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Strange Things That Have Popped Into Your Head Mid-Coitus

Scott Malbranque

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I was inspired - for want of a term - to start a thread on this post-coitus last night, as something rather disconcerting popped into my head last night during a bit of hammering.

I was thrusting away, doing what we've been put here to do, when the end credits theme for Commando popped into my head (with accompanying "Noooo chance!" dialogue) and I then thought of our Johnny Matrix here on these forums. I then thought of D-Mal and wondered how he is which lead me to think of Lokester, which then lead me to think of my sister and how my mate is goosing her, then I thought about what would happen to Dublin if somebody bombed Sellafield.


Has anyone had any humdingers pop into their head mid-coitus which has confused them, or deterred them from getting the job done?

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Nothing that fucked up, no. I think John Matrix/John Matrix/Devon Malcolm/Loki/Your Sister/Your Mate/When the Wind Blows wins the thread, due to your fornicatory abnormalities. My most unusual is probably




But I think that's happened to all of us.


It's the only track on your sex mix, be honest. 3 minutes and 44 seconds is more than enough.


I was once going down on my girlfriend when I suddenly thought "I wonder what we would talk about if her vagina could talk?". It now pops into my head almost every time I'm down there.

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It's the only track on your sex mix, be honest. 3 minutes and 44 seconds is more than enough.


I struggle to last until the first chorus to be honest. "I AM A MOUNTAIN. SURROUNDED BY YOUR LOVE" usually finishes me off.


One day i'll last until track 2 and fulfill a lifetimes ambition by putting one away to the rhythm of KUMITE, KUMITE, KUMITE, KUMITE.


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