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The UK TNA Impact Discussion Thread *No Spoilers!*


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The last third though, where he got the name of the company bit wrong, was excruciatingly embarrassing. I think the change is "TNA Impact" to "Impact Wrestling", but you'd never know it.

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I really enjoyed this weeks episode.


Mick Foley has the potential to be great in his new role. Chyna came across alot better than i thought, and Chris Harris i thought was a decent announcement. And they were right not to leave the surprise for the PPV. Where it would of been disappointing.


The whole show just flew by nicely and i always like a good, short Battle Royal.

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I didn't realise it until I watched Impact this week, but I pretty much hate Mick Foley now. I think the longer it gets since the Attitude era, the more I forget that the way he looks and dresses is all part of his charm and what made him unique among the Rocks and Triple Hs of the world. Now I see him roll out with his dirty long hair and nit-infested beard wearing a charity shop jacket with trackies, and I just think the scruffy cunt makes the company he's representing look cheap as fuck, especially when he's supposed to be portraying an authority figure.

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Really enjoyed this week's episode - I've always liked shows with an ongoing story arc throughout them, like Bischoff trying to kill the X-Division this week. Nice to see Roode slowly but surely being set apart as the #1 man in Fourtune, but fuck me what a shit stable Immortal is. What's worse is that Jarrett, who's blatantly the only potential main eventer they've got, is being increasingly left out of the gang attacks and beatdowns.


Only other downside of the programme was the return of ODB. Even by her standards, she looked and sounded fucking terrible.

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Anyone catch Xplosion? Desmond Wolfe is the new comissioner for the Xplosion show. Interesting to see if they can develop the "B" SHOW into something worth watching?

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Xplosion was very enjoyable this week too. You had Desmond's return (with a good promo where he referred to Hogan as Thunderlips :D), a solid Pope/Suicide Xplosion Championship Challenge tournament match (and the possible start of a Pope/Devon feud), a pretty good Kazarian/Angle PPV match from last year, a fun Spin Cycle with the knockouts and some Impact recap stuff. Best Xplosion in a while, IMO. Hopefully they stick to this format and don't go overboard with the Impact recaps like they had been doing recently. The more Xplosion-exclusive content, the better. Anyways, looking forward to seeing Desmond on Xplosion. He was great last night (both in his in-ring promo and on commentary) so hopefully there's more to come.

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Xplosion Championship Challenge tournament match


Can someone explain this to me please? Are TNA creating yet another belt?


Also im glad ODB is back, there i said it!

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Xplosion was very enjoyable this week too. You had Desmond's return (complete with a good promo where he called Hogan Thunderlips :D), a solid Pope/Suicide Xplosion Championship Challenge tournament match (and the possible start of a Pope/Devon feud), a pretty good Kazarian/Angle PPV match from last year, a fun Spin Cycle with the knockouts and some Impact recap stuff. Best Xplosion in a while, IMO. Hopefully they stick to this format and don't go overboard with the Impact recaps like they had been doing recently. The more Xplosion-exclusive content, the better. Anyways, looking forward to seeing Desmond on Xplosion. He was great last night and hopefully there's more to come.


Now if Desomond Wolfe can introduce his "ol china" Greg Burridge fellow cockeny geezer on Xplosion we are on to a winner.

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Xplosion Championship Challenge tournament match


Can someone explain this to me please? Are TNA creating yet another belt?


Also im glad ODB is back, there i said it!


As far as I'm aware, it's TNA's version of Money In The Bank. The holder of the Xplosion Championship can challenge for any other TNA Championship.

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Xplosion Championship Challenge tournament match


Can someone explain this to me please? Are TNA creating yet another belt?

No belt. It's only a tournament. The winner gets a shot at whichever TNA Title he chooses.

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Cheers! I guess its a good idea as people will watch Xplosion to find out who wins. Maybe Pope will get another shot at the title soon.

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I really enjoyed this weeks episode too.


I like the idea of Abyss as X-Division champion, i'm one of the few people that still finds his matches entertaining.


I do hope that the X-Division guys come out of this feud looking good, and it's not just here to squash them a few times. I knew Bischoff was gonna get the pin, but i wish they didn't make Generation Me look so bad. They have been so great in PWG for the last few years and they could kick-off the tag divsion again in TNA.


Oh and Anderson looked alot like Sting.

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Abyss is beyond shit. Seriously irredeemable.


I can't think of another pro-wrestler gainfully employed in a position of relative importance who can't even front bump. And, his selling is fucking awful too. Genuinely, the worst thing in wrestling today.

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I have to say I'm digging the new Xplosion format. They've been using it for a couple of weeks now and so far it's been pretty good. A promo, an exclusive match, a PPV match from the past, Spin Cycle and a short IMPACT Recap. Works for me, although if they can sneak in one more exclusive match that'd be nice too.


Desmond was once again tremendous in his role. He called Robbie E "a Helen Hunt", referred to Cookie as the "Cookie Monster" and to her boobs as "fine Bristol cities", told Cookie that he's heard that she's a hell of a fistpumper (while doing the wanking gesture) and then on Spin Cycle told her that she was no stranger to explosions... He was in rare form last night. Damn, it's good to have Wolfe back on TV.


Disco Inferno popping up on Spin Cycle for a short cameo was a nice little bonus.

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