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Guest DJM

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Bob The Butler

This is Tom Green's latest film, which went straight to DVD. He plays a young man who is unable to hold down a job and, eventually, decides to become a butler. Soon after, he must work for a wealthy single-mother who has two children. The plot presents many opportunities for comical situations, but most are missed or poorly executed. The first half of the film features some trademark Tom Green humour, though, which the immature side of me really enjoyed. However, the rest is dire. The characters and the story itself become incredibly cliched and predictable.


Tom Green is good on-screen when he's performing his type of humour, but that that doesn't occur very often. I realize that immature/gross-out comedy may be outdated, but I still find it enjoyable. Then again, I'm one of the few who found Freddy Got Fingered funny. Either way, Tom Green is simply not suited to play a character who falls in love, becomes an ideal partner and cares for children. It seems as though he wasn't the first choice for the film, but tried to incorporate his style of comedy into some parts of it after being cast. He may be trying to prove that he can play different roles, but it simple doesn't work.


Overall, Bob The Butler has its moments. The majority of it is extremely cheesy and conventional, though, which makes it seem like it's 10 years old.


Rating: 5/10.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Alien Autopsy

Not as bad as many reviews seem to be making it out to be (including IMDB which is currently listing it as 2.0!), and much better than I personally expected from it. It is funny, Ant & Dec put in good performances, and the supporting cast all carry their weight as well. Not a great film, and slow at times, but an entertaining enough 90-minutes viewing.


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A Night At The Roxbury

After seeing the halirious Saturday Night Live sketch on the internet, and finding this video so cheap, I decided to give a viewing.


Chris Kattan and Will Ferrell are very talented, that is the one thing this film makes clear. However, the only funny jokes are those established in the original four minute jokes, and the characters are out of so little substances the film sentimentally or attraction in terms of it being cute are lost.


I wanted to like this film so bad, but I could not describe any of it above horribly average, but with a forkin' good soundtrack!!!


I give this film two potatoes out of a possible five potatoes.

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Groundhog Day

In my mind, this is one of Bill Murray's finest film, which is complimented by a superb and clever script. The film pans out very well, with what could have turned into a drag kept interesting by the development of Murray's character, well-written comedy and a great concept (of being trapped in the same day). The supporting cast kept the film in focus, especially Andie MacDowell, whoose character contrasts Murray's so well. This film is really heart warming, and is one of the few romantic comedy which is legitimately funny and touching. If you only ever see one Murray film, let it be this.


I give this film five potatoes out of a possible five potatoes.

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King Kong - got the dvd monday and chucked it on, i loved it in the cinema and i loved it again on dvd, i dont care who goes around saying 'King Kong sucks' and whatever, fuck them...im just a big fan of these huge films, all the effects and shit...great stuff, the ending was just as sad as it was before, truly heartbreaking...great :)


Jurassic Park - fuck it, thought id go back and watch JP after King Kong, JP was the truly groundbreaking movie in terms of the CGI effects and shit, it still holds up as well as Kong (the effects are at times even better), another great movie...again i just love these huge movies. I wanna be a raptor, fucking badass!

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Transporter 2 - there should be a sticker on the case saying 'please switch off brain before use', the most ridiculous action film ive ever seen, but its totally fucking brilliant. Unrealistic, shit one-liners and an ugly bint in lingerie kicking ass, what more needed? Having said tha some of the fight scenes are amongst the most innovative ive ever seen, madness!

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Lethal Weapon

I was expecting your average cop buddy film from this but it was SO much more. Instead it chooses to really develop both characters, giving Mel Gibson his strongest role other than Mad Max. Danny Glover is also very strong in his role, serving as a perfect partner for the sucidial Gibson. The plot is superb, starting with a slow burning case which results in a national conspiracy and a huge budget finale, in which the viewer really is sucked into the action. This film is gritty but not too heavy, and serves it part in the essential films of the 1980s.


I give this film 5 potatoes out of a possible 5 potatoes.

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I have just finished watching 'Unleased' with Jet Li, Samual L Jackson and Bob Hoskins.What an amazing movie, one of my favourites so far this year.

It was Morgan Freeman and the only decent thing about this was the fight scenes.
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Guest Dan Fears Satan

Seen some classics recently....


The Pianist was a near masterpiece *****


Sideways was better on a second viewing! ****


Spider was impressive, but im not a big 'plot twist' fan ***


Next up: In The Mood for love, Chinatown and Constant Gardner.

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a classicCSI - Grave Danger - watched this purely 'cause Quentin Tarantino directed it, ive never seen an episode of CSI before, but id read you could watch this as a stand alone film. This was tremendous stuff, smokes most movies for tension, the scenes in the coffin (better than the Kill Bill 2 scene imo) are amazing, very claustrophobic and scary as fuck. The story has some cracking twists, and your left thinking 'where the fuck is this gonna go next', brilliant! i recommend this to anyone!
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