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ICW Super Smokin' Thunder Bowl

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Footage will surface of the show. We were trying out afew different things like an app for fancams and stuff like that, tried it out with the zero g title match, the commentary will be added and it'll be online soon. Videos and matches from the show will also crop up soon.


I wondered why two of the camera guys suddenly appeared with iPhones during that match!

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As someone who wasn't at the show, when i came online this morning thinking grado was icw champ ( having seen the videos where he wanted to be booked AND got his chance) i was like "cool sounds good he's over the fans buy it..." then i read about the technicality, the rematch and how angry people were and... I fucking love it! He got fucked by a technicality and furthermore e was robbed by red lightning.. Hes still fucking over and has a right to be aggrieved and hopefully this leads somewhere ( it aready did cos dallas ripped his short term deal up and signed him permanently) this isn't the end of the story theres gonna be twists and turns its long term thinking its memphis style booking think kauffman/lawler how that built and built and drew people in, it wasn't weak or spineless its perfect theres a reason for ONE MORE MATCH!! Hopefully he does it hopefully he wins the belt, ya just gotta trust the product your paying to see and trust in the icw booking style.more importantly dont be pissed off ya got worked its amazing when wrestling companys get to work fans like us.

Mind i fucking love the fact the police turned up.


Sounds like some boss angles/storylines are happening up there, good luck to ya dallas.

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Technically he hasn't actually robbed anyone. He's capitalized on mistakes made by others, whether it be ICW or his opponents. He's been saying "ICW and Mark Dallas are a joke" and so far he's only been proved right! BT Gunn lost the head and basically lost himself the match and Grado didn't keep an aye on his surroundings. He'll probably tell Chris Renfrew that the contract is void because there's a spelling mistake or something.

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Well honestly I really enjoyed last night, all round.


Some of my mates don't even see what is on facebook etc and no fekin clue as to who hulk hogan is (lying bastards). They turn up pay their tenner and get entertained from start to finish.


As for Grado what a great pop when he "won". Cannae wait for his autobiography - 50 shades of Grado!

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Full results and review.


Noam Dar came out, cutting a promo which seemed to be distancing him from the Zero G championship and division and aiming him at the main event scene. He then challeneged Wolfgang to a match leading to....


Match 1- Wolfgang defeated Noam Dar by Submission

Good Solid opening contest. James Scott attack Wolfgang right at the start of the match, taking out the leg , which Dar worked the entire match. Wolgang gets a win leading up to his Devitt match. Dar looked strong despite the defeat. And the Scott/Wolfgang feud was built up. Job done, and an entertaining match to boot.


Now I can't quite remember the order of the next two segments, but they were



Jackie Polos Polo Lounge- Jackie Polo comes out, prepares to announce an interview (implied to be Red Lightning). Ofcom come out and request Jackie Polo replace Mike Musso (who was "unwilling to lower himself to a street fight"), however Jackie Polo refused, as he refuses to wrestle for ICW. The whole segment fell flat and seemed rather pointless, a shame as I like both concepts.


Match 2- Lionheart defeated James Scott by Pinfall

Great match. James Scott tried to break Lionhearts neck when Wolfgang makes the save.


Post match James Scott challenges Wolfgang to a match immediatly, only for him to run off. Nice fued building here, I suppose they are holding off a match until Fear and Loathing.


Match 3- Fight Club (Kid Fite and Liam Thompson) defeated S.T.I (William Grange and Dickie Divers) by Pinfall

Excellent Tag contest. Surprised at the result considering the tag final is at the next show.

Afterwards Kid Fite performed the Peoples Tea Bag.


Match 4-ICW Championship- Grado defeated Red Lightning

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I completely forgot the tag title matchup was at the next show. It does make absolutely zero sense for STI to be defeated by Fight Club ?! Doesn't look good for STI.


I agree with AJS on the point of the stables within ICW. The Gold Label were a massive part of the show and now with all the smaller stables it keeps things fresh, however OffCom for example, became quickly over-saturated with wrestlers who didn't need to be there & the faction who did have a massive amount of heat have now been killed off rapidly. If the factions manage to remain strong I for one would like to see a Survivor Series style of matches between the factions.

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Speaking of Ofcom, Nathan Black just sort of appeared, no introduction or explanation. You get the impression Offcoms storyline has been cut short now that the TV deals off.


I said to someone pre-show that OffCom were irrelevant now and last night was the end and Dallas has now confirmed that they're gone. I hope we see some of them or even all of them in the future, and it was nice to see Nathan Black as part of the match. Guy's a machine.


Seems that all the factions are fading. Mirage were conspicous in their absence, Mikey Whiplash's Pretty Little Things and Christophers Crew are falling apart, and Ofcom are dead in the water after their loss.


Is this all a coincidence or is there a feeling that there's too many factions? Not sure that Whiplash's lot a are a faction though. It's like Whiplash and a bunch of sidekicks more than anything.


I think Christopher and Kennedy are better on their own anyways, even if having the bodyguard for the budding popstar is a good idea in theory. I just think The Bomb has this insanely likeable quality which just means I can't hate him at all.


I also agree on the Fight Club winning being strange. STI don't actually have a great record in ICW outside of the tournament do they? A lot of losses to Buckys in their meetings and this one against Fight Club. That might mean the titles go with them though.

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