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big mickey

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The Boys off Road Wars will sort out any shit in Milton Keynes, Chris Piggot doesn't fuck around.


Road Wars is ace. You don't fuck about with them lot.

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Is it possible for the police to say anyone caught looting will be given a minimum jail sentence? Something like 6 months to a year, just to keep the fuckers off the streets.


Either that, or bring Robocop in.

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Is it possible for the police to say anyone caught looting will be given a minimum jail sentence? Something like 6 months to a year, just to keep the fuckers off the streets.


Either that, or bring Robocop in.


That would fill the jails beyond the maximum, and cost the country untold amounts, probably more than the cleanup cost. I say cosh 'em in the head, then make them walk home naked.

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Can't believe it's kicking off in Manchester now, I'm pissed off, I honestly didn't think much would happen here and if it did I didn't expect to see these photos that are coming through on the news now. I had the day off today but just found out that apparently our place has been closed early tonight, usually it closes at 11pm but my mate just told me it's already been closed now, we're not even in the city centre, we're a fair bit away so to hear it's been closed is a bit of a shock and has me worried now. I'm in tomorrow and I just hope nothing kicks off tomorrow.

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That would fill the jails beyond the maximum, and cost the country untold amounts, probably more than the cleanup cost. I say cosh 'em in the head, then make them walk home naked.


I think the ones who are organizing it should be given prison time they are doing via text-FB-Twitter so it should be possible to find them.


Of course ideally they all would serve prison time but I agree that would be impossible even if every prison cell in the country was empty the rioters would still probably outnumber the space available but if some do get sent down it may hopefully send a message to the others.

Edited by Smeg_&_The_Heads
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Is it possible for the police to say anyone caught looting will be given a minimum jail sentence?



No - the police do not have the power to convict somebody or set sentence


and that is a good thing given that the catalyst for all of this started off with the line (at the very least heavily implied) "we had to shoot him, he opened fire first - look at this bullet lodged in the police radio"


then quickly became "ok, that was actually a police bullet, but he fired first"


has now become "well, fine - he didn't fire but he had a gun and we determined he was about to use it"


not all Police officers are corrupt, but more than a handful are & given how quickly their story is falling apart, would anyone REALLY fall off their chair if way down the line it turns out that the gun was planted (or even that it was pure luck for them that he did have one -however illegal- but was not brandishing it in any way)?

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