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Impact Wrestling Discussion **UK SPOILERS**


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Spoilers for November 24th (Thanksgiving episode)


- In a Dark Match, Austin Aries defeated Alex Silva (OVW trainee & the current OVW Television champion).


- Before the Thanksgiving taping started, they retaped the AJ Styles/James Storm promo that will air on November 17th.


- TNA Tag Team Champions Matt Morgan and Crimson defeated Mexican America to retain the Tag Titles when Crimson pinned Anarquia.


- Karen Jarrett comes out for a promo with Gail Kim, Madison Rayne, and Traci Brooks. Karen then calls out the other Knockouts and sets up a lingerie match later in the night.


- Kurt Angle came out to the ring to talk about James Storm. He ran down Storm until Storm came to the ring to confront Angle. They exchanged words and Storm wanted to fight Angle right now. Angle said there were others who wanted to fight Storm. Jeff Jarrett, Bully Ray, and Christopher Daniels came down to the ring and surrounded Storm. Storm said that the message Angle wanted Storm to tell his daughter last night about how Kurt was the one to give her father a concussion. Storm said he told her that and that she wanted him to respond to Angle and Storm hit Angle. Jarrett, Ray, and Daniels join Angle to attack Storm until A.J. Styles, Ken Anderson, and Rob Van Dam come to the ring to help Storm. Security had to separate everyone. When Storm was being taken up the ramp, TNA World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode came out. Storm got in a cheap shot on Roode, laying him out.


- Velvet Sky, Brooke Tessmacher, and Tara defeated Madison Rayne, Winter, and Angelina Love in a lingerie match. All six came out in their own variations of lingerie and posed before the match began. Mickie James, who appeared to be injured, came out and prevented Madison from cheating. Velvet pinned Madison.


- They go backstage to Robbie E, Rob Terry, Eric Young, and former TNA referee Rudy Charles. Charles was holding a turkey suit. Robbie E was saying that Young would never get another shot at the TV Title. They talked some more and set up a match later tonight where the loser had to wear the turkey suit.


- Jeff Hardy's music hit and he walked to the ring covered up in a hoodie and wearing a mask. He unmasked and it turned out that it was Jeff Jarrett posing as Hardy. Jarrett ran down Hardy and the fans until Hardy came out and attacked Jarrett. Christopher Daniels and Bully Ray ran out and attacked Hardy. AJ Styles, Ken Anderson, and Rob Van Dam came out to fight them off. Jeff Hardy had to be helped to the back.


- Eric Young defeated Robbie E (with Robbie T) with a piledriver. Robbie E used a weapon during the match to pin Young, but referee Rudy Charles found out that Robbie cheated and the match was restarted. After the match, Young took the mic and said that because Robbie E appears to be knocked out, they need to find someone else to have the turkey suit put on. The suit was put on Robbie T and then he chased Young to the back.


- AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, and Rob Van Dam (with James Storm) defeated Bobby Roode, Jeff Jarrett, Christopher Daniels, and Bully Ray (with Kurt Angle) in an elimination match. Styles and Hardy were the survivors in this match. The match started off three on three with Roode doing commentary with Taz and Mike Tenay and Hardy did not come to the ring at the start of the match as a result of the earlier attack. Anderson was eliminated first and then Roode came to the ring and connected with a low blow to eliminate himself. Daniels eliminated Van Dam with a roll up and a handful of tights. This left A.J. Styles alone to face Daniels, Jarrett, and Ray. Hardy's music hit and he made his way down to the ring and eliminated both Daniels and Jarrett. While this was happening, Angle and Storm brawled to the back. Styles got the final elimination pinning Ray. Roode came out after the match and laid out both Hardy and Styles and shouted in AJ's face before leaving.


- In a match taped for Xplosion, Kazarian defeated Magnus with a rollup.

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- Eric Young defeated Robbie E (with Robbie T) with a piledriver. Robbie E used a weapon during the match to pin Young, but referee Rudy Charles found out that Robbie cheated and the match was restarted. After the match, Young took the mic and said that because Robbie E appears to be knocked out, they need to find someone else to have the turkey suit put on. The suit was put on Robbie T and then he chased Young to the back.

This match is fucking sidesplitting. Tazz and Tenay were pissing themselves laughing. Rudy Charles was great. As was Young, Big Rob and Robbie E. All kinds of fun.

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December 1st taping results


Match Number One: D'Angelo Dinero and Devon defeated Ink Inc. and Mexican America to become the Number One Contenders for the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles. Devon got the victory over Jesse Neal with a spinebuster.


