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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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He's wouldn't even know what you meant by workrate in wrestling terms.

Oh right. He never learned any of the insider lingo apart from "jobbed out" (which he eagerly regurgitated a decade later) then. You're obviously talking wet, but fair enough.


No i can't see what could have happened

Probably best if you drop the "casual fans hated it but would've loved it if it was longer and had more workrate" gimmick then.

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How is it different from the band anology? They advertised that I would see a match between Sheamus and Bryan and i got 18 seconds. It's exactly like advertising a band and then only letting them play for 30 seconds.


No, it isn't. At all. You cannot compare the two. It's a wrestling angle. You wasn't given anything that wasn't advertised.


I got given plenty of stuff that wasn't advertised, but I think that's not what you meant to say perhaps.


I certainly didn't buy the show just for that match, but it was certainly one that I was looking forward to. (not for workrate before pitcos starts banging that drum again), just because i like the two characters. I know they had the match, but I felt short changed by it.


I certainly can compare the two and have, but I was using the band analogy before to highlight how people can get interested in other bands by seeing them support a larger act. The same as Sheamus and Bryan were a support act for Rock and Cena.


People moan that WWE can't create stars and this is one of the reason why. When they get a chance to show these new stars they have to a larger audience they give them 18 seconds. Why would someone who has not seen them before care?

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It's a wrestling angle. You wasn't given anything that wasn't advertised.


They didn't even have to do that if they didn't want to they could of just bumped the match altogether and then just used the "Card Is Subject To Change" rule they have legally they didn't even have to have Rock vs Cena.

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He's wouldn't even know what you meant by workrate in wrestling terms.

Oh right. He never learned any of the insider lingo apart from "jobbed out" (which he eagerly regurgitated a decade later) then. You're obviously talking wet, but fair enough.


No i can't see what could have happened

Probably best if you drop the "casual fans hated it but would've loved it if it was longer and had more workrate" gimmick then.


You certianly are one for putting words into people mouths aren't you!


Firstly when he watched WWE before "insider terms" were being used all the time... you even had a group called the "job squad", maybe that is where he got it from... i don't know.


Secondly I never said casual fans hated it and it needed more workrate. There were many that popped for it... all I am saying... and don't try and twist this.... is that it is hard for someone to care about something that they have never seen. In my opinion someone that had never seen sheamus and bryan before didn't get to see enough of them to care about them either way. This was certainly the case with the guy I was with.

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Overall, I felt that there was both the good and the bad within this Wrestlemania. These are my thoughts:


If not in correct order, SORRY :confused:


1. Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus World Heavyweight Title


I can completely understand why they decided to just job Bryan out, as it will make his character come through leaps and bounds. But still, I just felt that they could have put so much more into this especially since their original match wasn't shown last year. And what is it with them putting the World title matches on first TWICE in a row at Mania??? It just makes the title look nothing more than mid card in my opinion, but then again it was a great shock to us all with the quick win. Perhaps having Jericho vs Punk as he opener for around 25-30 minutes, would have been a better option?


Match Rating - 4/10


2. Randy Orton vs Kane


Really enjoyed this match. The build up to this match has been great, and I'm starting to like that they're showing a Kane which is both monster AND mortal! Ortons part in this has been fantastic, seriously showing that he has matured with age and that he is becoming more of a 'locker room leader' backstage with willing to put others over. Lets be honest, the Orton from 05-06 would have had a bitchfit or dumped in Kanes mask my now. The only negative about the match, was I just didnt see the finish AS a finish. Hench why I pretty much raised my eyebrow with a WTF image. But really looking forward to how this feud is going to progress.


Match Rating - 6/10


3. Divas Match


Im not even going to bother rating this shit....


4. Cody Rhodes vs Big Show Intercontinental Championship


They both gave it a really good go, after all we knew this wasnt exactly going to be match of the night. But it had everything that it needed, Rhodes did a great job of making Big Show look like a monster and it was great to see him finally have his Wrestlemania moment. The build up has been hilarious, making Show look like a complete clutz and useless. But my god, did he progress! Hopefully he'll have a decent run.


Match Rating - 6.5/10


5. Undertaker vs Triple H w/ Special Guest Referee Shawn Michaels Hell in a Cell


This match was just what I call.... PERFECT!!!!! Everything about it just said 'Wrestlemania', and all three of the competitors proved why they are the best in the business. When HBK hit Taker with the sweet chin, even at 20 years of age I was still on the edge of my seat thinking they had overcome the deadman. Was so emotional to see Taker looking at the crowd at the end. It's quite obvious this will be his last match, not too sure about HHH though. Wished they had used the cell a little more, but then again with have Linda to thank for that.


