a side note the 2nd best piece of editing for tv was Romancing the Stone. It started at 8 at night and they dubbed and cut all the swearing and violence then as soon as 9 hit they showed everything, as if any child that had been watching it from the start would scurry off to bed at the stroke of 9.....anywayI watched The Black Dahlia last nite, a total mess of a movie, Dont get me wrong its a well made mess but Josh Harnett and Scarlett Johanssen are totally miscast and the narrative is all over the place, plus De Pama has a nasty habit of using green screen effects instead of using a wide angle lens for deep shots, no idea why he did it but it was obvious (and very off putting) in at least two scenes, very unusual for a film that has been made to resemble a 50's Noir movieAlso I saw Reeker........ Shit, just Shit
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This film was released in 2005 in the states but due to bombing in the cinemas was only released over here on DVD last year. I was really looking forward to watching this with Mike Judge (Office Space, Beavis & Butthead) being at the helms and Luke Wilson leading.


The film deals with Luke waking up from a military freezing experiment hundreds of years in the future when human-civilisation is seriously dumbed down. The set pieces are great fun to look at, such as the mountain ranges of rubbish, and the coffee shop brothels, however it all appears a little cartoony and its very VERY obvious that a budget cut had been delt Judge with some fairly sub-standard effects.


Also the narrative/ script is very dry. It pans out in a very linear fashion and the story itself is boring as hell (i.e. Wilson trying to get home by getting to a forgotten time machine). However, it does have some good laughs in there, and some of the observations are funny as hell. Its a shame this movie is not as good as Judge's other stuff, if your looking for comedy gold you won't find it here.

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donnie Yens Dragon tiger gate, based on a hong kong manga.Fantastic film about 2 brothers who are seperated from each other and both leading different lives.The fight sequances in this movie are awesome, espicially the one inthe restaraunt and at the dragon gate martial arts school with the old man and masked guy.The CGI is really well done in the film to. Excellent movie.

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Mr Woodcock


Not really a great film. Didnt go in expecting much to be honest, Billy Bob Thornton was really good though. A film that had some good laughs, but I wouldnt watch it again.


I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry


Even worse.. Just thought the whole plot was shit. The jokes had Cena/HHH written all over it. Its a shame aswell because Sandler is usually pretty good.. and the fat guy was good in Hitch.

Edited by Murtz
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Halloween - just been to see the remake, enjoyed it...Zombie switched it up quite abit from the original, there's alot more of a backstory, basically re-enforcing what we already knew about Myers. There's lots of shots and scenes which are directly taken from the Carpenter movie, but i saw em as tributes rather than blatant rip-offs. Put's more closure on the ending too. Good slasher flick, and it's always cool to see Michael Myers on the big screen, best horror character ever.


The Brave One - saw this directly after Halloween. The opening 10mins is more shocking and horrifying than anything in Halloween. This was a superb little thriller, i wasnt expecting that much to be honest but i loved this. It's pretty much Death Wish with a woman lead. Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard are both superb. Go and see this. I even shed a little tear at the end.

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Guest Josh Jenkins

watched The Departed last night for the first time since the cinema...fantastic.

I watch this regularly. Easily in my top 5 favourite films.
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