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Text Pest

Kaz Hayashi

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I currently live in a rented house with my girlfriend and mate. Three weeks ago our cooker blew up, not big flames, house burnt down magnitude, but a Big Bang, some smoke and it no longer works.

Over the last three weeks, we have been on to the propert management team, particularly the manageress, whom I'll call Claire for this instance.

Claire is a nice lass, but rubbish at getting back to us and keeping us in the loop. On Thursday, I'd had enough and sent a well written, to the point and clearly annoyed text message to her work mobile. After some back and forth messages, it looked like things were going in the right direction regarding the oven.


So on Friday, I text a pal of mine regarding some drinks. It read...

"alright daft arse, home alone, the others have gone away with work, bored as fuck, and I'm gonna get booze, crips and play on FIFA all night, fancy it?"



This didn't send to my pal... Oh no, it went to Claire at the property managemt team.





The ovens still broken



Any of you ever sent slightly embarrassing texts to the wrong people?

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I had the misfortune of losing my phone on a heavy night out last year. I was out of town on the lash, so I called my missus' off one of my friend's phone the next day and explained what had happened. Anyway, she rang my phone and someone had answered saying they found it in a taxi and it was returned accordingly. The funny thing is, is that when looking through my phone on it's return, I noticed that someone had gone through quite a lot of my contacts and sent abusive messages to people. From what I remember, my girlfriend had messages saying that I hated her and wanted her to die, my mum got messages about me doing loads of drugs and that I hated her and my cousin's girlfriend had got one saying "You're a slag, you know that right?". Needless to say the next few days were busy making calls and sending messages explaining this highly ridiculous situation.

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Sent one to my girlfriend that was meant for a friend I was trying to get an in with after she broke up with her ex, something along the lines of she was gorgeous and she'd find someone else soon, my gf was abit pissed off but nothing too bad came of it. Here ends thy tale.

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Not for years but I meant to text my mate Steve during a night out telling him he was missing out as there was plenty of fanny out. I sent it to my girlfriend by mistake.

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I was out with my girlfriend at the time and she was being a dick, I text my best mate saying "Can't wait to get home, she's being a right dick". Accidentally sent it to her. I tried to convince her not to read it but she did and rightly abandoned me in the middle of town, furious.


She was being a dick though.

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Can't remember any stand out sending the text to the wrong people stories but there was an annoying story similar to The Maestro's.


Basically two of us went to visit a mate when he was at uni, we went on a night out, really went for it, spent about

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