Sting came to the ring in his capacity as the man in charge of decisions in the Impact Zone. Sting asked for the Impact Wrestling World Champion Bobby Roode to come to the ring after he talked about how the inmates were running the asylum. Roode did not seem to be impressed with Sting's request and he told Sting to hurry up. Sting tried to show Roode who was in charge. Roode talked about how Sting should appreciate the things that he is doing as the World Champion, but Sting says that there are consequences for what he has done.


A.J. Styles comes to the ring and Roode talks about how A.J. has Sting fighting his battles for him. Jeff Hardy also comes out and Sting announces that the main event will be a Triple Threat Match between A.J. Styles, Jeff Hardy, and Booby Roode. Sting mentions that the title is not going to be defended in that match.


Impact Wrestling X Division Champion Austin Aries comes out. He says that he is the

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December 8th taping results


- We open with an in-ring promo with Sting, Dixie Carter and Robert Roode. Sting wants Roode to apologize to Dixie but Roode refuses to. Roode ends up spitting on Dixie then bailing from the ring.


Abyss defeated Samoa Joe after interference from Bully Ray and Scott Steiner. After the match Steiner and Ray were in the ring with Abyss trying to kiss up to him when Abyss hit Steiner with the Black Hole Slam.


- Another promo in the ring this time Devon, The Pope, Crimson and Matt Morgan. All four men set up their match at Final Resolution. When Pope gets the mic, he runs down Crimson and Matt Morgan. A fight breaks out where Devon and Crimson fight to the back. Devon's kids get in the ring and help Pope beat down Morgan before bailing from the ring.


Mickie James defeated Madison Rayne. Afterwards Gail Kim comes out and stares down Mickie.


Garett Bischoff defeated Gunner with a rollup. After the match, Gunner Piledrove Garett on the concrete on the outside(with help from Eric Bischoff). Garett gets tended to by medics and gets stretchered out.


- We get another in-ring promo between Kurt Angle and James Storm. They are setting up their match at Final Resolution. Storm runs down his history about fighting against the odds. Storm allows Angle to hit him from behind but Angle doesn't do so. Good segment!


Gail Kim defeated Traci Brooks. Traci originally laid down for Gail but kicked out at two. She fought back and had the advantage when Karen Jarrett distracted the referee. Madison Rayne interfered and allowed Gail to pick up the win.


AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy beat Bobby Roode and Jeff Jarrett in a tag team match. Hardy came out to a huge pop, Styles had an okay pop. Hardy and Jarrett fought to the back leaving Roode and AJ in the ring. AJ hurt his knee during the match but was able to reverse Roodes finisher into a rollup. AJ fought off an attack from Roode after the match but was attacked again on top of the stage. Roode attacked AJ's tweaked knee slamming it on the stage.


credit: wrestlezone.com

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I'll be totally honest and say TNA has gotten alot better recently, and i've even started watching again. The X division is back on top of things now, the mid card / TV Title scence could be better, and the "young guns" (well the not as old hogan/sting/flair anyway) are in the Main title scence.


Knockouts are becoming the divas of late 90's / 2000's which i'm not sure about, as TNA user to have a really good womens division at one point.


Bar that my only real gripe with them now is they have "alot of stuff" going on, but like at all times. For example most matches i saw from last week had some sort of run in, that was not really needed and/or some sort of other run in whilst the first one is going on or just after it. This and way to many promos long winded promos. (I had skipped through 45+ mins of impact last week to get to a match, which ended up being a knockouts match followed by a knockout promo, so i'd ended up skipping about and hour of the show).


That again being said, TNA is improving so much, and it does feel like they are only a few steps away from being a top quality product.


That sort of stuff is annoying as they really dont need it at all.

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It was a great episode of Impact. There was so much class stuff, and the daft shite was kept to a limit.


Highlights from this episode:

-Sting in a leather jacket, sunglasses and Stinger Gloves. There might not be a person on telly this year who looked cooler than Sting did as the GM-type figure on this episode.

-JESSE NEAL'S BACK! Which is always good.

-The Knockouts segments were class. It was like Carry On Camping. TNA's finally realised that instead of letting the girls who cant wrestle embarrass themselves, they just let them get their tits out. Which is fine by me. The Mickie James vs ODB match was the perfect balance for this, because it was actually good. It was a street fight, which was surprisingly enjoyable.

-Austin Aries had a nice little verbal battle and they both looked far bigger stars than any X Division wrestler since about 2005. The X Division is great at the minute. Kid Kash's promo style is cracking. He's voice is great. He seems angry all the time, which is the perfect compared to how above it all Aries is.

-Gunner's the Next Big Thing. He went into a gym looking for Garrett Bischoff, and usually on TNA, this would lead to some kind of comedy segment where a bucket of spit falls onto Gunner in a 'hilarious' manner. But instead, Gunner went in and beat the fuck out of a bunch of blokes in the gym. Gunner was great. I've liked Gunner for ages, but he was on another level here. I was expecting something daft to happen, but no. He looked strong.

