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The Rock as WWE Champ

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Are some people here really suggesting Rock should win the belt on the 1000th episode?? That's ludicrous. He has stated he wants to pursue the title. Even with his limited appearances they can drag this out over time and when he eventually challenges for and/or wins the title it wouldve had plenty of build. Wrestlemania is the logical time for this to happen.


Blowing a potentially brilliant chase of the title from one of the biggest stars in history in one night is insane.

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  • Paid Members

Yeah, it's something that people will be chomping at the bit to see, and therefore something they should hold off for ages. Get to the point where people are absolutely dying to see it. In fact, screw my idea, it devalues the title as being a tool for Rock to get to Lesnar. Rock should be chasing the belt at Wrestlemania.

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Aye, I agree that the idea cuts into the idea of a great long term story, but I've lost faith in WWE's ability to build a great long term story. They had a year for the Rock/Cena feud and the actual build-up was mostly shit. Plus I miss the days when weekly WWE TV was crazy and spontaneous, like when Mankind won the WWE title.

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Anybody having the idea of a heel Rock as champion? He would obviously have to be a part time champion unless he can give 3 months worth on Monday Nights or whatevers hes planning on being champion for, would the fans not resent him for that if he cant be there every week and still carry the title?

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Anybody having the idea of a heel Rock as champion? He would obviously have to be a part time champion unless he can give 3 months worth on Monday Nights or whatevers hes planning on being champion for, would the fans not resent him for that if he cant be there every week and still carry the title?


Who's going to run against him as a face? The Rock filmed pre-recorded interviews and twittered lame insults at the hardest working man in the WWE who's by far their best blue eyes and the fans treated him like God.

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