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2012/2013 Scottish Football Thread


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Looks like they're keeping those titles though, that was all the Bobby Sands memorial boys were fussed about right?


Absolute scandal that they were forced to liquidate over a trumped up charge, fair enough about the appeal but the fact is two judges said it was bollocks


Shite attempt at baiting, but it's what we have come to expect.


They died. Get over it. Who cares about past titles? Nobody cares about "The Rangers" any more. They are a complete irrelevance. They haven't been mentioned in footballing terms by anyone of importance since August, even when they lost to Stirling Albion.


They've hidden documentation from Scottish footballing authorities for years. The investigation is into the use of dual contracts, not if tax was avoided on EBTs (as the BTC has ruled) If anything, the ruling has found evidence that there was dual contacts, whether tax was or wasn't paid on it is neither here nor there. THEY went into voluntary administration. Murray International Holdings and Whyte were WELL aware of the implications of borrowing from Ticketus. MIH MUST have told Whyte how to borrow money on club assets. An illegal act.


But still, "scandal", "forced to liquidate". Aye, okay.

Who cares about past titles? Eh, just about everybody who's INCORRECTLY branded us cheats between 2001 and 2010? I'm pretty convinced you'd be one of them. Or will you just pretend that wasn't the case now it hasn't went in your favour? A Hibee work mate of mine was showing me a comment on his club's fan forum in a thread that was just under 700 pages at the time - totally backs up your claim of us being a complete irrelevance. I can only imagine what it's like on Kerrydale Street, boak inducing no doubt. No doubt the mental Clyde 1 regular Eddie will be constantly cut off in the next few night trying to spew his bile about us.


As far as I'm concerned it's an appalling state of affairs and OldCo has essentially been liquidated because of the action of one crooked man's actions - a variety of different people can be blamed for different things but liquidation was his fault alone, and if this case had been decided a long time ago he would've never in a million years gotten his hands on our football club.


In a way the decision is vindication for the uneducated shite we've listened to from every other club's fans in Scotland since February, but you know what? What's done is done - the old company should never have been liquidated but I'm just glad I still have my club to support after at times it didn't look likely in the summer, and after we've finally dragged our way through the divisions maybe the 'Generic Sevco threads' will stop and they'll start talking about, I dunno, their clubs? Doubt it, but we'll see. Maybe all the tax experts will crawl back into their hole as well.


Nice to see Graham Speirs put in his place yesterday too, by the way. Irritating sour rat slept with a journalist.

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The titles being removed has nothing to do with this decision. If they're found to have had second contracts which they haven't declared to the SFA, they have broken the rules. It's not an "EBT investigation", it's a "dual contract investigation."

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Also the three year European ban was because they went into administration because they could not pay their bills excluding the Big Tax Case. The Big Tax Case did not force them to into adminstration never mind liquidation.


If it wasn't there would a different owner have come forward? Perhaps. The thing is though it was there and it wasn't cut and dry. They won the case by a vote of 2:1, it was by no means a complete vindication and took months to get to that decision.


On appeal it only takes one person to change their stance slightly and the house of cards tumbles down. If it was thrown out in days with a vote of 3:0 then you might be able to call it a trumped up charge.


As for Rangers Tax Case blog getting sued, why should it? They merely offered evidence into the public domain and said there is a case to be answered that the legal papers have proved was factual. Unless it can be demonstrated they produced false evidence that influenced the case then how can they be sued?


And for the record this doesn't mean anyone who branded you cheats between 2001 and 2010 was wrong. This is one significant victory but as others have said it is one of only a multitude of sins.

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I'm actually sick talking about tax cases and EBT's, BTC's and whatever other fancy initials are needed so I'll just say this: Rangers fans declaring their club innocent are having a fucking laugh. Tax avoidance, legal (barely) or other wise is immoral and fucks the genuine working people over. Next time you get a payslip and moan about the ampunt of PAYE and NIC just remember your megastars on 20k plus a week were dodging most of theirs.

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Looks like they're keeping those titles though, that was all the Bobby Sands memorial boys were fussed about right?


Absolute scandal that they were forced to liquidate over a trumped up charge, fair enough about the appeal but the fact is two judges said it was bollocks


Shite attempt at baiting, but it's what we have come to expect.


They died. Get over it. Who cares about past titles? Nobody cares about "The Rangers" any more. They are a complete irrelevance. They haven't been mentioned in footballing terms by anyone of importance since August, even when they lost to Stirling Albion.


They've hidden documentation from Scottish footballing authorities for years. The investigation is into the use of dual contracts, not if tax was avoided on EBTs (as the BTC has ruled) If anything, the ruling has found evidence that there was dual contacts, whether tax was or wasn't paid on it is neither here nor there. THEY went into voluntary administration. Murray International Holdings and Whyte were WELL aware of the implications of borrowing from Ticketus. MIH MUST have told Whyte how to borrow money on club assets. An illegal act.


But still, "scandal", "forced to liquidate". Aye, okay.

Who cares about past titles? Eh, just about everybody who's INCORRECTLY branded us cheats between 2001 and 2010? I'm pretty convinced you'd be one of them. Or will you just pretend that wasn't the case now it hasn't went in your favour?


I have labelled you cheats. I'm not incorrect, and I won't pretend that is the case. Here it is in black and white. YOU ARE CHEATS.

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I was as vociferous as anybody over the EBT/dual contact scandal and I am utterly amazed by it all. Still we don't have a clear picture of what this ruling actually says and means because the pro-Rangers press jumped all over it and called Rangers the winner. Personally, my view is that this whole process has exposed exactly what Celtic fans have said for years, which is that the Scottish establishment at all levels are pro-RFC.


Does anybody have a link to the original text of the ruling?

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Anyone else been massively disappointed with Aberdeen's fans? They were probably the biggest campaigner about the Newco and, other than the game against Celtic, have hardly bothered to show up. A chance to go top of the league last night and they get an attendance of 9100. It's not as if they don't have the fanbase.

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Anyone else been massively disappointed with Aberdeen's fans? They were probably the biggest campaigner about the Newco and, other than the game against Celtic, have hardly bothered to show up. A chance to go top of the league last night and they get an attendance of 9100. It's not as if they don't have the fanbase.


The ones that didn't bother to show up were the smart ones.


I'm more worried about our growing injury list and our bombscare a nutcase of a goalkeeper.

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Anyone else been massively disappointed with Aberdeen's fans? They were probably the biggest campaigner about the Newco and, other than the game against Celtic, have hardly bothered to show up. A chance to go top of the league last night and they get an attendance of 9100. It's not as if they don't have the fanbase.


Aberdeen's average home attendance this season is 11,218. Last season it was 9,298. That's an increase of 20% which is quite impressive in my opinion! Whereas our average attendance this season is 45,624 ( although I have a feeling the club are exaggerating our attendances this season somewhat as I reckon there were only 30k there on Saturday) which is a 10% decrease on last seasons figures. I think the Aberdeen lot have backed up their words with actions this season, unlike some other teams in the league!

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Bit of an odd Hibs - Hearts game yesterday. Wouldn't say a win for any team was worthy. It should have had 0-0 all over it, but a tremendous strike to win it though, albeit deflected.


Good thing was there was no repeat of the shambles of the Cup Final defeat for the Hibees.

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