-The Scott Steiner and Bully Ray comedy hour continued. Steiner still doesnt understand why Abyss is after them, and is still pushing the opinion that Bully Ray shagged Abyss' lass. Which Bully denies. The best line of this segment was:


Steiner: "I'm Big Poppa Pump, I've got freaks 9 days out of the week ..."

Bully Ray: "There's only 7 days in a weeks?"

Steiner: "I'm the Big Bad Booty Daddy I'm the (inaudible) ..."

Bully Ray: "ENGLIGH?"


-Angle and Storm had a brilliant back and forth early 1990s WWF style Face-To-Face segment (if anyone can remember them from WWF Prime Time. It might have been the best thing on the show. Just a typical wrestling promo between two guys who hate each other.

-They played a fucking excellent video package where Bobby Roode's family were talking about their disappointment. They all looked gutted. The best part of this was that they interviewed Bobby Roode's pal and under his name it said "Ex Friend".

-Hardy, Styles and Roode had a half-decent television match to top it off as well.


On a similar note to earlier, I dont know who is dressing these wrestlers at the minute, but hats must go off to them. Sting looked far hipper than a man in his 50s should look. AJ Styles had a hooded leather jacket on, and a big silver cross. He looked the business. Bobby Roode wore a sweat as fuck designer suit and Austin Aries had jeans, a suit jacket and a V-neck shirt on. The presentation is far better than its been in a while on that front.



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That was a good episode (1st December)


Austin Aries and Kid Kash had a good verbal confrontation to continue their feud on the heels of Austin Aries betraying Kid Kash in their plan to double team Sorenson. Both guys have a lot of character, which leaves me hoping that Jesse Sorenson will develop some more when he returns to the screen.


James Storm also had a good verbal exchange with Kurt Angle, as quick as it was.


Gunner got to shine in a segment which was far more flattering to him than anything he's been involved with since he pinned Sting and AJ Styles about a year ago. After months of being this interchangeable extra in Immortal, he was his own man in this segment where he tore through some guys in a gym/boxing training facility.


The Knockouts match was fair game. I thought the end looked overly contrived with ODB holding the chair in place for Mickie's spin kick. One of Mickie's patented Lou Thez Presses in to ODB's overhead chair swing would have been far better.


They ran so many segments on Roode's family and friends expressing their disappointment. In fact, 1 or 2 were even played twice throughout the show!


Overall it was an enjoyable show, and Impact Wrestling is kept far fresher than WWE by having just 1 main show with various angles getting featured one week, but taking a back seat the next. My only complaint is that Final Resolution is going to feature mainly rematches from the last PPV. In the case of Hardy vs Jarrett, this is completely unwarranted. Hardy has pinned Jarrett 4 times in the last 2 weeks, does he really need to beat him again?

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Are they doing the Eastenders meets Terminator drums at the end of every episode of Impact now? I quite like it if it's their 'signing off' trademark.


Sting was amazing throughout this episode. As Ian said, looked far too cool for a man in his 50s.


I really enjoyed Aries/Kash. Both are as opposite as they can possibly be (Aries strolls down to the ring in sunglasses and his 'night out' gear and Kash storms down with his trackies on). I think Kash is the most intimidating bloke in wrestling, that says a lot about the way he carries himself, considering he's a midget (granted, a midget on 'roids). He's got that Steve Austin thing about him, the way he walks and talks makes you believe he's a legit hard case. I thought he was terrifying a few weeks ago, when he was cutting that promo on Mr. Football.


I really enjoyed what they were doing with Roode's character. The guy comes across as a complete bellend and most importantly, a star.


Gunner did indeed look boss throughout his segment. I think he'd look great if he shaved his head. He looks hard already, but I think Gunner with a 4 all over or something, it will make him look less like a midcarder.


TNAs roster is so much better than WWEs, right now. You can believe the majority of their roster can kick your Dads head in and the girly boys are booked like girly boys.

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Just seen this on digital spy:

TNA Impact Wrestling will remain available free-to-air for a further two years, after the broadcaster agreed a new rights deal with Challenge TV. The TNA programme will continue to air on Challenge every Sunday night at 9pm, just three days after it is shown in the US. TNA's monthly pay-per-view events, including Lockdown, Final Resolution and Bound For Glory, along with spinoff show TNA Xplosion, will still be shown on Wednesdays at 10pm. Challenge TV is broadcast throughout the UK and Ireland on Freeview channel 46, Sky channel 125 and Virgin Media channel 139. The channel started showing TNA Wresting in the UK in February this year, after the programme's previous home Bravo was shut down by Sky. Sky acquired Bravo, Challenge, Virgin1 and Living as part of its
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