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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Well at least no one can complain TNA aren't pushing the younger guys now. It feels like a completely different show now but at the same time i can't help but feel like people don't have as much interest in TNA now and i know a lot of people will disagree with me on this but i think a lot of that has to do with them toning everything down. The show really is all about wrestling and matches rather than wrestling and over the top soap opera stuff. I also don't know why they continue to bleep any swear words, even the word ass. It doesn't make it realistic and they always talked about making their show realistic with real characters people could get behind yet that realistic way of talking is being compromised when they do censor it. When you have guys like Kurt Angle and Bully Ray, bleeping their language hinders them, it doesn't make their promos any better. I suppose i can't complain too much, it's a nice alternative to WWE. I don't pay attentiont to news sites but there is always a lack of stories on TNA. It would be nice to have an idea on what TNA are doing just now or what they hope to accomplish in the short and long term. Dare i say TNA are trying to go PG? The same thing happened to WWE, they watered everything right down and the USA Network told them no, it still isn't good enough. It took WWE 6 months of that style of show before they convinced the USA Network to grant them that PG rating and the other networks too that broadcast WWE shows.

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No Kash or Aries this week? Fuck.Joe and Abyss was a fucking waste of time (along with other bits of shit). I would've had a X-Division match instead. Maybe Kash or Aries squashing some no namer like that Zema Ion guy with either watching on up on the stage. Surely they deserved at least something after their sterling work last week.

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It's been consistently the best wrestling tv show all year; aside from that short CM Punk storyline on Raw, TNA has held my attention the rest of the time.I was gutted when Roode didn't win the title off Angle, but I have to tip my hat to them, heel Roode is fantastic and a breath of fresh air for the industry as a whole. It's transformed their main event scene and offers 12 months of PPV booking that we haven't seen before, alongside the background Roode/Storm feud.They are also bold enough to concentrate on a couple of storylines in each episode rather than cram everything in. People mentioned a lack of Aries/Kash this week; well they'll get some decent time next week I imagine! The whole format and pacing of the shows has been excellent.As for the internet being quiet on TNA, well, it's TNA. Smarks will never like it, as it's not ROH, and WWE fans will struggle with it as it feels so different. The newz sites generally seem to have decided long ago to give it negative coverage, and the actual quality of the shows won't change that. If you read PWTorch's reviews of Impact, it's like they're watching a completely different show.

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Final Resolution

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my arse [close spoiler]
Reported.I thought Angle was pretty banged up and wouldn't be able to wrestle for a while, or was that just a short term injury he picked up during his match VS Roode on PPV?
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Indeed. I'd not be adverse to you going blind first as well, so you'd not be able to post here and need to get a new PC for blind people, and it's the new PC for blind people that starts the fire as you first try to log on here and press "post" for another of your pointless, shit, unfunny and all-round fucking arse contributions. Just fuck off, and never return. Everyone fucking hates you. I know I wouldn't like to stay where I wasn't wanted, so you use your melon.

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