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Internet "Troll" Jailed

Keith Houchen

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I think I may have a touch of OCD as well as I use at least 1-2 of the family size bottles of dry hand wash a day I went to the shop today to get some bought 4 bottles and was worried that I didn't have enough to last me until I go shopping again on Thursday I even carry 1-2 bottles around in my coat pocket.


I do wonder if that's something I should mention to my Psychiatrist (I'm under one as I've been officially diagnosed with depression and low self esteem) as it does annoy other people but it's getting to the point where it's starting to annoy me.

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Nowt wrong with a 'touch of OCD' if it makes people cleanly unlike my mate who'll make you a sandwich straight after having a dump with no hand washing amongst other disgusting & messy acts. Though going 2 months worth of liquid soap in a few days sounds more than a 'touch of OCD' to me.

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He wasn't a danger on the streets though was he? He was just in his bedroom. Taking someone with that mentality off the internet seems like a far more reasonable course of action.

Absolutely, but they guy had been warned before and this had gone on over a prolonged period. What I'm saying is we're talking about someone with an inability to function in normal society. Whether that's through his condition or just because he's a cunt I don't know. You have to think this may have been taking into account in court though?


It the fact that he seems to have issues with right and wrong which makes me wonder what else he could do. As such the guy needs help. I'm not saying prison is the place to get that help, but I am saying someone like that can't be left as he was. Taking his internet away would be an obvious choice, but we'd still be talking about someone with obvious problems that would likely manifest themselves in other ways.

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With the ease to get on the internet now though how easy would be to be make sure he (or anyone banned from using it) didn't use it again with libraries and internet cafes and everything else it would be almost impossible to make sure a banned user stayed off if they really wanted to.


They also they said he had to inform them if he got a phone with internet access but how could they make sure he did?

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I do have flashes of A.D.D. when I'm alone like pausing a film 20 times to do other things.


I'm worse, I do it with Mrs Loki.


We'll be watching a film and she'll say something and I'll then rewind the tape so I can hear the bit she talked over. Conversely, I ruin every film for her by saying "check out this scene, this is a really good scene" right before anything interesting happens. I'm also terrible at making cryptic comments that give away the plot of the film because I've seen it before.


I'm surprised she lets me anywhere near the tv to be honest.

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I used to troll Facebook quite a bit. Foamer groups were always a favourite. The kind where you have raging lunatics competing for the best badly spelled psycho-sexual torture fantasy. When the RIP trolling crowd showed up, it all went to shit. The are a bunch of petty spiteful, unfunny wankers for the most part.

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holy shit sean duffy gets on ukff.


i've met the cunt three or four times in the purple turtle in Reading. my mates wife went to the same secondary school as him.


me and my mate where in the pub when this story came up on sky news. can't say i'm surprised really. he acted very strange in the pub, talking to himself and walking in and out for no reason.


I know hes a big wrestling fan, my mate got him talking about the PG era in WWE one sunday

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