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Sting’s condition at Starrcade 97


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Anybody know what exactly was up with Sting in Dec 97 when he made his comeback against Hulk Hogan at starrcade?


The way I’ve heard the story told is that he showed up looking very disinterested and not in good physical condition. Hulk says to Bischoff that because of Sting’s condition they need to change the finish of the main event !!!


But what actually was up with him ?



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3 hours ago, RancidPunx said:

But what actually was up with him ?

Nothing. This was a prime example of Bischoff being manipulated by his friends (in this case, Hogan). The match had over a year of build up and logic would’ve said that WCW’s biggest star at the time should’ve won the belt cleanly with no nonsense. Then of course Hogan pinned Sting with what was meant to have been a fast count (but wasn’t) and therefore ended up making Sting look bad and the finish was botched. A lot of people fail to mention this match when they talk about why WCW failed but for me, more Hogan BS like this was a huge factor and it hurt the company a lot.

The Sting not being in shape or tanned story sounds like a cop out to me. Conrad Thompson gave Bischoff a hard time over it on his podcast a few months ago (and it’s worth a listen).

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