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Did she quit or was she released?

Jazzy G

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14 hours ago, chokeout said:

I think the thought of getting up driving to an airport, flying for hours, getting a rental car, driving more hours and then getting to work and sitting in catering, not being used or, at best, getting a 10minutes match and all for base pay is enough to make anyone quit. 

All of that and then add in the no covid testing would push most over the edge. 

We will treat you like shit even down to not caring if you get covid. 

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7 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Start the year as you mean to go on, yeah?

You are a real poisonous person. Because I don’t agree with you or see things from your point of view you make nasty sly comments. 

7 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I don’t think anyone signs up to being sat In catering for weeks on end when they are hired to be wrestling talent.

Should’ve elaborated that there was always a chance that what’s happened to her could’ve happened to her. If she thought it was never a possibility then she’s very naive. 

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1 hour ago, stewdogg said:

Should’ve elaborated that there was always a chance that what’s happened to her could’ve happened to her. If she thought it was never a possibility then she’s very naive. 

They wouldn't do that though, would they? It'd be "come and work for us, we'll make you a star at the biggest sports entertainment company in the world" because that sounds a lot more invivitng than "Fly around the country on your own dime and hang around in catering on the off chance we manage to squeeze you onto a show somehow." 

Please excuse the double post. 

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Also didn't she sign well before WWE started cutting people left and right?

Pure speculation but even when not being used Storm possibly at least felt like she had job security.

If she had been released would anyone even be shocked? She's probably one of many still in the company that they wouldn't think twice about dropping to save a few bucks. 

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