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If I recall, prior to signing with TNA Rvd wrote a message on his website along the lines of "I've faced the biggest names in the wrestling world, so why do you guys want me to face the likes of Christopher Daniels?". Basically I think he's the perfect example of somebody probably being paid a lot of money to do very little. Personally I don't think he has a passion for the business any more and thus, doesn't feel motivated enough to go out and attempt to have decent matches anymore. He's still using all of his trademark spots, but it very much feels like he's ticking them off as he does so, and essentially just screams "phoning it in" in every way.


Despite this though, he still gets cheered, probably just because he's RVD and not down to his work ethic. For as long as he remains as over as he is, he'll continue to get used, and will continue to be a main player in TNA i'm afraid.

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I will always love him, not sure why.


He clearly cant be arsed, when he came over here (just before signing with TNA) he was asked if he was going to be joing them, he basically said, "i dont need to, i might, we'll see what happems" and then said a couple of things along the lines of, their not exactly WWE.


Fair play to him, TNA have a habbit of paying people a lot of money for doing fuck all, id do the same if i was him in fairness.


Again, im not sure why i think he's mint, just one of those strange things i suppose

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TNA are paying a lot of money for a lot Wrestlers who no longer seem to give a toss. They only really struck gold (excuse the pun) with Kurt Angle. He went to TNA with something to prove, and prove his worth he did. Matt Hardy went there also with something to prove, which he is mostly failed at, even though he is showing signs of improvement.


RVD, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner all signed for TNA after they had already done everything in Wrestling. It is big money for little work. They pay former WWE "Stars" huge money that the job security is so tight the motivation to perform isn't there.

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He's no spring chicken any more, and in interviews has already said family life and other stuff takes priority over wrestling. Which is probably why he's turned into someone who back in ECW he hated; what he is now. I guess money is the main motivation nowadays for him.


Only new thing I've seen of him is taking a couple of barbed wire bumps. But then I remember Sting took some thumbtack bump a while back. Oh well.

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Kevin Nash made a good point recently saying that for TNA to become big, they had to pay a shit load of money for people like John Cena and Randy Orton. People like Rob Van Dam have already peaked.


Nash said that TNA can become a major fed by signing Cena or Orton?


And isnt he also talking about himself there being a 'peaked' wrestler himself?

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Kevin Nash made a good point recently saying that for TNA to become big, they had to pay a shit load of money for people like John Cena and Randy Orton. People like Rob Van Dam have already peaked.


Nash said that TNA can become a major fed by signing Cena or Orton?


And isnt he also talking about himself there being a 'peaked' wrestler himself?


He said TNA should pull out all the stops to sign Cena, put alot of money aside for that kind of guy. I was the one that was saying Van Dam had already peaked.

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If you've seen Forever Hardcore, Terry Funk gives a little speech about how Hulk Hogan is a better wrestler than him because he made massive amounts of money doing the bare minimum whereas he has worked his arse off for 40 years and got relatively little to show for it.


I'm thinking RVD took that to heart.

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Before they gave the belt to him I think he was great fun to watch.. when the Abyss-Hardy-RVD shit began is where he lost faith I guess.


And Nash must know that guys like Cena and Orton will never set foot in that company. It isnt good for them individually, tehy know now that nobody comes out of TNA a bigger star. Jericho has also said this, they couldnt pay him enough.


There is a reason they get the guys WWE has dumped, you couldnt lure them away to your fed with the state its in.

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