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WWE Payback 2015 Discussion


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Does Lesnar/Rollins really need the title? There's enough of a grudge and it's fair to assume Lesnar would be more interested in revenge than regaining the title anyway

Didn't Heyman make a point on the post-Mania Raw that Lesnar wants his title back? While you can do a match without it, the reason Lesnar is angry with Rollins is because he pinched his WWE title.

Well yeah that's the story at the moment, but its hardly anything that can't be solved by giving Heyman a few minutes of mic time. All they have to say is that he is going after the title once he has thrown Rollins about a bit. Triple H could even book the match as punishment to Rollins for failing to get the girl back from Ambrose

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No reason why you can't have Rollins drop the title to someone, I'd go Reigns with a MITB cash-in, then have Brock come back do that match ideally having him smash Rollins before saying "right, that's that done. Now where's my belt?" and move onto going after Reigns for the belt

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They could have Reigns win MITB and cash in during Rollins vs Lesnar at Summerslam in the ultimate revenge act. Lesnar gets screwed again, giving reason to face Reigns again. Reigns can turn heel or stay face depending how the crowd reacts. HHH can be angry at Rollins for losing, beginning their inevitable feud.

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