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The UKFF [Nearly-Official] Questions Thread


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WWE Heat Card


- Kerwin White vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri.

- Val Venis vs. Antonio of the Heart Throbs.

- Matt Striker in action.

- Tyson Tomko in action.


WWE Velocity


- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. William Regal.

- Doug Basham vs Caprice Coleman.

- Simon Dean vs Russell Simpson.

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WWE Heat Card- Kerwin White vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri.- Val Venis vs. Antonio of the Heart Throbs.- Matt Striker in action.- Tyson Tomko in action.WWE Velocity- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. William Regal.- Doug Basham vs Caprice Coleman.- Simon Dean vs Russell Simpson.

Cheers :)Shame Parisi isn't on heat and it's nice to see Doug Basham on the show.
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I've only seen Johnny Parisi (Swinger) once on heat. And The Damaja (he used to be Danny Basham) beat a local guy on heat. just thought i'd point that out with Danny been Dougs brother and all ;)

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I've only seen Johnny Parisi (Swinger) once on heat. And The Damaja (he used to be Danny Basham) beat a local guy on heat. just thought i'd point that out with Danny been Dougs brother and all ;)

What the Damaja is on this weeks heat? Edited by Zebra Kid Mark
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I'm a major mark for Demolition and I have a question I'd like answered pweeze about them.How did they turn heel in 1990? I don't imagine adding a third member would make you a heel but they were booed at Summerslam 1990. They didn't have Fuji at the time. Did they turn against anybody to turn to the dark side?Cheers brahs.

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Who started UKFF?When was UKFF started?Who has the most posts?Whos been here the longest?Has UKFF ever had to close for a long period of time?Have you ever had any wrestlers well known or not so well known come on here and kick up a fuss? if so who, and what was it about?What is your most memorable UKFF moment?

Edited by DEAD MAN
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I was watching a couple of Japanese mathches yesterday...Kawada vs. Kojima and Kojima vs. Tenzan, both from earlier this year. After the ring announcer got through the introductions, the crowd all chanted something, just once, in unison just before the bell. Anyone know what they're saying?

This bugged me too when I first started watching All Japan, so I'm happy I can help out on this one.The referee for all big All Japan bouts is Kyohei Wada. In Japan, the name of the referee is announced to the crowd. So, what you heard was:Ring announcer: Referee, Wada Kyohei...Crowd: KYOHEI~!I don't think any other ref in Japan gets his name shouted in that way, but I could be wrong.
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Shame Parisi isn't on heat and it's nice to see Doug Basham on the show.

Might not have been on the initial card but Johnny Parisi vs Hurrikane was on Heat too, not a good match.
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I've seen quite a few websites referencing a SmackDown wrestler, circa 2004, named 'Orlando Jones.' Is that Orlando Jordan or is it someone else? If it is indeed someone else, does anyone have a picture?

Orlando Jones is an actor. He's been in quite a few comedies. I'm guessing whoever used the name in the websites at the time was mistaken.Here's a link that might interest you:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0428963/
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Oh - just asking because Obsessed With Wrestling has numerous references to 'Orlando Jones;'

- January 8, 2003 - OVW TV Taping: Seven defeats Orlando Jones in a Dark Match- Orlando Jones comes out of his locker room and says he has a lot of respectfor Steve Austin

So does Steve's Wrestling;

- Orlando Jones defeated Greg Groothuis

And SLAM! Wrestling;

-Velocity's unofficial MVP, Kanyon, locked horns with Orlando Jones

The name sounds really familar in regards to wrestling, too... Edited by Van_Dammer
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