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I remember getting pretty far on Extreme on the Spectrum, if this is the same game we are talking about, sideways scrolling shoot em up with a guy in a space suit? The fact that you mentioned Cybernoid makes me think it is defiantly the same game.

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Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

Some companies put hooks in their games which make the games unplayable or act strange if you have an illegal copy.maybe it's something like that.Very much doubt something that bad would make it through Sony's testing labs.
it was probably some form of error regarding the guy's position in relation to the shadow and truck that created the issue, as I have since given it another go, and am a fair distance into the game, but it seems to have changed from "pretty good stealth" to "fucking annoying shootouts and a ton of running away".With the Knightmare bug tho', I had the Amstrad version and so never had to worry about that bug, I just had to deal with the fact it was seriously crap, and nigh on impossible to complete... which in the impossible to complete stakes, made it pretty much accurate to the real Knightmare.
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Legit copy or not, I'm playing on the PS2, there's no patch that will solve that one.

Ah, you sure it's not that Beta version doing the rounds?
Entirely possible if there is one (All I know is it said uncut... so I figured I'd give it a whirl, lol). I did try giving it another shot (after finding out my first "glitch" was just me not noticing a fake wall I had to use), and got a fair distance, but it's just frozen on a cut scene. I think I am banned from planning Manhunt 2 by some higher power, lol.
If it's running in PAL it's a BETA.You need the USA version and an RGB SCART lead to get your fix of uncensored violence.
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Or just download the American version, and use Swap Magic and tell it to run under PAL settings, I get a small black bar at the bottom of the screen, but all it really does is make the picture smaller, not prevent me seeing any of it.'course it's possible to prevent the black bar by putting in the PAL SLES file instead of the NTSC SLUS file (or whatever they're actually named), I always figured it would be more programming than one tiny file, but it turned out on my Guitar Hero edits that (due to needing to download the American version to do it as my PC wouldn't read my disc for some reason), the only difference was that one file, and switching them over meant it ran smoothly under PAL settings right from the off :).

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I'm currently playing an import version of Lego Batman for the PS3, de Blob for the Wii and Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise for the DS. All three are great fun, but Lego Batman is annoyingly buggy at times. de Blob is a bit of a hidden gem though, and I'd advise all Wii owners to pick up a copy. It's only

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I've only played one of the Lego Star Wars games, so I've enjoyed Batman, but it's only really for the multiplayer aspect of it. It's quite good banter, one player as Batman, the other as Robin. Anyone else played de Blob? Getting as much enjoyment out of it as I am?

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Reliving my childhood by playing Earthworm Jim again on the Wii's Virtual Console.. Just as good as i remember :D

For some reason I can't get my Wii to go online, it's gutting considering some of the quality games that have made the Virtual Console recently...I have to log into my Broadband internet system, and apparently the Wii can't work with any internet provider that requires this. Or so the guy on the Nintendo helpline told me.
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I splurged, and bought the PS2 version of Rock Band. All I needed was drums to complete the quartet, so I splurged.Playing with two guitars has always been fun, but playing with this array of instruments with four people is just brilliant - when all of you hit the zone and going off one one... great! Drums are quite tricky on easy, and I think I have an OK sense of rhythm. The return of Harmonix has also shown just how shit EA are making note charts. An immense party game, kinda wish I had a non-gimped next-gen for DLC.Also blasting away at Super Smash Bros Brawl and leaping for joy at just unlocking Snake. As a two player co-op romp it's got bags of energy.And finally have discovered the glee of Boom Blox - another great 4 player game, and a great example of a game that only really works on the Wii.

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Want to know why Activision refused to publish Ghostbusters, Brutal Legend and Riddick? Here's what their CEO said:


"The games don't have the potential to be exploited every year on every platform with clear sequel potential."


He added that Activision was only interested in games where they know "we'll be working on them 10 years from now". Which is the most depressing thing we've ever heard a publisher say.


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Well at least he's honest about it. Quite sad that they don't even feel the need to pretend any more though.


Aside from my Xbox 360ing which is documented in t'other thread, I have been dabbling in DS games on my recent trips around the country. Got back into Yoshi's Touch and Go! and I'm extremely rusty at it. Won't be beating my old high scores on marathon mode any time soon. Still an excellent game though. Also decided to try and finish off Sonic Rush. Finished Sonic's game then realised that I hadn't even started with Blaze. She's a rubbish character so I may not find motivation to do so. Also the boss battles are rather tedious. Still a fine game though. Lastly, startesd playing Bleach: The blade of fate. Superb little 2D fighter based on the rather popular anime series. It really is excellent, and my only disappointment is that it's polished enough to be on a home console and would have been great as a full release that didn't rely on multiple DS owners for multiplayer. Would recommend it anyway though, and I've never even watched an episode of Bleach.

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new midnight club and cannon fodder.


both very enjoyable.


and fiddling about trying to open posts on the ps3, so i can loose to some arogant 12 year old some where on midnight club.

nearly there, hopefuly


if any one has a link to the instructions for cannon fodder it wold e helpful, i only have the german

Edited by Tommy!
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I've had my first blast on Super Smash Bros Brawl, and... have no earthly idea what's going on. I need to read the manual. :( At least then I might be able to turn round to face whoever's smacking the back of my character's head. And get a better idea of who's winning, since the scoring system seems to have a mind of its own.


The adventure mode's not quite what I was expecting. I was hoping for a Golden Axe-style scrolling beat-em-up with platforming elements along the way, rather than mostly a series of interconnected stadium battles. Early days though - as I improve at the fighting this might grow on me.

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