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Guest DJM

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Wow, that post really must have embarassed you when re-reading it.Firstly my original post was my opinion on the film, so there was no way it could have been fiction - unless I was creating my own opinion out of fiction. :confused: Secondly, you have a big go at me for my posts not having any substance (which is bullshit, since I clarified them through bulletpoints just for the cretins like you), but then you yourself fail to make any real points about me, thus making yourself look like a hypocrite and a bit of a tit.Unlucky.

Oh dear, oh dear. Looks like ukedge is getting a bit ahead of himself. Please allow me to explain this for you junior.In your original post, you stated -

the violence occurred with little to no relevance

Which I Edited by Miamivenis
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1 - You claim the violence occurred with no relevance to the first half of the film. Sorry, what? Are you referring to the section of the film that introduced the main characters, the killer and plotline? So the violent acts of the killer in the second half of the film have no relevance to the first hour ?

You've got it! Unlike in the film, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the first half introduces the characters weaknesses and introduces the maniac son, creating an erie feel, Wolf Creek just shows a bunch of stoned teenagers driving around the beautiful Australian wilderness (which is wonderfully shot in all fairness). No seeds to the second half have been planted, and when you can clearly divide a film into 2 halves then it is clear it doesn't flow or mend together as it should. The very fact you acknowledge a first half in a naturalistic film suggests it is disjointed.

2 - You claim the violence is not relevant to the characters themselves. Again, what? How is it not relevant? This simply does not make sense. One character, who is a psychotic killer, commits an act of violence to another character, who is a terrified innocent. And the irrelevance is where exactly?

The violence has no relevance because you have no empathy for the characters as I have clearly stated before. It could have played upon the characterstics of the characters already exposed, e.g. the bond between the three of them, but it does not. Like I said, even if what the director was basing it on was the randomness of such attacks, it does not equal a brillant horror.

3 - You claim the violence is not relevant to

Edited by ukedge87
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You've got it! Unlike in the film, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the first half introduces the characters weaknesses and introduces the maniac son, creating an erie feel, Wolf Creek just shows a bunch of stoned teenagers driving around the beautiful Australian wilderness (which is wonderfully shot in all fairness). No seeds to the second half have been planted, and when you can clearly divide a film into 2 halves then it is clear it doesn't flow or mend together as it should. The very fact you acknowledge a first half in a naturalistic film suggests it is disjointed.

You can divide any film into sections if you choose to (beginning, middle, end as standard) - I referred to it as such here in response to your previous comment. Personally when I watched the film (as I do with most films) I allowed myself to be drawn into it rather then sitting detached, looking through the film for something more. And why would the director hint at things to come? The idea is to unsettle you with the random nature of the attacks - to lure the spectator into the realistic atmosphere and then shock them with the sudden descent into brutality.

The violence has no relevance because you have no empathy for the characters as I have clearly stated before. It could have played upon the characterstics of the characters already exposed, e.g. the bond between the three of them, but it does not. Like I said, even if what the director was basing it on was the randomness of such attacks, it does not equal a brillant horror.

Ahhh..now you Edited by Miamivenis
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Truman Show on Channel 4 last night. Just fantastic viewing as always.

I was really hoping to watch that again, fantastic film always worth a watch when its on. Although I had too catch up on ''Two Pints Of Larger & A Packet Of Crisp's'' on BBC3, I would of caught the repeat late night but it was on same time as Fight Club. So I had to miss out on The Truman Show. :(
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Guest donnie darko

In the last four months:Kurt and Courtney (doco, trying to find out what happened), very poor can't stand nick broomfield.Charlie and the chocolate factory - not as cute as the 70's version but very entertaining all the sameHoward's End (something about someone wanting a house that someone else inherited), was bored rigid and didn't reach the end, don't really care who owns the damn house.Forces of Evil (noir, gangster/illegal lottery stuff) - entertaininng and quite different from your standard hollywood fare.Mysterious skin (two teenagers deal with the effects of child abuse in very different ways), very hard to watch but incredibly performed.The Sound of Music - worth watching just once, if only for the yodelling bit with the puppets (why Austrians would speak in english with american accents is the big question though).The Dangerous Lives of the Altar Boys (lads pass time designing comics and pulling of brilliant pranks, until one goes horribly wrong) - the film definition of a hidden gem (has anyone else seen this??)Last Days (last days of a rock singer not called kurt cobain) - worst film ever, nothing happens at all.Dot the I (lad falls for bird who is about to be married, odd things happen) - fairly original with a nice twist at the end and the chance ot hear Gael Garcia Bernal speak english.Marvin's Room (mental kid may be donor for estranged aunt) - it's got major acting talent but a story that just drags.The hours (some lesbian who writes books) - very dullManic (Mental kid in mental hospital being helped by don cheadle) - nice little indie pic with crazy MTV style camera movements.The Double life of veronique (not sure) - fell asleep.Tigerland (a war film with very little fighting and colin farrell trying to be cool) - very average.Scream (slasher pic) - errr..... it's a scream .... baby.Quiz Show (corruption on a quiz show, well it was shocking in the 50's i guess) - well acted and very relevant.Interview with a vampire (brad pitts story of how sucking tom cruises cock makes fame come quicker) - slow pace and repetitveness takes away from the intregeSin City (comic book city ravaged by crime) - lovely to look at, some bits thrilling, generally very good.Millions (kids find a bag holding a million quid the week before the

Edited by donnie darko
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Two For The Money - sports betting flick, this was kinda cool...lots of backstabbing/cons going on, i found this a great 2 hours entertainment. Even if the story/plot doesnt interest you its worth checking for Al Pacino who once again f'n owns! I'd happily watch this again just to hear some of Al's dialogue again.

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Watched Green Street the other day.I was very impressed, I admit that I went in with very low expectations, thinking the subject of football hooliganism and the outsiders American touch would be dealt with brashly and foolishly, but I liked it a lot. It showed the camaradarie and the rush that was clear during the horrible actions of the hooligans, but also the friendships that developed where ones I actually cared about.I really enjoyed it.

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Every so often you get a choice - the first one occurs before they board the rollercoaster and do a coin toss - you then select the call Head or Tails which then has an effect. Later you can do things such as honking your car horn more to attempt to save someone.

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Elizabethtown - This film really moved me, I thought it was excellent. Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst were both fantastic in it. I wasn't sure what to expect upon buying it but I've been left feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

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I also just watched a film with Kirstin Dunst in it - Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.. despite having heard that it was good, I didn't know anything about it....It kicked fucking balls, and it was the perfct kind of film to go in fresh for, not knowing anything about it or having any kind of expectations what to expect...Original, well made, and really entertaining...

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We just got ElizabethTown from the rental site. Will try and avoid watching it as long as I possibly can.


Eternal Sunshine is a wierd fucking film. The memory eraser scenes are positively mental. Enjoyed it though.


I watched Kicking And Screaming on Sky last night (tried to watch on Saturday but our box blew up!). Will Ferrell as a kids footy coach (like me) battling against his ultra competative father. It's a kids film really, but enjoyable enough. All ages can enjoy it. I loved it, funny in places.

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