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Argos have got some bundles, depending on what "extras" you care about.


Yeah, saw those. They're OK, but they're poor value next to the Amazon one. Yet as usual the thing you're stung on is a second controller... :angry:






Thats pretty good, can always trade lost in and put it towards a second controller



Plus if you have a game reward card that'd get you nearly

Edited by Andy Of Deth
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I dunno, even reading that hasn't really piqued my interest beyond a slight intrigue. It still sounds like the sort of game I might pick up cheap in a few months but not to the point where I'd consider picking up a PS3 for it. Maybe it's just not my thing.

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Addicted to create-your-owns since SEUCK, Chesty :(


I have a kind-of next-gen hitlist of things I'd like (mish-mash of Xbox & PS):



Fallout 3




Left 4 Dead


Silent Hill


(Resistance 2 worth it?)

Dead Space


To come:

Resi 5


Thanks for the suggestions so far folks.

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Addicted to create-your-owns since SEUCK, Chesty :(


So that was the originator, huh? I didn't know what it was I just went and looked it up.... I think that would have blown my tiny little mind if I had known of it back in the day.


There was a create-your-own-text-adventure thingie before that, called Microtec Dungeon or something. SEUCK was sensational, I poured hours into the bloody thing. Designing whole games on a 4-colour palette (3 static, 1 mutable per sprite) was no mean feat. I had tons of designed games on tape, an APB rip-off, a scrolly horror cowboy adventure (ZombiFEST, featuring Rip 'n' Hardy Rock) ... I need to stop now.

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I know Hage, I know. I was about to post both Gamepost's and IGN's reviews to help with people's queries, only to get the dreaded filtered site screen. "The Man" has truly stepped on me today.


I totally forgot you had my Shen Mue games Garrence! I need them actually, there's a retro feature on the DC (:love:) in GamesTM this month, and somebody flicking through it went "WHO??" when she saw the character spotlight on Ryo Hazuki. I will not tolerate such ignorance.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to look for some sailors.

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Addicted to create-your-owns since SEUCK, Chesty :(


So that was the originator, huh? I didn't know what it was I just went and looked it up.... I think that would have blown my tiny little mind if I had known of it back in the day.


There was a create-your-own-text-adventure thingie before that, called Microtec Dungeon or something. SEUCK was sensational, I poured hours into the bloody thing. Designing whole games on a 4-colour palette (3 static, 1 mutable per sprite) was no mean feat. I had tons of designed games on tape, an APB rip-off, a scrolly horror cowboy adventure (ZombiFEST, featuring Rip 'n' Hardy Rock) ... I need to stop now.


Heh.. I bet you wish you could play them now you've started thinking about them again. For me, the first one I really spent hours of effort on was this programme I had on the PC called "Klick and Play".. haven't thought about that for a while! Good times...



Oh, and I used to make fiendishly difficult levels for my brother to play through on DoomEd. Whilst he made very simple ones full of clipping and texture errors and lifts that didn't work.



I totally forgot you had my Shen Mue games Garrence! I need them actually, there's a retro feature on the DC (:love:) in GamesTM this month, and somebody flicking through it went "WHO??" when she saw the character spotlight on Ryo Hazuki. I will not tolerate such ignorance.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to look for some sailors.


Is this your same gaming protege that you've been teaching to play Virtua Fighter? You love this, don't you? You feel like you're Mr. Miyagi or some shit.... haha.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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WADs are where it's at :cool:


I think I'm going to go for that Amazon deal I first mentioned, what with JLM's non-existent Xbox defence.

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I am definitely on some Wax on Wax off shit. The VF tutoring is proving troublesome though, the knowledge is there, but the application is skewed by a total, total loss of composure in the middle of most matches.


One guy was just doing Punch Punch Punch strings. Jabjabjab, jabjabjab, jabjabjab. She got hit by nine in a row because she was trying to hit back and was getting outdone by his character's speed. Blocking all three and then hitting back after the third one is one option, or ducking under the lot and taking his legs out is another. Using the sidestep to avoid them and then get free hits while he punches the air could also work. You could also block all three and then throw him. Many options, but in the heat of battle she was so pissed off at giving away three cheap hits that she ended up giving away nine in a quest to hit him back instantly. You can't teach someone not to do this. All I can do is advise. :(


I need to play Shen Mue again though. What a game. I'll end up getting a job and spending my earning on capsule toys, but I honestly find that far more enjoyable than I found GTAIV and it's giant sandbox.

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I totally forgot you had my Shen Mue games Garrence! I need them actually, there's a retro feature on the DC (:love:) in GamesTM this month, and somebody flicking through it went "WHO??" when she saw the character spotlight on Ryo Hazuki. I will not tolerate such ignorance.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to look for some sailors.

I need to play Shen Mue again though. What a game. I'll end up getting a job and spending my earning on capsule toys, but I honestly find that far more enjoyable than I found GTAIV and it's giant sandbox.





I'm sorry, but I can't tolerate such ignorance. Again.

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