Match Rating - 9/10


6. 12 Man Tag


Cigarette Break


Match Rating - 3/10


7. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho WWE Championship


Very Good indeedy! They both proved that they deserved to be where they were. Technically could stand next to HBK v Bret with even more charisma. And with what happened the night after on RAW, I can see this feud going on for a while!


Match Rating 8/10


8. Main Event - The Rock vs John Cena


Very disappointed. From the stupid Flo Rida shit all the way to (in my opinion) lack of chemistry between the two. I just feel that the match could have been so much more than what they both delivered. On paper, it could have been phenomenal. Better than Rocks matches with both Hogan and Austin. But it wasnt, and to be fair I just feel that Cena should really have won it. (as much as i was routing for Rock :) )

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If you can't see the difference between a quick fake wrestling match and a band playing a gig, then there's no hope for you.

I think it's the same bloke who thinks wrestling and Holby City are the exact same thing as well.

I'd pay to see a Kane vs Cena ambulance re-match with Charlie Fairhead as the ref.




Ideally PsychoNigel from Eastenders would turn up as Kane's long lost 'real dad' and cost Cena the match.

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Because Sheamus beat a World Champion at WrestleMania in record time. That is impressive and never been done before. How about that?


Some people may see it like that I guess. That's why some popped for it.


Another way to see it would be that a massive bloke jumped a little fellow with a cheap shot and took his belt, making the massive bloke look like a bit of a dick. The finish was Ok for putting Bryan in his place, but I don't think it helped Sheamus at all.


I'd have been far more receptive to the whole thing if the match had started with Bryan slapping Sheamus in the face and then bailing, doing the chase about ringside for 30 seconds and then the boot and finish as soon as Sheamus caught up with him. At least Bryan's asshole, chickenshit character would be in full display, and Sheamus would have looked way stronger than just winning with a cheapshot.

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Because Sheamus beat a World Champion at WrestleMania in record time. That is impressive and never been done before. How about that?


Some people may see it like that I guess. That's why some popped for it.


Another way to see it would be that a massive bloke jumped a little fellow with a cheap shot and took his belt, making the massive bloke look like a bit of a dick. The finish was Ok for putting Bryan in his place, but I don't think it helped Sheamus at all.


I'd have been far more receptive to the whole thing if the match had started with Bryan slapping Sheamus in the face and then bailing, doing the chase about ringside for 30 seconds and then the boot and finish as soon as Sheamus caught up with him. At least Bryan's asshole, chickenshit character would be in full display, and Sheamus would have looked way stronger than just winning with a cheapshot.


... and that is the way that I see it too.

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Why would someone who has not seen them before care?

Because they just saw a big, weird-looking ginger hulk kick a little cocky fucker's head off in less than twenty seconds. It was impactive and stood out on the show. Why would someone who has not seen them before care about them having a standard ten-minute undercard match? You're still labouring under the false impression that everyone who has ever watched wrestling, especially new or lapsed fans, is screaming "stop treating the young guys as jobbers, this is a burial, the titles are just props now, fire Russo, also this is exactly the same as Hollyoaks and a Morrissey gig, which therefore makes those two things exactly the same as each other, which doesn't really add up but I suppose both of them do feature a lot of teen angst" at the telly if a match doesn't go at least ten minutes.

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Why would someone who has not seen them before care?

Because they just saw a big, weird-looking ginger hulk kick a little cocky fucker's head off in less than twenty seconds. It was impactive and stood out on the show. Why would someone who has not seen them before care about them having a standard ten-minute undercard match? You're still labouring under the false impression that everyone who has ever watched wrestling, especially new or lapsed fans, is screaming "stop treating the young guys as jobbers, this is a burial, the titles are just props now, fire Russo, also this is exactly the same as Hollyoaks and a Morrissey gig, which therefore makes those two things exactly the same as each other, which doesn't really add up but I suppose both of them do feature a lot of teen angst" at the telly if a match doesn't go at least ten minutes.


I'm not sure what that little rant was about, but when you have calmed down a little and can talk like a human then perhaps try again because I am genuinely interested in trying to understand you.


Yup it had impact, however, if you don't know the characters (oops theres that word that makes your blood boil again - try and remain calm!) how will they know he's a cocky fucker?? As dirty eddie just said, it was just a big bloke blindsiding a small bloke. At least if they were given a little bit of time they could have showed their character more. As much as I think i personally (again not speaking for everybody as you might want to suggest) would have felt short changed by eddies suggestion, at least someone who had never seen either of them before could have understood that Bryan was a prick and deserved a kick in the face.

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