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Guest DJM

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Al Pacino is as great as ever as Michael and it's sad to see what he's become

Do you mean, it's sad to see what Corelone had become or Pacino? Not being funny, just a genuine question.
Corelone. Although Pacino's career has floundered somewhat in recent years.
Fair enough. I suppose his career has slowed down, due to his age and he probably doesn't want to end up like DeNiro, just doing anything for a buck. However, what he has done has generally been pretty good, best of his most recent work (that i've seen) is 'Angels in America', that's great.
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Re: Sickboy/Dead Mans Shoes: I saw it a couple of years ago, maybe I was too hyped for it as I was dying to see it, but I came away deflated. I thought the ending was tacked-on and hurt the film. I get what they were going for of course, but I honestly felt it took away from what preceded it. Perhaps I'm being too hard on Considine, he is very good in it, but he didn't blow me away. His brother was admittedly excellent in it, perhaps I was being too harsh there, but neither performance made me sit back go "wow." or reccommend the film based on the strength of a single performance, which I have done in the past with other movies.


I never once said DMS is a shit film, I just didn't buy into it like others did. Maybe I owe it a second viewing.


Re: Ebb: You're not the only one who thinks I'm a troll, but it doesn't make me one. I don't say things to be alternative or controversial, despite many of you believing otherwise. I'm just giving my honest opinion. I get the "you're just saying that to be controversial" stuff offline too, and while you may draw from that that I must be a deliberate disagreeing wind-up prick, I 100% do not believe myself to be.


As for The Da Vinci Code, I thought it was one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that. For the record, I gave up on the book after less than 100 pages, so I was probably never going to like the film.

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Fair enough. I suppose his career has slowed down, due to his age and he probably doesn't want to end up like DeNiro, just doing anything for a buck. However, what he has done has generally been pretty good, best of his most recent work (that i've seen) is 'Angels in America', that's great.

Need I remind you again, Gossy, about a certain cameo he made in a certain Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck film? :p
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Fair enough. I suppose his career has slowed down, due to his age and he probably doesn't want to end up like DeNiro, just doing anything for a buck. However, what he has done has generally been pretty good, best of his most recent work (that i've seen) is 'Angels in America', that's great.

Need I remind you again, Gossy, about a certain cameo he made in a certain Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck film? :p
You and that bloody film! I bet it's your favourite! :laugh:
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Last night I watched 2019: After The Fall Of New York, continuing my journey through the naff movies you get on DVD from the pound shop (Bad Girls Domitory was quite entertaining, if you ignore the fact that there's no plot, and it's just endless cat fights and shower scenes).2019 was crap. The plot never advanced beyond what was already written on the back of the sleeve. The minatures were below the quality of Gerry Anderson's earliest work, yet sadly, were the best thing about it.Despite having an 18 certificate, there was no gratuitous nudity, or excessive gore. Neither was there Tarantino levels of bad language. Apart from a soundtrack that managed to avoid being all kinds of shite, this film has no redeeming qualities at all. Tonight's disk of encoded crap is Fatal Games, which judging from the screen shots on the back, at least has shameless nudity to it's credit.

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I saw Sympathy For Lady Vengeance the other night and was suprised the director of Oldboy (one of the best films of the past 5 years) turned out such a ridiculously shite movie. I found nothing that I liked in this convulted, dull and ridiculous piece of crap. There was no scene, no acting, not even one line of dialogue that I found anything more than mediocre.Avoid this like the plague.I also bought Deadwood Season 1 on DVD too and it's ridiculously fucking brilliant. Took a few episodes to get into but soon enough I was hooked. Similiar to The Sopranos it is filled with amazing acting, incredibly well scripted and superbly directed. I don't honestly see how anyone couldn't like it.

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The devil wears prada

Surpisingly entertaining, a plain girl with no fashion sense ends up working as an assistant to the editor of a major fashion magazine and eventually turns into a fashionable young lady who suceeds in her job. There were some funny lines and Meryl Streep played the editor very well, not as harsh a film as thought it may have been and worth seeing.




The Bourne Supremacy

Not as good as the prequel but still recommendable, Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne again and is on the run from the CIA who are trying to assasinate him, if you can get by the fact that a lot of the scenes are overdone, in particular the car chases then it's enjoyable, I'm definitely lookign forward to the next one.




Infernal Affairs

Probably the best film I've seen for a while, the characters are strong and the story is great, lots of twists and turns along the way - I loved Tony Leung's character and felt for him near the end when Lau hit the delete button. It's just a really great film, well shot and directed too.

Edited by SiMania
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I went to see The History Boys yesterday which was brilliant. First class.Fact is though - and I say this without trying to wind anyone up - it's not for everyone. People who aren't the best educated shall we say might find this hard to follow. If you look at imdb it has comments from people 'sayn dat da film iz2posh'. Infact two people walked out of the film half way through.But it was excellent. Very intelligent humour.

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What do you mean by 'intelligent humour'? Because a lot of people think Frasier is the pinnacle of intelligent humour, but it's no more than puns and wordplay from a couple of guys talking posh. (Don't get me wrong, I do really like the show)I, personally, enjoy a lot of intricate refrence-based humour, which is why I find Arrested Development to be good intelligent comedy.

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What do you mean by 'intelligent humour'? Because a lot of people think Frasier is the pinnacle of intelligent humour, but it's no more than puns and wordplay from a couple of guys talking posh. (Don't get me wrong, I do really like the show)I, personally, enjoy a lot of intricate refrence-based humour, which is why I find Arrested Development to be good intelligent comedy.

I'd say it was a bit like both really which is why it worked well for me.
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The DepartedCaught this last night at the cinema and it's one of the best films I've seen in that environment for a long while, the whole film was ruled by the performances of Jack Nicholson, Leo Di Caprio and Mark Wahlberg, they made the film and the usually decent Matt Damon looked less than decent amongst those three and Leo's turning into a very good and capable leading man and actor. The whole story was so engrossing from the beginning to end and there was never a dull moment whilst the final 20 minutes or so got a little out of hand but I was very with it and believed in it none-the-less. Scorsese's trademarks are not over this movie in the directorial sense but it's still a Scorsese film in the mood and themes that it posseses. Absolutely loved every second of it.

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A selection of films I've seen recently (on planes etc)


Over the Hedge

Superb little comedy, I love the squirrel especially, easy to watch as most things like this are

and easily throwaway entertainment.


The Break Up

I enjoyed this, though not as much as I thought I would, Jennifer was great and Vince was his

usual laid back self, the story seemed to stall a little and didn't go in either direction that I thought

it was going to go. But hey well watchable.


The Hostel

For fucks sake, why not make a film "Gore for gores sake with a crap story" and have done with

it, any shock value was taken away by the shitty acting and shitty character 'development'. Sorry

but I was really offended by this film.


Final Destination 3

Well, not quite as good as final destination 2, but had some laughs, some parts that will make you

wince and has a cool "interactive" feature I'm looking forward to trying. Well enjoyable but by now

you know the routine and in most cases you can guess what's coming. That's not always bad though

and I enjoyed it!


Finding Nemo

Damn I forgot how good this film was :D



Yeah it's another one of those, again easy to watch cartoon, without a harsh plot, plenty of laugh out loud moments as well as a few running subtle jokes. Fun enough but nowhere near as good as Nemo!

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