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Worst Angle of 2003


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you have till the 25/12/03 to decide you worst angle of 2003, also remember people *should* nominate stuff that has already been mentioned, otherwise it won't work!Just one nomination per person please

Edited by brett
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wasnt katie vick last october??? my money goes to the nathan jones affair."look im an aussie crim, im a violent man mate, g'day taker look at my big kick at wrestlemaina strewth i almost took that mongrels head off...."core dinkum?!?a close runner up tho is the "on off on off stacy test steiner lets stop talking and hope it goes away like the smell of a bad fart" angle that has bored me like a bischoff promo.

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The worst angle of 2003...... it has to be..... the commentator crap! That time could have been used to push some of the other stars, but no. Anyway, I'm leaving the point. The commentator angle.

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